Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/epiphanyraps
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hey Writing.com, I'm new here and would love to meet you all.
Hello Epiphany and welcome to WdC!!!

In case you are still trying to find your way around here are two links that may help:
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The Newbies Academy Group Open in new Window. (E)
Need assistance and guidance. Stop on by!
#1949660 by ~ Santa Sisco ~ Author IconMail Icon

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Writing.Com 101 Open in new Window. (E)
Explanations and instructions of all things Writing.Com.
#101 by The StoryMistress Author IconMail Icon

Have fun and ask if you any questions, there's always someone around to help.

Kindest Regards,
Everything Quilli ☕ Author Icon said, and an additional hello!! Welcome!!

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/epiphanyraps