Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/finder101
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Time permitting, I plan to come back and stay a little longer. Happy 1st WDC Anniversary!
Happy anniversary 🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
Hello there! I found your portfolio in a roundabout way. It was a note you left on the redemption vignettes contest page. Isn't that usually the way here? I have read a bit and am enjoying every piece. I did review "To My Younger Self". Pleased to make your acquaintance.
The "authors search" seems to be not working...how do you go about searching for a specific author here?
I have the same problem!
This might be more a problem for "Bug ReportingOpen in new Window. because I can't see how you're doing something wrong. I also can't get the page to come up. I tend to report things as bugs when they are really user error. *Blush* But for real this time, I think it's REALLY a bug. *Angelic* *Bigsmile*
Thank you to Technical Support for getting this feature back on line so quickly.
Welcome Batmaninwuhan and Uschibear! Several writers are coming here from theprose.com and are finding this format difficult to direct...but we are trying. Please welcome these new writers and help support their efforts to understand this site. Thank you. Finder101
I'm on my phone so I won't link it, but there is the Writing.Com 101 in the upper right corner for a jump start.

I have a brain injury from Iraq and definitely found it challenging to learn WdC, but 7 years later, I still say it was worth the beginning effort. *Bigsmile*
Welcome to WdC, Finder101 Author Icon, Batmaninwuhan Author Icon, and uschibear!

Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author Icon referred to "Writing.Com 101Open in new Window. – it's a great resource to browse through for answers to questions and to get to know the site. I was initially overwhelmed by so many items to click and things to learn, and there are many resources and activities happening all the time. It is definitely worth taking the time to click around and get to know your way around. I spent my first few weeks watching the Newsfeed, noticing the members who posted frequently, fanning writers (more on that in another post - maybe by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs or another moderator (look for the blue/purple cases next to names) who can explain it more succinctly than I can), and commenting on posts that piqued my interest.

I'd suggest you take a look at member portfolios – you can click on handles (names) when you see them in forums or on the Newsfeeds for a drop-down menu. Check out The Hub  Open in new Window. (get there by clicking Community in the left menu bar, then The Hub near the top) for current events; many other links from Community are great and most are self-explanatory. Of special note are "Noticing NewbiesOpen in new Window., which is a forum to chat with other writers new to WdC, and "Writing.Com General DiscussionOpen in new Window., where you can ask questions and get to know a bit more about how things work. The "Newsletter AreaOpen in new Window. is a vast knowledge base with a searchable archive, with issues that cover writing tips as well as WritingDotCom tips.

Other questions or things that you can't make sense of? Come back here to the Community Newfeed – different from your private Newsfeed, which is listed under your email in the left menu. We're a friendly bunch, and helpful when we can be. You can also click Need Help? at the top right of your screen for Technical and Non-Technical questions.

Good luck, and again, Welcome! We're always happy to meet new writers!
She meant PERSONAL Newsfeed, not private Newsfeed. *Wink*

I'm only succinct when I'm on my phone and sometimes not even then. *Laugh*

To clarify, your Personal Newsfeed is the same as the Community Newsfeed except that your Personal Newsfeed filters out people whose plus sign you haven't clicked yet. (When you click someone's, it's best to double click until you see the megaphone because some of us reward our fans. If you single click, we aren't notified and can't reward you. *Wink*)

I highly recommend the Community Newsfeed, especially in the beginning when you don't really know anyone. It lets you know more about what's going on around the site than your Personal Newsfeed.

To get to the Community Newsfeed, click Newsfeed, which takes you to your Personal Newsfeed. Then, along the top of your Personal Newsfeed, you'll see "View the Community Newsfeed." Click that to see what everyone is posting (within your rating limit). *Bigsmile* Scroll, Like, comment, and start making friends!

Welcome to WdC! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
Hi, I'm Finder 101 and joined writing.com today. I worked for 30 years as a commercial writer doing ad copy, web content, technical and marketing materials...as a break I enjoyed keeping a diary of my thoughts and life events mostly in free verse but occasionally in short stories based from my life. I enjoy memoirs, non-fiction and spiritual reads and always try to write with purpose and intent. I look forward to meeting and mingling with many of your here, sharing interests and helping each other become better writers together.
Welcome to writing.com.

I would suggest you check out the community newsfeed if you want to see everything going on around here. You get to it by clicking on the newsfeed tab to the right and then the community tab at the top.

When you get there you can save any newsfeed notes you find cool by clicking the little down arrow in the top right of the note.

If you find a person interesting and you would like to see there posts on your personal feed you can click on the plus sign to the right of their name until you see a finger with a bow that means you have favorited them. If you click it again, till you see a megaphone then you have fanned them.

Fanning people is a good way to encourage them to fan you. Then your posts show up on their personal feeds. Not every one checks the community feed every day.

If you have any questions you can respond to this comment with them and I will answer if I can. I would suggest fanning Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon she is a fount of knowledge and she runs a challenge that is an excellent way to get to know the contests on the site.
Image Protector
The Contest Challenge Open in new Window. (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon

It's a fun and rewarding challenge. I have completed every month since it began and she showered everyone who had with gift points and Merit badges this last January.

I am going to let you ruminate on all of that for now. Have fun on the site and write on!
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon of course YOU would beat me to posting!

Oh God just reread my post and it was full of cringe worthy mistakes.
Here's a quick and easy way to fan St. Patrick's Sox Author IconMail Icon. *Bigsmile* Just double click that plus...if you want to, of course. *Wink* But as you see, she's definitely pretty awesome and obviously helpful. Even if she does say that the Newsfeed link is on the right when it's on the left. *Laugh*
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/finder101