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Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Who here is worried about past media posts or feeling reluctant to post anything personal at all that might upset the powers-that be?

"Erasing social media posts"  Open in new Window.

in "Blogville Open in new Window. [XGC] (rating is set for maximum so anyone can just rant without self-censoring; most comments are 13+.)
Is the former Republic of America now ruled by King Donald the First?

Has Congress been replaced by the House of Loyal Lords and Ladies (soon to be all lords, no ladies)?

...or is this merely tongue-in-cheek?

In the Forum: "Long Live The King!"  Open in new Window.
Clairvoyant an Sense of De Ja Vue

Remember my post on November 12, 2022 "Note: Imagine a president for life, not a benevolent cha..."

Imagine a president for life, not a benevolent character. A scary person, a dark sociopath. Impossible you say, term limits, impeachment. No one is above the law. You need to read the Department of Justice memo on the subject,that says a president is above the law.

And the attached essay-story.

 Above the Law: Essay and a Scary Story Open in new Window. (13+)
Become a tyrannical president for life. Just follow the advice of a 1973 DOJ memo.
#2284946 by Damon Nomad Author IconMail Icon

Damon Nomad Author Icon - Yes. And here we are. A peaceful solution is slipping away... hour by hour.
Public displays of religion have long been accepted in the United States... as long as it's Christian.

There have been efforts in the last 50 years to curtail that, either banning all displays or by allowing other faiths to be represented.

However, will the New America, embrace Christianity as its national religion? Will private expressions of faith be tolerated?

What is your opinion? "Public v Private ... where are the lines? "  Open in new Window. "Taboo forum: ReligionOpen in new Window. [GC]
I have yearned to embrace all of humanity and prefer to live without bars on my windows or horse-blinders.

Others choose H.O.A.s and gated communities, one sex clubs, exclusive organizations.

To anyone who reads this... what am I missing?

Do you include/exclude... and why?

"Inclusion versus Exclusion... what am I missing?"  Open in new Window. in "Taboo forum: human rights Open in new Window. [18+]
  •   1 comment
Replied there. *Smile*
"He who saves his country does not violate any law."

Spoken like a true dictator, February 15, 2025.

Respond to "Monarchy?"  Open in new Window. in "TABOO forum: politicsOpen in new Window. [GC]

Anni Pon Author Icon - Congress could do something. They tend to act slow; but when his allies abandon him one-by-one... This isn't 1935. People around the world are watching in real time. His base in Appalachia is being flooded (FEMA?) and tariffs will be a punch in the gut for his followers in the 4 Dakotas (ND, SD, MT, WY). Beware the Ides of March.
Quite the leap from Kennedy’s quote.
Brian K Compton Author Icon - I hadn't thought of it that way. It's quite the opposite of what JFK said, isn't it?
Remember Andy and his contests? He did one about "tailgating". Take a famous phrase and respond to it. Kinda like a call-and-response. From way back when:

 Three "tailgaters", short and long. [40] Open in new Window. (13+)
Take a well-known line, add some words and make it rhyme.
#2214707 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon

So, for this Valentines Day, I chose three quotes that mention love and responded to them keeping the same cadence:

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." Emily Brontë, English novelist and poet
Yet we dwell on different planets, divorced by blame and shame. 8/6

"Passion makes the world go 'round. Love just makes it a safer place." Ice-T, American rapper
Compassion's a golden key, bridging chasms twixt you and me. 7/8 (bridging gaps of sex, gender, race?)

"Love does not dominate; it cultivates." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet & playwright
Hate propagates more hate; it separates. 6/4

I have an entry set on private with over 50 quotes to work with. *Bigsmile*

Thanks, the lines are great and the poem is terrific.
Love the concept and the "tailgaters" poems. Well done!
"Shadows and Light Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. has 8 entries when I checked. It's open until the 14th at midnight. You-all have time!

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[to hard eyes] Open in new Window. (ASR)
when a child catches her first fish and then releases it.
#2334977 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon

"First and Second Chance Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. really needs some love. Open till the end of this very short month. *Bigsmile*

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[to the crystal vase] Open in new Window. (13+)
...and the corrosive cries of whine and roses.
#2334907 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon

Both of my poems date back to 2014! They were book entries; but; I decided to make separate items of them. Neither has a view. Could you be the first?
  •   1 comment
Nice poetry!
I'm posting 18+ because the original Newsfeed post was E. By-the-way, I'm not upset with Jeremy or ruwth

Jeremy Author Icon - I want comments. I DO NOT WANT EMOTICONS on my DIARY! The *Angry* face is going to lead to more issues... I don't block people but I know of no other option.

Let me put it in other terms... there's no reason for me to have a blog here that others can read but not comment upon. If I wanted a private diary I could buy a book with a lock like a teenager. That's not what I want. I kept a handwritten private journal for 17 years... I only shared here what I wanted to share. My blogs here go back almost 20 years. Changing settings would be more than upsetting. Would I lose all those comments from friends? Some are dead.

