Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ghostferno
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Ok so its been almost 3 years since I last did... anything here. I've been into gaming and other than finishing school and getting a job, I've just completely forgot about writing. The writer in me still hasn't died however, it's just I can completely write the scene I want in my head but not on paper, which leads to frustration. I'm posting this cause I may try to write a short story and see the difference in the way that I write, and I wanted to let... that nonexistent reader know that I'm still alive.

Again, in terms of LRP, I'm honestly most likely NOT going to keep updating it based on my ORIGINAL plan of writing. However, if my short stories can work out, I may be able to string along a good enough writing style to continue that project, albeit at a much, MUCH more manageable level of storytelling.
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

I'm back, thinking of making a short story unrelated to my first one. LRP will still be on hiatus indefinitely since it really is too big of a project for me to continue working on. However, I'll try and loosen up my rusty writing skills once more making some short stories for everyone. Got a bunch of ideas.
Ok so I've just realized that I could turn this static item into a book, so I ordered it by chapter and everything. I also discovered this thing called 'Advanced' options, so i fixed how the paragraphs were spaced (I am seriously sorry for those words being all cramped up together, since I was an idiot who didn't see this option).

P.S. I will still leave the static item version be, since there are reviews there that I would still like to look back to.
I will be preparing for school, and won't be updating much anymore. I have already stated this at the end of the first chapter, so this is only a reminder.

P.S. I will work on it whenever i have some spare time.
Alrighty! I've done corrections on the chapters and summary, so hopefully it will make much more sense now.

P.S. Ugh, Idk if I corrected everything, but man I'm so lazy to do any more proofreading myself. Feel free to point out any mistakes I've made and I'll do my best to correct it.
  •   1 comment
Woo! That’s fine. We all get like that sometimes
After some thinking, I will be changing the summary and how I address the gods in the novel. I believe it makes much more sense for the gods to stay gender neutral, with them being such higher entities and all.

P.S. I won't make them emotion-less, but I will make them have some human emotions. I'll update the summary and chapters with more grammar and other corrections soon, but not really right now. Also, releasing new chapters just makes it more confusing for me since the other chapters still need more corrections, so chapter 4 will be released even later.
Alright! Chapter 3 of the novel has just been posted!

P.S. I also added a little something something at the end.
It's gonna take me more time to write the other half of the chapter, so I just decided to leave the action and whatever to chapter 4 instead. I'll be doing some corrections on what I wrote so far, and I'll post it today after.
I got about half of it finished, but still thinking about what kind of action to put in.

Totally not procrastinating.
I'm writing some action on this chapter, so hopefully I'll do a good job. I've really only read about action descriptions from other stories, so this'll be a new experience from me.

I'm both excited and terrified by this, so I would appreciate some feedback on how I did when I publish it.

P.S. Chapter 3 will be longer than the other two chapters, but shorter than the prologue. I will try to correct mistakes on it, but to keep my imagination alive, I will just be posting rough drafts instead of scrutinizing every single word I wrote.

It might get messy, I don't really know, but I hope this'll help me bring out more content. I'm already going crazy since so much plot and future planning of the story keep continuously appearing in my head, despite the fact that I'm still at the beginning of the story.

Lastly, feel free to just send me a message if you want to say your thoughts on my story so far. I could use some support ;-;.
Okay I've got some free time now, so I will be trying to write the new chapters.

P.S. When I was writing, I realized that being so descriptive really just made me feel so confused, stressed, and unmotivated to continue. For this reason, I will just be less descriptive about details, and focus more on the story instead. I will still be editing and correcting each and every chapter, but I feel that since I'm on a time crunch on not having much time when school starts, I really need to do this later and not now.

Researching stuff online and trying to detail everything just feels like homework for me. I hate doing homework. I'm writing this novel as a side hobby for fun, not as a serious career.

Oh, and I also added the summary for the story at the very beginning, since I forgot to mention this to you all.
  •   1 comment
I’m glad you realized that. Good luck *Smile*
Whew, I have more responsibilities now, so I can't really work on the story much anymore. Perhaps the weekends will be better, but no promises ;-;.
Ok so I just posted chapter 2, but it's just a rough draft again. I'll try to update it tomorrow.
;-; ok so I posted the updated versions of the prologue and chapter 1, but I still have to start creating the new chapter due to me procrastinating.... Hah, I'm lazy. I'll get to work now TuT.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ghostferno