Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/glarg1675
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M is for Malfeasance
Rip gene Hackman
JACE  Author Icon
He was a great actor. Man, to go two weeks with no one checking on them. That's tough.
Not to mention his wife and his dog.
I can't get "Avada Cadvra" out of my head! I'm sorry!
There is no time like the present
what should i do with this story "The HorsonsOpen in new Window.
I would fry some pizza
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Deep fried pizza pockets! Delivery?
I've only ever tried acrostic poetry
To learn about other types of poetry if you are interested, "The Poet's Place Open in new Window. is a good resource of information.
I added a new chapter to "The Old WayOpen in new Window.
Whale is named Wally
"you should probably leave" by Chris Stapleton
Two words to describe a Street Market: stalled stalls
Live fish!
i like adding horror to stories that i write
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Have you checked out this contest?

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Horror Writing Contest Open in new Window. (13+)
A contest involving writing a horror story. Simple, really.
#2273172 by S 🤦 Author IconMail Icon
I often use "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was"
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A useful mantra as one ages. I'm slipping... mentally and physically. Doesn't mean I don't have good days; it's just those wobbly moments that give me pause and concern those around me.
My old writings
Starfish aren't related to fish at all
Don't tell me they're related to stars.
Bilal Latif Author Icon - there are not related to stars but they are related to some people I've met
Three words to describe tangled wires

Call the electrician
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/glarg1675