Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/doriner1984
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Meeting prince charming its so awesome

you go out on a few dates and start the best relationship

of all time suddenly introduced yourself to his

sexual appetite then you become regnant

at that very in-stint of hearing the news or reading the news

you should stop and think

Im just getting to know the dad, husband, or boyfriend

how am I possibly going to get to know a child soon to be an adult

I carry you for nine months in my body for free

adapting to your growth changes

wondering the whole time what characteristics we're going to share

if any at all

Its like giving birth to a stranger some men change after

roughly 6 months to a year so you never really know them either

how am I suppose to give an excuse for my child being something that I don't condone

People have to stop blaming the parents calming to have poor parenting

when we're simply giving birth to these unknown strangers

don't pretend you know them because you don't

alot of people all over the world are saying " I lost my child"

The question is;is did you lose your child or you never knew your child


By Dorine R Spruill


He woke up in a sarcophagus

wondering how he got there

flashbacks of a heated intimate romance

homoerotic times crossed his eyes

his flesh was torn and ripped to the bone

he couldn't even recognize himself

who was this man laying inside the casket

how did my life end he asked himself

a thirst for copulation that a women couldn't quench

he had no recollection of his immemorial affairs

the lethal injection probed into his vain

he was so young another life never fully lived

aids killed him at twenty-five years old

searching for satisfaction in retaliation

lead to his death forevermore

vengeance was his motive

set off to pay the world back for his unhappiness

he was majorly unsuccessful

stand before God and explain

your burning desire for a man

sentenced to live in hell

for a spiteful retaliation
How Much Does it Cost To Be Dead To The World?
By: Dorine R Spruill

How Much Does it Cost To Be Dead To The World?


secluded from day to day life

to live in the world but have no contact with regular civilian's

totally invisible

is it a particular breed of people or culture

or is their enchanting imagination a trend that separates them

just as a star who signs a contract to become famous

the money blinded the fact that as soon as their signature touched the paper

their life was over suicide becomes your final destination

the fans and paparazzi now control and follow you

going through great lengths to capture any moment they can to sell
your most prized possession your life captured in a photo album

Now whats the price to be free again? Death? Addiction? Court suites?

til death do us part a fatal marriage legal binding contract

Living life in the enchanted world

how much does it cost to be dead to the world?

a world full of costumes and fake names

Is it godly or a devilish ceremony

how is it they can tap into your mind

they become you knowing your every thought and action

control to the fifth power prophecy is the protection excuse

however, its the Illuminati moving all through your body

Who's epiphany was this? who's behind this ghostly event

as long as they control your life your dead not rich

so how much does it cost to be dead to the world

its free

bum rushed at every restaurant, hotel, party, grocery store, etc

how many people have slide the steel across their risk on the dotted line?

many a classic case of a star's slit wrist


The Invisible Mansion

By: Dorine R Spruill

dedicated to Mr. Edgar Allan Poe


Banished for years

I found myself wandering around on a sacred land

away from my normal life

I found sanctuary and peace in a unknown place

the stiff pacification allowed me to hear the

second hand stroke on the clock

everyday as the calignosity approached I would feel

a alacritous breeze on my right shoulder blade

without indecisiveness I continued to enjoy myself

turbulent and exasperated paying little attention to

the paranormal activity surrounding me

until a horde of banshees swarmed me

I had no idea what commenced this fright

my legs and feet were benumbed

I started to believe I didn't belong in this place anymore

After being forthrightly besieged

almost sure that these incorporeal beings

wouldn't understand my chronic vagabondage

It was time to migrate I was typhlotic to the fact

that it was an invisible mansion

where a shipwreck caused their souls to be buried their some even alive

I can hear the never ending snivelling in the dead of the night

penetrateing their voices into my ears

trying to abscond I became convulsed

the strange breeze brushed my shoulder blade again

only this time it stayed "what do you want?"

I asked the strange cadaverous speckle flash

it flashed at the entry walk way showing me an invisible door

that I had walked into a haunted invisible mansion

and could not get out until they released me

my eyes instantly became blood shot red

furious and rampageous I tried to run away but was pushed

to and fro by an unseen force was i indeed trapped in another dimension

I asked myself without skepticism I was ambushed
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/doriner1984