Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/evilguy
Please follow an 18+ rating.*

I hope everything's OK. It's been a while since the last time you were online. I look forward to seeing more chapters from you.

I hope you're doing OK. I haven't seen you online on this site for a while. Please email me whenever you get a chance.
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*Fireworks2*     *BalloonR*     *ConfettiR*     *BalloonG*     *BalloonR*     *ConfettiB*     *BalloonG*     *BalloonR*

*Fireworks4* *Space* Happy Birthday! *Space* *Fireworks4*

*BalloonG*     *GiftT*     *ConfettiB*     *BalloonG*     *ConfettiR*     *BalloonB*     *ConfettiR*     *Fireworks4*

Your friend Nick Knight is looking for you. He has not seen anything since August 22nd. Please contact him.
A special day is coming up for you this month.

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

Hey, there! Your buddy, Nick Knight (mickeyknight) is still concerned about you. When you get a second, please drop him a line. I'm sure he'd appreciate it. *ThumbsUpL*
Where are you Nick Knight is worried about you, please contact him. *Smile*
The sequel is done! Please enjoy "The Five Forgotten 2!"
Just a quick update here, the sequel to "The Five Forgotten" is almost done and it'll be ready in another day or two. For now I'll just post a brief character spoiler for anyone interested:

Jack Crowley: Sauve gambler who's luck may have finally run out.
Marie Lopez: A female otaku who loves anything cute.
Kenji Takashi: A tough martal arts instructor with a big heart.
Jessie Tenebaum: A crazy (awesome) old lady.
Cindy Lowel: A street smart woman who's great at her job.
Not sure if anyone is going to read this, but my new interactive "The Five Forgotten 2" is almost done and will probably be released within a week or so. Before christmas, at any rate.
you're making a sequil? SWEET i'll add to it!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/evilguy