Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/diamonddee
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I finally have 17 on my port.
Greetings WDC!
I have been away for SO long! In the time away, I have had two surgeries, a ton of BS happen and finally grace smiled upon me.
I hope to catch up on my writing and my reviews ASAP! I also hope everyone else is doing quite well. Happy Turkey Day to all those who celebrate!
All copywrite data updated, so we can use snail mail, or what ever you wish to send chapters beck and forth .
Let me know when the manuscript gets there , Thanks
i put you on my bio block
glad you got it. I am in VT. seeing Aaron, will say hi.
I went back and put in all teh missing chapters in my folder. I found ome had just the first line with the rest of thr chapter missing. I have that fixed so there is some to edit. have fun take it easy
Oh good! I thought I was crazy!! LOL!
Also, which chapter was it again? I have most of them in Word to edit. Meh, I'll just keep going through and see what I can see! *Smile*
Belay that last comment! I believe it was Chapter 10! *Wink*
To all my WDC friends. . .I go in for surgery in two days. Sorry I have not been on in a while, have been extremely ill. Hopefully, they will allow my laptop and in the week I am in; "they" will allow me to write. If not. . .I will talk to you all in another few weeks. Much love to everyone!
Good luck, I also have a new one and every thing is a mess. trying to get it together. No writing transfeered. no mail. no facebook so will check here. Call if you need ANYTHIG.
So, tomorrow I go in for my "pre-op" stuff! Get to find out EXACTLY what this surgery is going to entail. *Worry* Scared? I would be lying if I did not say "yes," but I cannot wait to have it over and done with so I may live a "normal" life after 33 years! *SIGH*
Anxious? You betcha! Date is set for July 17, 2012 @ 9:45AM--Tuesday--odd day for a surgery. Let's hope it's a lucky one! *Heart*
To all the fathers. . .and men in our lives who have steered us in the direction a father would---Happy Father's Day!
Never apologize for a good review. You were spot on. Never apologize for being Dark, or writing on the Dark side. I do not worry as a writer but as an uncle. I used to write some really dark stuff.
There is all kinds of advice on writing . Write what you know. Write what you feel . Don't get it right just get it written. There is always revision. Remember rules are made to be broken and Have fun. Let if flow and let it go.
Thank You Everyone for the Kudos and warm welcome to the WDC community! *BigSmile*
*Flowery* *Flowerb* *Flowerp* *Flowerr* *Flowerp* *Flowerb* *Flowery*

I see you're new to WDC,
There's nought for you to fear,
I'm stopping by to say hello,
It's great to have you here!

*Flowery* *Flowerb* *Flowerp* *Flowerr* *Flowerp* *Flowerb* *Flowery*

*Smile* Please stop by and introduce yourself at "Invalid Item *Smile*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/diamonddee