I don't mind negative reactions to my forum posts. I don't want people to agree with me. I want them to engage me. But, an angry emoticon is just throwing a Molotov cocktail without a note of explanation (kinda like booing Taylor Swift at the SuperbOwl). As is blocking. I think I've only received one explanation over the years. In that case it probably was my fault.

The interactions here on WDC have been in decline for many years as the present (American) culture values clicks and participation rather than any dialog or discussion and "siloing" and "groupthink" have created comfort zones for many people and lead to a decrease in any civil discourse. I didn't join WDC to form my own cheerleading group. I'm not a groupie and I'm not fond of labels.

One option I just thought of... switch blogs. Put my more personal blog on XGC (to keep out the rabble) and use my generic, bland and boring "PortholeOpen in new Window. instead since I've only had two people ruwth and Wordsmitty ✍️ comment on my blog since January 1st. Others, like WakeUpAndLive, Sumojo, Elisa, Stik of Clubs and S 🤦 have commented elsewhere (apologies to those I've missed).

PS: I was never the popular kid at the playground.
Kåre เลียม Enga Author Icon - I understand. I enjoy getting "likes" on my blog entries, but I love getting comments, even if it's just a short comment like, "Thanks for sharing."
Wordsmitty ✍️ Author Icon - Every blog of mine has a trinket. Maybe it's time to add some more; however, I'm not big into bribes.

I think more people use the Newsfeed and forums to interact. They can get a participation award for that. I post about 350 blog entries in a year; Robert never misses a day. There are no participation awards for blogging.

I have put partial blog entries on the Newsfeed when I have something important to say; but usually I don't. I have many blogs listed as favorites and that's how I keep up.
I have to say I do rarely read blog entries unless I am participating in a blogging challenge (which is rare). Maybe you are right and there should be an achievement award for comments on a blog post?! And that would encourage people to interact more on blogs?
O Ye With Rose Tinted Glasses Living In The Past:

Ignorance. Americans were more ignorant and Ignorance is Bliss; therefore more BLISSFUL.

WW2, Korea, Viet Nam were not fought on USA soil. The Civil War and the Great Expansion West were sanitized

In the 1950s, people who did not conform to the ideal were invisible. The 1980s were all about the $benjamin$. Now hyper-masculine Bitcoin Bros rule.

If you loved Jim Crow and lynchings just wait... the late '20s may become known as the Age of Intolerance or, more poetically, The Twitching Twenties... as at the end of a rope. Some in the USA want the Glory of Germany 1939. Some of us disagree with that dystopian vision.

Fashion in music, art, food, media go through cycles, but Dachau and New Dachau (Guantánamo) remain.

Also... we are not always aware of the pain of others as children and as we grow older we forget pain (unless we carry personal trauma with us) and look at the past through rosy tinted lenses, as Patron Of Lost Clauses Author Icon points out.

If we live in the Past and ignore the Darksome Present, we will inherit a Future where dystopian fiction becomes fact.

My answer to todays' QOTD. You are free to agree, disagree, discuss or just share your disgust; but, I'm rating this 13+ to keep it civil. However, you may choose to respond pro/con vociferously here: "The Intolerant Twenties a.k.a. The Twitching Twenties."  Open in new Window. in this forum: "TABOO forum: politicsOpen in new Window. [GC]
Ms. TerrifyingTuber Author Icon - This is very true. Schools only teach what surrounding culture will accept. Many schools won't teach what is uncomfortable and many teachers have been silenced. The internet is a good source, but so are locals who are old enough to remember or who were taught a different history at home or learned about it through survivors.
I fear we're gonna learn the hard way that wars are not won with money. The whitewashing of history has been going on for decades and has now found its way into the government, by an immigrant no less. Every day is another disaster, again. Stealing our info, infiltrating payouts meant for deserving citizens who've pain into these programs their entire working lives, and kneecapping programs meant to inform and educate Americans daily regarding health and weather. Orange Puke voters I'm sure didn't think most of this would happen, but it's gonna affect/infect them eventually, one way or another. I'm just pissed that I wasn't in the FA crowd as much as I'm in the FO group. Apologies if I went off-topic.
Fivesixer Author Icon - That's a very polite response. Good restraint considering the severity of the situation. Rant on. *Hearto*

Super Bowl?

I won't watch the game. My team was eliminated and this particular sports event tends to get overemphasized and take forever or is over by halftime. Either way... I prefer watching a game sitting in the snow or rain on a cold hard bench.

I don't partake of the brew; but, I've been around those who do and Cole's decision seems to make best of a bad situation in this flash fiction I wrote almost 6 years ago. I'd forgotten the ending!

