Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/frigid
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My streaks are maintained.
I've finally made through all the unread emails that have been building up. Yay for being caught up!
My streaks are maintained. I've got a dentist appointment tomorrow, so I'll be off to bed soon.
The streaks are maintained and, now for bed.
My streaks are maintained, and I made headway on my emails. Now off to bed.
My streaks are maintained. I will be off to bed shortly. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, but it's only a cleaning.
My streaks are maintained and continuing steadily. Now, off to bed.
  •   1 comment
The streaks are maintained, though I still need to finish reading though the newsletters in my emails. I'm slightly behind.
The streaks are maintained for the day. Now, I'm off to bed.
My streaks are maintained and now off to bed.
My streaks are maintained. Now, off to bed.
So, I had to restart three of my streaks again because I missed a day and didn't realize until the next because I thought I'd done them. The new streaks are maintained and now I am off to bed.
Still on a roll with my streaks. Now, off to bed because I have an early day tomorrow.
My streaks are maintained. I'll be off to bed shortly.
  •   1 comment
Jeff  Author Icon
Well done!
         — he says, posting to maintain his own newsfeed streak... *Laugh*
I'm on a roll maintaining my streaks. Let's see if I can keep the momentum.
Good job! 😊
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/frigid