Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/geja8856
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Have you missed me?! *Bigsmile*

I tend to fall off the face off the Earth whenever I disappear. One more week. One more week! Then I should be back to a somewhat more of a scheduled presence. I missed WDC's birthday and all the fun activities, but it couldn't be helped.

A lot going on in my life - what else is new?! *Facepalm*

Just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and kicking and will be back soon. As always, I've missed you guys! *Heart*
Glad to see you pop in, Gaby! Take care! We'll see you soon.
Miss you bunches! Looking forward to your return! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
Good to hear from you.
Hey, guys! *Heart*

I feel like I've fallen off the face of the Earth, but I'm trying to get back. Well, I've finally unearthed my PC but the house demo took three times as long. Old house, unexpected surprises. *Sob* I'm really hoping to be able to get back into some kind of routine by the end of next week *Headbang*. There are still things that I have to do and catch up on, so please, have just a little more patience with me.

I miss you guys and this place! *Heart* *Kiss*
Do not rush things. We will be here when you find your way back. I too have a lot to catch up on. One step at a time.
So glad to hear from you! I've been wondering how you were. *Heart* *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

*Flowerw* *Heart* Happy Mother's Day! *Heart* *Flowerw*

Happy Mother's Day, Gabby, and all WdC Mothers!
seasonal clipart
Happy Mother's Day
April went behind the house. She didn't see anyone. The long grass covered the field. She wouldn't have noticed the stranger's footprints in any way. She turned to walk back.
That's when April saw them. Footprints that led to the road. And they passed by Auntie Janet's potato patch! So a stranger had snuck in here. But how had he managed it without April noticing?
Hey, WdC! *BigSmile*

I have resurfaced - somewhat! There's still some MBs to be given out and what not but the majority of things for "Game of Thrones have been given out. Meaning, if you know you're owed an MB or two, they'll arrive, if not soon, then within a week or so.

Other than that, I'll be taking it easy the rest of this month, if not even next month. I still have the official contest to judge *Rolling* and my little one starts Kindergarten at the end of the month which I'm completely anxious about but such is life. I might elaborate some more on how the month of April went on my side in a blog entry, but there are a few things I need to work on before and so on.

I hope those who participated in the games have enjoyed themselves somewhat. *Angelic* To those who like to hang out on the Newsfeed, I hope you didn't mind the posts too much. I also want to thank everyone who made donations to the game, large or small. Without you guys the game wouldn't have been possible! *Heart* Several groups benefited from it as well as the participants who deserved it.

Again, thank you all for everything! *Heart* I love this community SO much! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
Thank you for all my GoT goodies, Gaby. You and your helpers have been wonderful this year, as always. I don't blame you for needing a rest now. You deserve it *Heartv*
You are a real inspiration to those aspiring to be a part of Writing.Com, Miss Gaby. I know I got WAY more out of participating in "Game of Thrones than I put into it.

Thanks for all you did for us all.

Remember: Rest is a weapon.
You guys have been amazing this year! *Heart*
Still breathing? *Laugh*

Just checking...
I know the wait was long but well worth it! I'd like to announce the win of the amazing warriors who've participated in "Game of Thrones 2024. You guys did an amazing job and I'm proud of each and every one of you. The prizes will follow throughout the week, but I know they've waited long enough to find out who won.

Congratulations!!!! *BigSmile*

Image for Activities and Random Things

1st Place ~ Free Folk

Total Points: 4,343,632

2nd Place ~ Targaryens

Total Points: 3,063,290

3rd Place ~ Florent

Total Points: 2,624,390

4th Place ~ Lannister ~ 1,997,054

5th Place ~ Martell ~ 1,191,312

6th Place ~ Mormont ~ 415,657

7th Place ~ Night's Watch ~ 27,243
Way to go, Everyone! Congrats Freefolk and the top 3 - as well as everyone - you all poured your heart and soul into GoT and I'm proud of everyone! Woot! Woot~! *Bigsmile* *Heart* *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*


Congrats to the Free Folk, the Targaryens, and our wonderful allies, the House Florent! *PartyHatV*

And well done to everyone, especially my Lannister Ladies. You all can be very proud. *Heartv*
It's the last day for the amazing warriors over at "Game of Thrones!! *Bigsmile*

Aren't you happy that you won't see any more posts about the game? Yeah? Of course you are. But they can use that one last push to keep going. 1K in GPs is appreciated as well.

Give 'em a cheer! *Heart* They did an amazing job.

Gaby, will your item be viewable after the competition? *Laugh* Cause I still wanna do them. Must not be in my right mind. I think I'll do them until the next GOT is due. *Laugh*
Elycia Lee ☮ - Yes, it will. I won't remove anything from the forums any time soon so have fun. Copy things so you can have them saved.

Better late than never. *Bigsmile*
Gaby ~ Way behind! - When I have a proper landing ground. *Laugh*
As you might have seen from the newsfeed posts by the warriors,
"Game of Thrones is officially over!

It has been a harrowing month, with maybe a small hiccup, but overall, it was an amazing tournament with great warriors, wonderful participants, and not to forget superb supporters who cheered them on. I think this was our best year yet even if the participation was cut in half. I do hope they've enjoyed the game as much as I've enjoyed running it.

I know that everyone is eager to know the final outcome. So am I! It'll be a few days before I get there and announce official numbers. I'm packing up my house for a complete renovation and leaving tomorrow night, but I'm hoping to have the final numbers by the end of the weekend. I know, I know. Everyone is curious about who won, but to be honest, all of you were amazing! The game has always been demanding but never as much as this time. Be proud of yourselves for all the hard work you've done.

There will be a lot of prizes to give out! After all, we raised a total of

23,469,763 GPs

Thank you for the smooth ride! You have no idea how much easier that made things. *Heart* I'll be back as soon as I can to do the final numbers. In the meantime, back to the standard WdC news. *Bigsmile*

These Games have been a pleasure to participate in. Thanks, to you and your helpers for all you hard work. And, congratulations to everyone who took part. Now … Relax.
Choconut - you're not my mom!

I don't have to rela*Sleep*
Geez, man, I can't even mL right anymore. *Yikes*

Congratulations to all the participants! And thank you Gaby!
Three more little days of Game of Thrones

You can do it!
You Can Do It

Only a few more days to go, Gaby! We are heading down the homestretch!
We're almost done!

I believe in you!

*Strong*You can do this! *Strong*

Group Gift Point Balance: 21,875,013 GPs

I like to help and reward people.
Do you?

Head on over to "Game of Thrones
drop a coin or ten!

These warriors haven't even worked this hard at their own jobs!
Support them!
  •   1 comment
You might want to consider transferring ten million of those GPs to me; for safekeeping if someone raids your hoard. Just an idea.
Whops! Did GoT really break WdC? *Worry* I know people joked about it before but... *Sob* I didn't do it!
I was online so I watched WDC crumble after this was posted "Note: For some time now I have been considering becomin...". *Laugh* That and the wind of Westeros blew the snow over to today. *Laugh* It was the snowstorm and some stray ghosts that claimed to be a writer.
Wait, so having everybody NOT playing GoT yesterday broke the servers? That makes no sense, so it has to be true.
Once again I defer to Sgt. Schulz. I know nothink...

To our dear Keeper of the Realm,
sending countless thanks for your hard work!
GoT has been challenging and interesting!

Lilith of House Martell
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Many thanks to our Keeper of the Realm!
Your hard work and dedication are appreciated!

Lilith of House Martell
Unbowed *Bullet* Unbent *Bullet* Unbroken
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/geja8856