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Battle plan Open in new Window. (18+)
Cole couldn't untangle himself from daily family drama before his sea legs gave out.
#2190792 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
Kåre เลียม Enga Author Icon - Those sound like amazing experiences!! Bren & I both love to travel, but we can't do so as often as we'd like. We don't have what it takes. We have courage, fortitude, and very open minds. The personal characteristic we lack is wealth.
I live so far under a rock and care so little about sports that I didn’t even know today was Super Bowl Sunday. *Blush* *Laugh*
Allan Charles 🐾 Author Icon - Will you be using red and yellow ochre to paint the rock walls of your cave? The SB is hard to ignore. You could add a bird and a bull and something like a foot... nah... that'd just get the archaeologists in a tizzy, please the conspiracists, and the FBI knocking at your... does your cave have a door?
Jeremy: But but but Jeremy... racism doesn't exist; after-all we elected a n***** as president... oops...

2025: trans... the new n****r; muslims the new d*****-j**. Emperor Don and Il Doge Elon welcome the era of the New James Crow...

There has been a shift away from the Light... LET HATRED REIGN!
I hope people understand how frustrated I am. I hope they understand the pain and the sarcasm. I'm numbered in the millions; but, here on WDC? or bookfate, or any social media platform based in the US? People are scared... really scared.
Kåre เลียม Enga Author Icon - Frustrated? Yes. Scared? No. You want to come after me? I'll send you my fucking address. I didn't serve this country for 21 years to turn it over to an ignorant narcissist and his army of ass-kissers.
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
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[to grey stones] Open in new Window. (ASR)
and to the child —sitting alone— when hugged basks in the glow of feeling special

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[to the empty bowl] Open in new Window. (ASR)
...a moment's hunger sated... blessed

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[to the royal pew]  Open in new Window. (ASR)
when... once chagrined... it welcomes others to sit and join their feasts
Senator Klobuchar:

What is the difference between Greenland and Donald Trump?

Greenland is not for sale.


Klobuchar: Ok. For any Republican Trump Administration person who wants to throw eggs at me because of that joke. You can’t because they’re too expensive.

Does humor help while the country is on fire?

"Gallows humor? Does humor help?"  Open in new Window.

Or... when you're distressed?

in "Blogville Open in new Window.
Kåre เลียม Enga Author Icon - Unfortunately, there is more truth to that than some may think.
Kåre เลียม Enga Author Icon - Money protects people like Elon. And he's the richest man in the U.S.A.
Nixie 🦊 Author Icon - Agreed but Louis XVI was wealthy before he lost his head... just saying.
Adding new items of old pieces that were 'hidden'. Came across this one that made me think of Robert Waltz

There comes
a softening

to mathematics
when straight lines
and straight perceptions yield
to fractals
of rocky shores
of sandy islands
and melting icebergs
to equations
of you and I
and us.

© Kåre Enga [171.E2] (23 November 2014)

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[to mathematics] E2 Open in new Window. (13+)
There comes a softening... when straight lines and straight perceptions yield to fractals
#2334682 by Kåre เลียม Enga Author IconMail Icon
I'm still rereading old writings at some "ungodly" hour of the morning (la madrugada). Some are actually good:

Reread "Leather [148]Open in new Window.. Still like it. Jay (yes, I used his real name) will be going to Seattle for a battery replacement (pacemaker) soon. I read this to him long ago. He's Irish, so...

"Caveat emptor [#37 Chris]Open in new Window. [13+] Been awhile since I read this. Took me some time to remember which Chris (McGatha) and which place (Costa Rica). The place is easily edited in. Reminds me that I'll never fit in in Thailand.

"Oct 10th asst. High above the riverOpen in new Window. [18+] Yes, I remember writing this... It tries to tie in characters from other times and other vampire stories. It could be edited to make the connection to Rosa Velha and Rosinha clearer/stronger. Lucinda shows up in another story.

"Across his knee [85] (268 words)Open in new Window. [18+] I had forgotten where this was going... it hit me. Even if the reference to the photo is unknown by the reader they ought to be able to understand trauma and the kindness of a hand on a hand.

"Six minutes to six [151] (299words)Open in new Window. [18+] Strange; but writing 300 words... in a flash... leads to strange. Not sure what I could do with it; however, Norbanus responded with a sonnet! Awesome. *Smile* Review of "Six minutes to six [151] (299words)"

"Waking up [81] (298 words) Open in new Window. [18+] I know where I wrote this... or at least scribbled notes down. It's a vignette but could be the beginning of a story as Adherennium suggested. Lots of triggers today.

Daily Flash Fiction Challenge Open in new Window. (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the twisted raccoon Author IconMail Icon
is responsible for much of this... just saying... I prefer the three-random-words but today's prompt "“I can’t find it anywhere.” reminds me of my almost-daily search for my glasses... or most anything else.
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