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Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I left the USA for 10 weeks of travel. I'm not sure what country I'm coming back to. Will my passport be enough or do I need all 4 grandparents' birth certificates?

I realize that many here are either oblivious to anything outside of their personal fantasy (some by choice), are quite aware but would rather not talk about it, or feel that anything unpleasant is never appropriate on the Newsfeed.


I have difficulty focusing on writing when I don't know... kinda like those who went through the fires or hurricanes. The uncertainty is nerve-wracking. It triggers traumas left over from being homeless years ago.

It's a pleasant day here in Thailand and I only have one week to go.

I'll try to keep my angst in my blog "Hoarfrosts from HellOpen in new Window., this mentioned in my most recent entry "A Room Of My Own, Surprise! Open in new Window. as well as previous and future entries or in my Taboo forums "Taboo forum: human rights Open in new Window. "Taboo forum: ReligionOpen in new Window. "TABOO forum: politicsOpen in new Window. "TABOO forum: sexOpen in new Window. or "Blogville Open in new Window..

Been watching the horror unfold on UK News it's unbelievable, my heart goes out to you {sure:enga} and to America, although his actions will enivitably affect the whole World. May the God he states saved him help us all *Rolleyes*
S 🤦 Author Icon - What do you mean Australia is a police state?

Being from the UK I understood it was notoriously difficult to emigrate to Australia unless you have a "trade" the Australian authorities want {medical profession etc) or you have a lot of money?
Jellyfish Hello 2025 🙂 Author Icon - I'll explain police state when I'm at a computer, not on my phone.

As for emigration, it is a process, but UK, USA and Canada nationals have to go through less hoops. Not difficult, per se, just long. And as for a trade - that speeds up the process. At the moment, plumbers and sparkles are really getting rushed through!
Just want to know what others think...

1. Have you ever listened to radio shows? The Ancient among us may remember...
2. Does horror work better in audio-only (radio) or audio-visual (television, movies).

#2 is a specific question for S 🤦. Plus would like to hear from THANKFUL SONALI Love my family.

Personal reaction after listening to some of "The Shadow Knows": they speak faster than I can listen and some have a harsh accent I find difficult to understand.

Humble Poet PNG Author Icon - I'm HSP... highly sensitive. I easily fill in the blanks with whatever emotion I feel. I don't do well with hyper-realism, pranks or ...
Kåre เลียม Enga Author Icon - For me, the great thing about that is the way my changing moods and thought patterns give me a whole new experience each time I read something. Age gives different perspectives too.
Humble Poet PNG Author Icon - I can see that. My perception of pineapple was changed in Costa Rica when I could actually get it fresh out of the field. Brussel-sprouts? When my sister broiled/baked them as our mother didn't have a clue. My taste buds have also changed as I aged. Thailand... like peeling onions. I'm learning daily. I'm moody so that's also a factor. I'm learning to let go.
Amazing blog post:

"Growing upOpen in new Window. by sindbad Author Icon

If you're still here... you've endured.
  •   1 comment
Thanks 👍 for sharing, definitely worth reading!
Since it's now January... can I assume that this contest is now open?

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First and Second Chance Poetry Contest Open in new Window. (E)
Submit both new and old pieces of your awarded or non-awarded poetry.
#2300286 by 👼intuey Author IconMail Icon
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It is very bad form to call anyone out on the newsfeed in a passive aggressive way.

The correct way to find out if a member is opening a contest is to send another email and then wait for an answer.

Running contests is work.

Demanding free labor from others because you want something reflects very badly on YOU and not on the host.
First, I should thank StephBee for the pretty ribbon.

Second, I agree with Steph that it's still pertinent today (created in 2006).

Third, It wouldn't exist without the wonderful entry from Prosperous Snow celebrating that I used to create it.

Fourth, I now know how to check answers! D'uh...

We have the power to change the world Open in new Window. (E)
Fellow blogger Prosperous Snow believes the future is bright. I strongly agree. Do you?
#1142599 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
I just wrote something for

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What a Character! : Official WDC Contest Open in new Window. (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support Author IconMail Icon

Now I need to submit it and remember to edit tomorrow.

I also need to right down two pieces I wrote today and choose my entry for

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Vagrant Vignettes Open in new Window. (E)
Write a vignette. December 1st till December 31st, 2024. CLOSED
#2299889 by WakeUpAndLive Author IconMail Icon


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SENIOR CENTER FORUM Open in new Window. (ASR)
The Place for Seniors!
#427318 by Kit Author IconMail Icon

Both are due by midnight New Years Eve in NYC... or else...
I must write today. Deadlines loom. *Shock2* I have an idea and a working title "Futsu densha". (普通 futsū-densha... the slow train) Two themes come to mind: Spring and cherry blossoms (hanami) going north towards summer/adulthood; Autumn and leaves changing colors (momojigari) going south before winter/old-age. Or "Change" (変化 Henka).

There are three reasons for becoming a writer: the first is that you need the money; the second that you have something to say that you think the world should know; the third is that you can't think what to do with the long winter evenings.

