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My Heart Stolen By A Pirate
Chapter One: The Stranger's Rescue

As the salty breeze swept through the bustling port town of Mariner's Cove, I, Veronica Hansley, found myself in the midst of a tumultuous whirlwind of events I could never have imagined.

Born the daughter of a humble blacksmith, my life had been one of simplicity and hard work. But fate had other plans in store for me, as it so often does. Sullivan, the son of our esteemed governor, had set his sights upon me, determined to make me his bride. However, my heart remained untouched by his affections.

Despite my protests, Sullivan persisted, his intentions made clear to his father, who eagerly began arrangements for our wedding ceremony. The thought of marrying a man I did not love filled me with dread, but I saw no way to escape my fate.

As the day of the ceremony dawned, I felt the weight of my impending fate like an anchor dragging me down. Adorned in a gown that felt more like a prison than silk, I scanned the crowd for a glimmer of hope. And then, amidst the sea of faces, I saw him – a stranger whose gaze held a promise of freedom.

In that fleeting moment, as I stumbled before the altar, his strong arms enveloped me, steadying my trembling form. A whispered plea escaped my lips, a desperate cry for salvation.

"Help me, please," I implored, my voice barely more than a breath.

Before the stranger could respond, a stern voice shattered the fragile illusion of hope, pulling us back to reality. It was one of the governor's guards, ordering the mysterious figure to step away.

As I glanced over my shoulder, I caught sight of Sullivan, his smug grin betraying his satisfaction at the turn of events. And in that moment, I knew – if I was to escape this fate, I would need to rely on the courage and cunning of a stranger whose identity remained a mystery.

The heavy air of the chapel felt like a burden weighing down on me as I made my way down the aisle, Sullivan's tight grip on my hand like a shackle. It felt like moving in slow motion, the oppressive weight of duty dragging me down like an anchor into the depths of the sea. Every step was a step closer to my own demise, and the closer I came, the more I felt my throat closing up and my heart thumping painfully in my chest.

I stole a glance at my father, his eyes pleading silently for forgiveness as he stood helplessly by, a witness to the travesty unfolding before him. But even his unwavering gaze held no solace, for we were all but pawns in the governor's game of power and control.

As I reached the altar, my heart was pounding inside my chest, each beat feeling like a furious protest against the fate that awaited me. The priest's words washed over me like a distant echo, lost amongst the uproar of the sea which was ringing in my ears. The waves seemed to churn and crest around me, the light dimming as the clouds darkened.

"All are gathered here today," the priest intoned, his voice a monotonous drone that grated against my nerves. "To bear witness to the union of Sullivan and Veronica."

I felt my body stiffen, my heart thumping wildly in my chest. I felt my mind racing, my eyes darting around the room, searching for some way out of this. But I knew there was no escape. I was trapped in this moment, trapped within the walls of the church, trapped within this marriage. I fought the urge to roll my eyes as Sullivan flashed me a smug grin, with every gleaming tooth-bearing evidence of his satisfaction. As I stared into his eyes, I felt my own will being slowly taken away, replaced by his own.

I searched desperately for the stranger who had offered me a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos, but he was nowhere to be found, swallowed by the sea of faces that surrounded me. I wanted to scream, but my voice was lost in the crowd. My lungs burned as I fought for air, my cries going unheard. My throat felt constricted, like a noose tightening around my neck, and I felt my hope slowly fading away. I felt myself begin to drown in despair, my vision starting to blur.


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Hi guys if you happen to visit my timeline, please check my chapters from my novel Taming the Heartless Billionaire and leave some reviews about it. I really appreciate it. Thank you!

Welcome to the site. There's a page you can advertise your work for review:

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I used it when I first joined last year, and it did lead to some reviewing.

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Good luck! *Smile*
Hi guys if you happen to visit my timeline, please check my chapters from my novel Taming the Heartless Billionaire and leave some reviews about it. I really appreciate it. Thank you!
Hello Erica

Welcome to Writing.Com. I noticed that you have only a few items in your portfolio. Remember, a free membership gives you up to ten. Make good use of them.

Check out "The Writing.Com Shop if you want to have more portfolio space.
You've been busy with the few weeks of joining Writing.Com. Three chapters already. You might consider posting them on "The Shameless "Plug" Page.

Best of luck with your writing endeavors.
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Please read the chapter three. You can visit me to read the other Chapters that are already published. Also please can you send me feedbacks about my work. Thank you.
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Please read and give feedbacks. Thank youuuu!
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Please read my work and give feedbacks. Thank you!
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