Hello👋 Im Hershey Check out Episode 3 of WHO ARE YOU?
Finding people who are interested to read a newbie stories is tough job here. But I will be happy if atleast one person reads my work. Please comeup with feedbacks. Love~Hershey🩷 |
Hey there!😉 Hope All is well .. Hmmmm You still didn't read my work? So sad.Cause You're gonna miss the suspense. Suspense What ??Well Experience it by yourself!!!!!!!
Well that's all about my first episode😌.. Guess what?! Here's the continual episode Guyzzzz Excited?????Hop on🤗
Phew....that was all about my writing. #Episode3_Loading😉 Love~Hershey🩷... Ahh ah im waiting for you reply.....🙃 |
Hey there!😉 Hope All is well .. Hmmmm You still didn't read my work? So sad.Cause You're gonna miss the suspense. Suspense What ??Well Experience it by yourself!!!!!!!
Well that's all about my first episode😌.. Guess what?! Here's the continual episode Guyzzzz Excited?????Hop on🤗
Phew....that was all about my writing. #Episode3_Loading😉 Love~Hershey🩷... Ahh ah im waiting for you reply.....🙃 |
I'm just too tired.Too tired to know how I used to be before.little do I know those days,those days where innocence was there in the air and purity in the heart. The caressing hands that brushed my hair gently and the lullabies that i heard as a baby.All I know about these days,the days where no one gives a damn what's happening with you .Ruthlessness lingered in the air,with heartless people everywhere.still..but still those days are the days which felt GOLDEN! |
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mysterious visit and a tragic loss, leading to a journey of love and self-discovery.
#2320617 by Hershey
mysterious visit and a tragic loss, leading to a journey of love and self-discovery.
"WHO ARE YOU? [Episode 1]"
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