Did something today that I have never done. I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried something new. Awesome part is I feel so energized. What have you done today that was out of the normal? |
what did you do? |
I wrote a different kind of poem called a Dodoitu. It turned out beautifully. |
I am looking for some tips on a problem I seem to be having. I am attempting my first story and I am stuck at the beginning I am not sure where the right place to start is. Does any one have a tip or two that might help point me in the right direction? I would appreciate any feed back at all. Cheers, Sammie Rose |
Depends on the story, Sammie. If you want to email me with a few more details I'll see what we can do to come up with where to begin. ![]() |
TJ Marie is right. I'm the same way when writing my novel. I have several pieces of the novel written where they could stand as short stories or even novelettes. I'll add them in as I continue to finish the whole novel. As I continued to write the novel itself I then figured out where to begin. I'm sure you will as well. If you'd like to get an example of what I'm talking about, feel free to peruse my port and my main novel and stories associated with it. "Bio of an Elfin Dragon. Elfin Dragon ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |
I have a new found respect for books after doing all the brainstorming and character sketches for my book. I will no longer read a book the same way as I have. They apparently are not as easy as they seem. Any of the rest of you have any input or something to add feel free. I am interested to know. |
Ah, yeah. It takes me 4-5 months to write fiction and poetry. I've been working on travel non-fiction for 2 years now! |
I hear you! Writing is a tough deal, but I can't seem to stop. Haha, sadly none of my stories have ever been finished, but with my current novel I am over-coming my fatal flaw in writing. The middle. I can give you the beginning and/or the ending of a story idea, and sometimes characters, but the middle is where I always fail. My stories though always seem to come about in different ways. A lot of times it happens that I'll get a character idea and will fully develop that character until they have their own voice in my head. Then later I will develop a story to put them in. Or they just hang around until I get an idea for a story, not based on a character, that they fit into. My current piece, however, began with an idea for a story and then I started designing characters for it. I barely had where to start, and the characters were little more than individual ideas. Un/fortunately this was my NaNoWriMo novel from last November, and I barely figured out that much before it started. I was also moving at that time, and when I had to start unpacking, I lost a lot of time and touch with the story that was struggling to come out as it was. I had to rewrite most of it for Camp Nano this month. But while rewriting I started working more on the characters, they were not interacting how they should of. I had a mood for the scenes, but it warped the relationships of the characters. So while rewriting I started a few characters sheets to help me. And I just now remember some advice given to me years ago. Sometimes "interviewing" a character tells more than the most detailed character sheets. Another idea is maybe a short story involving the character in question. Working on the storyline, I have recently found some of the best advice for me ever. When you're stuck ask, "What does the character want/need?" After I got to the end of my rewrite, I was stuck, as usual. I was looking for ideas for the next chapter and suddenly I an idea where to go after reading that. But it wasn't quite enough, and I thought, "How will the character do/get it?" Suddenly, I had my chapter. I even thought about what might get in the characters way of doing this, and that gave me a lead to a subplot and how to get one of my key twists to work out. I hope you might find some use from this, maybe a new way of looking at it. But yeah, writing takes a lot of work before you even start sometimes. |
I am starting my first short story today. Entitled Guardians. I am nervous as I have no clue what I am doing. But I am going to go with this inspiration and see what happens. I would love any tips to get over the jitters and the million reason why I shouldn't write it as I think my mind is producing in mass numbers. I hope today I successful I will post here as I get some written. :) |
no reason why you should NOT do this ![]() darn head cold. I cannot concentrate. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it. |
hahaha... I didn't even notice that! I guess I read it the way it was intended rather than what was actually said. Too funny! ~Lifelessons~ ![]() ![]() |
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry, because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion,. And medicine, law, business, engineering these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love- these are what we stay alive for." -Walt Whitman |
Just testing this out. Thought i would try to step of my comfort zone and experience something different. |