Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/diddi
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I just stopped by to give you a Birthday wish and tell you, you are very much missed.


Just stopping by to wish you a speedy recovery...
You are very much missed in the WdC community.
Lots of love and prayers...

free flower image
Hi there!

I see you're a member of the Angel Army Patrol so I'm dropping by to celebrate The WDC Angel Army 's 10th Anniversary with you!

May your halo shine bright
As you flit round this site
Spreading cheer and delight
To us all, day and night! *Angelic*

I don't know if that's your dog in your picture by the portfolio or not, but it's beautiful! Keep writing. *Smile*

LIS - Here Again!
It's often said to students of creative writing that they should never use "It Was a Dark or Stormy Night." or variations thereof.

So I did. I did. I wrote it response to many students of an online Academy I was running and who were confused.

It's a simple piece and the students enjoyed it. That's what it's really about isn't, passing on the skills you so others than do better than you.

I broke the stupid brick wall down.If you want to use "It was a Dark and Stormy Night."

Go Ahead and use it! Use everything and anything so long as it sparks you to write!

You'd like to poke your nose in what I wrote, well okay. I like it and that's enough for me.

I'm sorry, but I've forgotten how to setup the Link - here's the number. I got it!

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#1999131 by Not Available.
This one cut me to the quick when I first read it, it could easily have been real. I still think of those times on that particular farm.
Vignettes, often ignored, neglected and consigned to the dump bin of times past. I am saddened by that. Vignettes are a written art form. It takes skill and constant editing to encourage them to glow.You also have to trust yourself to write them.

A vignette about vignettes, have a go at them and let me know how you're going.

 Vignettes  (13+)
French. Translation - 'Little Vine'.
#1994750 by LIS - Here Again!
  •   1 comment
I'll have to come back and read these again, maybe some for the first time. If my memory serves me, they will all be short, sharp and shiny.
Have a read of my book. Let me know which ones you'd like me to keep. I'll be adding more stories soon. I'll be keeping the 'keepers' until I get 30 voted in. No prizes as no GPS
I'm reading Margaret Atwood's "Murder In The Dark." Again! Always a treat for me. Vignette writing at it's best. I wish I could have gone to one her talks here in Australia, we live too far away. Such is Life.
Well what a surprise! We received WDC envelopes, one for me and one for Bob(oldbob) and they contained WDC Christmas cards!

It shows you that the mail gets through no matter what! Even here where we hide in the Warrumbungle Ranges of NSW, Australia.(Google it)

Receiving them made us feel so close to you all.

Such a surprise and a lovely thought.

Thank you SMs.
I am a Proud Member of the NON-NANO- Group.

However, I did a LOT of editing. More than 50,000 words, give or take a few.

My works shines! *BigSmile*
Well I'm here. I had a nudge in my email from WDC. Thank you for all the emails, notes and such.

I'm busy right now. Real life has come to visit us both. So while we're sorting out our situation, I'll be just be popping in and out.


I just wish that prompts in contests were... more encompassing... not all of us live in the USA.

If I had the GPs I'd run a contest where people wrote about the most amazing, unique endangered animal in their location. I bet I'd get some fantastic stuff.
How not to do a contest.

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#2017995 by Not Available.
There is a beautiful full moon above us now. We live in, possibly the darkest of night skies area in Australia. Where Siding Springs Observatories are located.Come and visit me and us :


It's perched like an Eagle's eyrie above us. Magic.

They want to mine CSG below it. The gas flares will light the night sky ruining the astro research they do.

  •   1 comment
Please my friends, look at the link. This IS going to be taken away from us very soon... with aid of our corrupt Govt who only see the AUS dollar... which goes to overseas companies who pay little or no tax here.
NaNoWriMo's here... again. As a serial failed NaNo writer I think I'd like to adopt some NaNo writers this year instead of writing.

Email me for adoption. I know how it is.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/diddi