Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dentoneg
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
keep up the good work
Happy WdC Anniversary! *Party*
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Happy WDC Account Anniversary!
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

I just saw this, had many hahas, and thought of Mr. DR Smith: "My relationship with whiskey is on the rocks."
Good one, and I'm sure DR Smith can relate to it quite well. Just sayin'. *Whistle* I'm going to tag him for you so he'll see it. *Wink* *Pointright* DRSmith Author Icon
Indeed indeed. Kinda reminds me of my neighbors across the street; young couple. He's a dentist and she's a manicurist. Married only 3 months and they're fighting tooth and nail!
Announcement: My short story entitled "Maizie" will be published in the Timberline Review. An early iteration of "Maizie" can be accessed in my Writing.com portfolio if you are interested. I even got paid $25. Wow!
Gratification for a small victory! My pitch for Edgefield has moved my novel to the next round in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award competition. *HappyCry*
Congratulations and best of luck
that is steller!! good for you! *BigSmile*
Congrats! That's great news! *Delight* Perseverance pays off. Crossing fingers for you in the next round.
I just received my copy of WDC Anthology on Christmas Eve. I am enjoying it already. Nice job, Fyn and all of his helpers.
I just wanted to know. Has anyone received their WDC Anthology yet? I was assured that it was in the mail, but it was sent two weeks ago. It hasn't arrived yet.
For what it's worth Mil, I'm sure it was sent, but likely via "media mail" which can take a couple weeks as normal, let alone during this time of year. Give it a chance, and if don't get it soon, ask Fyn to look into it as she has impeccable integrity and will resolve post haste. All the best to you and yours.
Thanks, Doc. Nobody's questioning anybody's integrity. Just seeking information. Happy holidays.
*Partyhatp* Happy WDC birthday! *Partyhatp*


i put a request if you find time to read, rate and review my three items' portfolio. i shall be obliged at this act of kindness.

plz ignore if you have already done it.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dentoneg