Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/gooberg
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Happy anniversary 🎁🎉🎁🎉🎁
Happy birthday
Yo, I just realized I never actually shared my profile for solo stories; I don't really post them here because they get like three views max, but they get better reception on other sites like DA or FA. If you like my foot fetish/giantess/forced shipping stuff, go ahead and check my gallery out, I've been WAY more active on there than here:


Also, Happy Halloween, dudes!
I've never heard of forced shipping. Is that like when I was in South Africa recently and couldn't mail anything because it would get stolen, so I was forced to ship it DHL? *Angelic* *Laugh* *Rolling* Okay, really, I don't know what it is, but I'm guessing that's different. lol

I did click your link, but it wouldn't show me anything. I am sure I've seen things on DA before, so it might be your settings? I don't know.

I hope you aren't counting your views here by how many reviews you get. You can see the actual number of reviews (not sure if you need a certain membership level) by clicking your gear in the upper right corner in the item. Maybe it's under Stats or something? I forget, but don't just think reviews or even fans are a true reflection of how much you're being viewed. And if you truly aren't getting many views, be sure you have your keywords set correctly since they are a primary thing that triggers you to appear in a search. *Wink* I know 2 of the things you mentioned are common and giantesses are quite popular here. I've met a lot of folks into them. *Smile*

Good luck!
Lover Of All Giantesses, making sure you two have met since you have a common interest in giantesses. *Smile*
happy anniversary
Happy birthday 🎂
Happy anniversary 🎉
Balloons 1

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/gooberg