Quentin Crisp *HeartRainbow*
I have a fourth reason: to keep those voices in my head quiet.
stevengepp - Yeah... given enough free rein... maybe they'll run away and get lost.
I didn't grow up in Montana and I'm not an average American that can write about average Americans with their average issues. I also don't write Barbara Cartland romance novels.

I can imagine myself as a tsunami or a hurricane or even a two year old child (but that's really stretching it...). I don't mind weird prompts if I can wrap my mind around it and write.

But... I'd rather write about what I've observed, dreamt, or experienced.

"All Life Is Fiction"

And some fiction is closer to reality and some is more useful. Non-fiction writing can creep me out when it seems to be generated by AI. I will write about MY travels-and-tears in Thailand; but it's not to be confused with a tourist brochure. Easy to google all that mis-information.

"I didn't grow up in Montana and I'm not... Open in new Window.
AP headline: "Judge rules Arkansas law allowing criminal charges against librarians is unconstitutional."

Good news... but... Do not assume that your rights to speech or thought are sacrosanct in the USA.

As I told Jeremy: I want to write a gay YA or MG story with an ASR rating that'll be banned in Oklahoma.
So, if a librarian shoots me because I talk above a whisper, my murderer cannot be punished? *Shock2* I'm confused.
Humble Poet PNG Author Icon - If you talk above a whisper no jury will find the keeper of books of knowledge guilty! *sarcasm*
Ah, Enga!
The poet, the traveler, the blogger, the lover of odd-vampire-jokes, and everything inbetween!
(although I did read somewhere that you were concerned about your traveling future?? *Frown*)
Let's hope that isn't something that will prevent you from doing what you love best.
All the same, I wish for you to have a wonderful holiday season!

  •   1 comment
Thank you. I'm still concerned about traveling. Today is a 'rest' day. I need to plan where I'm going tomorrow though.
Since I need to get back to my vampire stories... Dark Blood for Dark Thoughts:

Vampires suck blood for Vitamin D coz they can't go out in the sun themselves.
You ever think about that?
No. You only think about yourself.

Lynn Boyd: No one is stopping vampires from going to the damn drug store for some cod liver oil...they're open after dark..... They could stop just thinking of themselves 😱

Nicholas Hill: late night shopping hasn't always been a thing when was the last "vampire attack"?... well ... not since late night shopping and cod liver oil I think. coincidence maybe but do we need to continue this hate for no good reason?

Andy Pesorda: They've make pills for years to fix that very problem. You can also buy them online and get them delivered and wait until the sun goes down to go out and get them. Stop making excuses for vampires - you're only enabling them.

Julie Poisson: Actually we suck the oxygen in your blood because ours get "kill" by the venomous vampire blood, he destroy oxygen cell, so that's all, pretty easy you stupid and lucky oxygen carrier!

Nick Senior: Haven't you read Stoker's fable!? 😉 Sunlight only weakened Dracula. It did not hurt him and he could walk in the daylight quite happily.

Barbara Bercsényi: "Say you're vampira and needed plasma and I'm dying from chronic asthma.. I'd leave my deathbed to drop some blood for you... Just for you"

A thank you to ForeverDreamer for sharing this on bookface.
But vampires can go out in the sun! It makes then sparkle!
stevengepp - Only if they're ab-fab. *Laugh*
My response to Brian K Compton "The Seasons I Did Have…Open in new Window.

A new piece *Smile* in a blog old enough to vote! And born in America...

...and can't be deported.

in waves
~ tidal ~
sand to your shore

My emotions are tidal. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost sight of the shore.

Someday my bloated body will be an enigma to [yet-to-be-born] voyeurs.

I'm reading Malaysian poet Malachi Edwin Vethamani's book "Rambutan Kisses". I'm enjoying it and hoping it will inspire me to write.

Update: Some good advice regarding on-going my dilemma. One solution may be vitamin 12. "I may need to stop traveling. Open in new Window.
This may be my last trip unless I can figure out a better way of traveling.

Suggestions needed.

"I may need to stop traveling. Open in new Window.

I need to flesh out my options when I can think straight.
I would like to assure everyone that I'm okay. But. Every day a new problem. 14 days of stress. Almost every day.
Hang in there K,it seems every place has its up's and downs.
Weather and whatever's life is a freaking rollercoaster 🎢.

At least you have connections here 😉.
Thank you Anni Pon and DLSpirit~write r🙏🌳.

Another stressful day. I'm really really depressed.
Kåre เลียม Enga I hope things get better for you! The winter & holiday season can be really hard for a lot of people. Just remember you have people here that care about you!
Calling all POETS!

This is open NOW till January 3rd.

After a 3+ year hiatus... *Smile*

"Like a Song" Poetry Contest Open in new Window. (E)
"Lyrical Prompt" POETRY Contest - Reopened! Round 27 OPENS 12/03/2024 and Ends 01/03/2025
#1093986 by Revelry- inspiration needed Author IconMail Icon
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Kit  Author Icon
Looks interesting, thank you!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/enga