Hector Quinn happens to be a bit of a kleptomaniac, which allows him to stash almost anything handheld somewhere on his person, to be used later or put away, added to a hoard that can cue associated memories for him. His coats, pockets, packs and so on seem capable of holding things much larger than their actual size (Hey, Rocky, watch me pull rabbit out of a hat!) His ageless endurance has caused him to be a bit arrogant at times with mortals. He regards the Phoenix as a Christian may come to think of Jesus as a personal Savior. |
Hester Lou is the propeietess of the DBT. She is known to be a werewolf, so when she menstuates she hunts, sometimes bringing hack caribou or other kill for yhe inn. Do not make her angry during this tome or she kay literally bite your head off. Whem she ovulates she has so many flirts snd suitors it's a wonder if the tavern isn't sold out. Because of her nature, the blonde woman relies heavily on her staff and crew to take care of regular business. Her clientele tends towards those who prefer to pay under the table or work underhanded businesses. |
Eulandros, shaped like outline of a nose head on, has NE, SE, SC, SW & NW provinces. Several internal territories: White Falls Valley is between a& ne, is cut by Caruthers river, has wandering phantom town of Rutherford; the Magenta Mountains (a place for the lost/missing throughout history and beyond), cut by the River of Time, which flows out into the Sea of Destiny. Somewhere is the Dirty Blonde's Tavern. First Landing Beach is in NE and SW. The DBT has an ex mud wrestler as proprietess. It is a den of thieves. Surpeisingly, the DBT seems to be wherever it needs to be, like there is no one definite place, but many. The rooms, the proprietess, etc. are all the same, tho. In the days of settlement, the folks from an empire across the sea intermingled with the indigenous population and formed the league of tribal nations; later immigrants established their own colonies and spread the imperial culture. When cataclysms caused volcanoes, floods and earthquakes, and much of the sea power sank beneath the waves, the archduchess of Eulandros assumed the title of empress snd with her warlord consort assumed the throne. Through negotiations srising from varying factions and uprisings from the colonies and provinces, an imperial commonwealth, with a constitution allowing aristocracy and commoner social mobility, was established. As a result the Imperial Commonwealth of Eulandros reigns overall, but the League of Tribal Nations of Eulandros continues as a not quite rival subculture, sort of like Native American tribes in the USA, but definitely different than them. There are some legitimate racketeering and other activities tolerated if not quite condoned by the LTNE, and thus through them ICE as well. Hector Quinn is familiar/involved with many of those, tho he himself is not a crime boss, he has the ears of many on him. He is not SS, but is a known factor. In origin he is like a spirit of the times incarnate, arising coincidentally from discarded alchemical experiments within range of psychic emanations from an LTNE college town. For his shapeshifting abilities, aside from becoming liquidy, he flows into other forms, mostly humanoids, similar to a doppleganger but not quite as each alernate humanoid species represents a unique specimen, not a changable generalization. Thus, he always appears as the same human, elf, ratman, etc., tho he can don appropriate disguises in any form |
Storyline A.0 Eulandros, island continent shaped like outline of a nose head on, has NE, SE, SC, SW & NW provinces. Several internal territories: White Falls Valley is between SC&NE, is cut by Carruthers river, has wandering phantom town of Rutherford; he Magenta Mountains , cut by the River of Time, which flows out into the Sea of Destiny. Somewhere is the Dirty Blonde Tavern. First Landing Beach is in NE & SW. Hector Quinn, (alchemically lifelike, hermetic, fluid, idealized, half-elf ranger/bard with psionic power base) immortal, shapeshifting psion, swashbuckling, Yakuza-like folklorist of the League of Tribal Nations of Eulandros, a subculture of the Imperial Commonwealth of Eulandros. Think a spirit of the times incarnate. In any form he bears the mark of the Phoenix on his chest over his heart. Think of psionics as 3 powers manifest: to alter, to boss, to comprehend. As a folklorist he may know how to imbue some effects into items via symbols or ritual use. I am he who is called Hector Quinn. I know not how I came to be, but I have purpose and place and principles; I am valued intrinsically and societally. I shape events that are to be, and have knowledge deep of history. The Old Ways that were and are effective are found flourishing by my hand. The old guard guides the new, and life goes on. My mark is upon eternity. Come walk with me and learn some wonders of this world. |