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Attn: Horror Writers, authors, wordsmiths and spellbinders...

My Blog, Parlor of Horror is hosting the annual, 'Best "FREE READ" Halloween Horror Story on the Internet' event. Deadline is Oct. 16th. Do you have a horror story posted on the internet somewhere that you would like people to read? Just go to the Blog page and post a link...you can even win a $25 gift card! All the info is here:

Parlor of Horror Best Free Read Horror Story 2016  
  •   1 comment
I've entered. Great initiative! *BigSmile*
Hey everyone, here's a place to submit a horror story or poem where you can link to your books or website. I have a story posted there and it's a nice set up.

Cemetery Tomes - a website for modern horror and gothic fiction
My buddy Nate is looking for new stories and poems for his horror website. He promotes the stories on Facebook and gives the author a nice credit/bio on the story/poem page. So, if you're looking to get your work read and having the credit of a site publish your work (slightly different than self-published) then check out the site and send him a story. (Let me know and I'll tell him to give your story an extra special look/see.)
Thanks, Michael!
You know I'll be sending him something!
PS-I just had a piece published in Twisted Image Magazine last month! Even got a whole page just for my bio!
Kee ponw ritin gon, my fiend friend, and have a terrifying terrific evening!
Thanks, Mike! I will definitely check it out. Hope you're doing well, writing lots, and staying cool in this unbelievable heat. 36 days until fall!
Hey everyone, I just did an interview publicizing my new novelette, SKIN JOB (Pleasant Storm Entertainment).

I mentioned WDC and some of my friends here that helped me improve my writing through their reviews and suggestions. If you get a moment check it out:

Authors Interviews - presents Interview with Michael Thomas-Knight  

Thanks for your reviews/comments/suggestions and support through the years...

For those of you I forgot to mention, know that you are appreciated, I just rattled a bunch of names off the top of my head during the interview...

Fantastic interview, Michael! Good to hear from you again (I was wondering where you disappeared to!). I'll yak atcha again soon, but for now I just wanted to thank you for the mention in the interview!
Write on and rock on!
Congrats on the interview and the novelette, Mike! And thanks for the shout-out! I can't wait to read Skin Job, and I'm intrigued by your mention of Curse of the Crimson Queen. I shall wait patiently. Keep writing, my friend. You do us horror fans proud! *Smile*
Thanks Angus and Nicola, I appreciate the words of encouragement. :)
Hey folks, for the first time in a while I've posted a new story in my port. Would love your opinions, suggestions, corrections, etc. check it out if you have a moment:
 Dead Song   (18+)
local pawn shop owner closing for the night, but the reanimated dead have other plans
#2064920 by Michael Thomas-Knight

Horror writers, there's only a few days left to promote your Halloween Fiction story at my site, Parlor of Horror. It's easy, just go to the blog post, read the instructions and post a link to your story in the comments section, any horror story that you already have posted on the internet that horror fans can read. We are looking for stories that readers can click and read, no downloads, no sign-ins, no putting in emails. Check out details here: Parlor Of Horror  
My horror fiction story published in issue #20 of Siren’s Call eZine

Just a little update for my friends here at WDC :)

My story ‘Vector-7’ has been published in the newest issue, (#20), of Siren’s Call eZine. The story is a about a young man that makes a misstep while participating in a web-site chat-room and a terrible incident that merges fantasy with reality. You can download your FREE .pdf copy of the issue at the Siren’s Call website. Issue #20 'Screams in the Night

What’s in a Name? What’s in a Title?
Stop by and read my article on Lastrites.blog called, What's in a title?
Do you want your story to be read? Want your book to sell? Before you send your new creation out to the public, you may want to check out this article. http://www.lastwritesdmd.com/whats-in-a-title-by-michael-thomas-knight/

Halloween Forevermore - 8 Seconds of Torment
Just a reminder that my flash fiction piece is available to read at the Halloween Forevermore site. It will take you under a minute to read (perhaps 8 second, lol), stop by and check it out.

If you can, leave a comment. It lets the webmasters be aware that horror fiction on the web is read and enjoyed. It helps keep these web-fiction markets open now and into the future.

Hello all my friends here on WDC. Just wanted to share my latest news and successes with everyone.

Check out my flash fiction piece, '8 Seconds of Torment' at the premier Horror website, Halloweenforevermore.com Some of you may recognize the piece from my WDC portfolio. I’m sure your comments and suggestions helped to make it better. If you stop by, please leave a comment, It would make me a seriously happy camper :D (like a crazed Lumberjack with an ax! :) FREE to read, check it out here: 8 Seconds of Torment  

You can also check out Ghosts:Revenge from JWK fiction, a collection of short stories which includes my story; The Obsidian Box. It's a tale of NY mobsters, a vengeful spirit, a dominating wife and her undisciplined son. Check it out here: Ghosts: Revenge  

I've been in many multi-author anthologies in the past year, if you'd like to see which ones, check out my Amazon authors page. Michael Thomas-Knight, Author Page  
Congrats on the published stories! *Delight* Keep it up!
Congrats, Mike! So happy for you and so well deserved. I will definitely be checking out all this stuff, because your work never disappoints. Keep it up, my friend!
Giant Monsters abound in Stomping Grounds

I am proud to announce that, Stomping Grounds, a collection of Giant Monster stories, features a short story by yours truly, Michael Thomas-Knight

April Moon Books has released Stomping Grounds, an anthology of Giant Monster stories which includes my tale, The Devil’s Avatar.

