======================================================= LOST WORDS FROM BYGONE DAYS foppotee n 1663 -1663 simpleton What a pitiful foppotee he was, always oblivious to our jeers ======================================================== |
Notice that this word only hung around for one year! I can see why. |
Happy New Year! Yeah, it just doesn't flow ... "April Foppotee!" ![]() |
======================================================= LOST WORDS FROM BYGONE DAYS aquabib n 1731 -1883 water-drinker I was never much of an aquabib, and always preferred harder libations. ======================================================== |
======================================================= LOST WORDS FROM BYGONE DAYS apanthropinization n 1880 -1880 withdrawal from human concerns or the human world His life as a hermit in the woods was characterized by apanthropinization. ======================================================== |
======================================================= LOST WORDS FROM BYGONE DAYS acrasial adj 1851 -1851 ill-regulated; ill-tempered The acrasial judge was known for her rants against younger lawyers. ======================================================== |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IT'S BACK FINISH THE LIMERICK I once knew a man from Beirut Who as he walked he would poot He removed beans from his diet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
I once knew a man from Beirut Who as he walked he would poot He removed beans from his diet ...... Suppressing the need to fry it He let out a jolly old hoot. |
I once knew a man from Beirut Who as he walked he would poot He removed beans from his diet now his farts are quiet ... but the smell is still highly acute! |
I once knew a man from Beirut Who as he walked he would poot He removed beans from his diet But it caused quite a riot Cuz' now his farts come out in toots! ![]() |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FINISH THE LYRICS I once knew a man from Peru Who got himself a Tattoo An Elephant face ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
I once knew a man from Peru Who got himself a Tattoo An Elephant face took his underwear's place with its trunk neatly tucked in his shoe. C'mon - it's a limerick! ![]() |
Hey, talking about limericks, I just remembered . . . don't I get a "Funny" MB for my winning limerick in the Daily Poem Contest, 🌖 HuntersMoon? ![]() |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A WORD FROM THE NOT SO WISE When listening to the news, do you get the feeling they are reporting on a Kindergarten Class. The President's a Moron. I am really the first lady. Rocket Man. Dotard REALLY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |