Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/gill86
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Hi I was just wondering could i use what points i have saved up and earned from my reviewing would RAOK help me out with the rest,,, is that possible, if not its fine just thought id ask...
I havent been on in a while as my daughters grandfather died so times have been bit tough but I realized I missed writing so im back and im going to write everyday

If im 100percent honest I thought I was good at making up stories until I joined wdc and realised how bad i am compared to all you wonderful writes on here I was feeling like whats the point, but Iv realised that life is too short so 2024 Is my year to improve my writing.
Hi Gillian *Smile* First, no one can nominate themselves for RAOK assistance. Secondly, never, ever compare your work with someone else's. We're all doing our best. It can be scary to put our work 'out there' but it's a good way to learn.

Good luck as you follow the path that leads to YOUR personal success, always keeping your eye on the star that awaits you. *Star* You can do it!
Nixie 🦊 Author Icon - thank you so much,, I want to send u a gift badge , was it you that asked for a cat, id like you to have mine x just figuring out how to send it to you.
feathers86 Author Icon - Great job figuring out how to send a MB> I have one for you coming right now.
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Hi i started doing reiki healing sessions and was asked to journal x
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

*BalloonB* *BalloonG* *ConfettiG* *BalloonO* *BalloonB* *ConfettiB* *BalloonP* *ConfettiO* *BalloonB* *BalloonR* *ConfettiR* *BalloonV*
see above.

Happy 1st!!!
Here's to many more!
Kindest Regards, Lilli
*Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV* *Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV*
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looking for a bit of feed back...tried to do a short story ?? any help is wanted thanks
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Hi everyone,, I have not done much writing in ages, I decided to start small so here is part one of my story... can you give me some feedback please
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Did everybody have their Pancakes for Pancake Tuesday or is it just an Irish tradition?
Every year we make Pancakes x
Yummy! I like that tradition🍀☕
Well, it's Fat Tuesday - Pancakes seem like a great idea to me! *Bigsmile*
We make pancakes every year on Pancake Tuesday and today ia Ash wednesday People go to the church and get ash on there foreheads and today is the start of Lent we all are meant to give up something for 40 days untill Easter Sunday.
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I just don't know where to start.          Do I make a character every day and b uild and eventually make a book help
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/gill86