The Devil’s Avatar has numerous nods to scenes in classic Giant Monster Movies including, Attack of the 50 ft. Woman, Talos from Jason and the Argonauts, King Kong, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, and others. Hopefully, if you read the story, you’ll get to certain parts and say, Hey, this reminds me of the scene in the movie, so-and-so (fill in movie title).

So, if giant monsters is your thing, from 50’s sci-fi to Lovecraftian Monsters to Kaiju Creatures, check out Stomping Grounds:


  •   1 comment
Right on, Michael!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all my friends here on WDC! I've been a little under the weather lately but I'm slowly feeling better.

Hope you all have a great year and achieve all your writing goals for 2015!
My story, The Memory Thief, chosen for the Best of Dark Eclipse Magazine
The Best of Dark Eclipse - Volume 2 (Dark Eclipse Book 41)
It is with great honor that I can announce that my story, The Memory Thief, has been included in The Best of Dark Eclipse Magazine, Vol. 2. Dark Eclipse and its sister publication Dark Moon Digest have been turning out high quality, horror fiction for many years now. It has always been one of the harder markets to get into and I was happy getting published by them once, but now I am duly honored to have the story reprinted. http://www.amazon.com/Best-Dark-Eclipse-Darl-Book-ebook/dp/B00QL14Y6I/ref=sr_1_2...
New Horror Anthology release...

Journals of Horror: Found Fiction, includes a short story by Michael Thomas-Knight

I have recently had a story published in an Anthology edited by veteran horror writer, Terry M. West. Journals of Horror, is a collection of terror inspired by the mechanics of the found footage horror film. In JOURNALS OF HORROR, the stories presented are horrific encounters committed to paper, item or device and discovered later. Each tale is a case file that has been transcribed from some type of unearthed diary.

Check it out here: Journals of Horror on Amazon.com  
Congrats, Mike! That is awesome news! And the anthology sounds really interesting. Can't wait to check it out.
Thanks 'yawl :)
BTW, Terry M. West is my favorite modern author. If you get a chance, check out his books, A Psycho's Medley and What Price Gory! Both are available for Kindle.
I’d like to say Happy Halloween to all my friends here on WDC, if any of you are reading this. I haven’t been available like I used to be - I’ve been working on so many great things it’s hard to keep up. Here’s some recent published works for you to check out. They are FREE to read.

I have a new horror fiction story published on FictionTerrifica.com called, Urban Legend #9. It's short and you can read it for FREE, no sign in, no email requests, just click the link, read, and click off when you‘re done. http://www.fictionterrifica.com/UrbanLegend9MTK.html

Next is true experience about when I was in a paranormal investigation group. The link here describes our experience at the Famous Witch Hanging Tree of Long Island. Stop by and give it a read. http://foxghosttales.blogspot.com/2014/10/the-witch-tree-investigation-report.ht...

I know some have left WDC in the past 2 years, their last comment to me only reads; Former Member. If anyone is leaving here please stay in touch thru my blog, or facebook. It just seems weird that I have made some friendships here, then I log in one day and people are gone. My email is also on my blog. All my links are in my portfolio header.

To the rest of my friends, thanks for reading and for all your kind words through the years,

Great to see you here. I just read your true experience about the witch tree. I thought it was an enjoyable read. I am a fan of your work.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN, MIKE! Hope you're enjoying the best day of the year. I loved "Urban Legend #9" -- typical Knight brilliance! I'm also a little perturbed by your events at Witch Hanging Tree. I had similar unexplainable and strange occurrences years ago when I participated in a paranormal investigation of Eastern State Penitentiary for fun. Perhaps some things are better left unexplained and undisturbed.

May the ghosts and goblins greatly inspire you on this spooky day!
Thanks Nicola and Shishad. I hope to get more of my experiences with the paranormal group down on paper and published in different places and websites. *Smile*
Question. I need help. How do I turn my Review Requests to off so members stop asking me to review items for the time being? I don't have a lot of time to be on WDC lately and I feel bad when I'm not able to respond to requests.
I figured it out. Go to your portfolio and click on the review tab at the top. Once you're there, click the manager button at the top right. Where it says the minimum gift points for reviews, open the drop down and click on, does not accept requests. Refresh the page and there you have it. Hope this helps! *Smile*
Thanks Mel York! That was it *Smile*
Sure thing! Is you have any other questions you can email me and I will try to help. *Smile*
I am proud to announce the arrival of Terror Train, an anthology of horror fiction featuring the work of noted authors and wordsmiths,
William F. Nolan, Roger Cowin, William Cook and yours truly, Michael Thomas-Knight.

There is more info at my blog: Parlor of Horror  

Or check it out at: Amazon.com  
  •   1 comment
Congrats, Mike! I'm excited to check it out!
I'd like to apologize for not responding to some review requests I had received. I have been busy writing stories for anthologies and working on a novel, so I haven't been on WDC as much as I'd like to. I will try to get to all the review requests even though the response time has passed. I also intend to change my status in the reviewer profile.
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