![]() ![]() Here are some things to check out to help you get acclimated: "Writing.Com 101" ![]() "Noticing Newbies" ![]() "Information For Writing.Com Newbies" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() "Newbie Welcome Kit" ![]() "Noticing Newbies Newsletter (November 4, 2020)" ![]() Everyone here is very helpful, so feel free to ask questions, anytime! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
So I've noticed people are slightly confused about this, but "TF" is short for "Transformation." That's the main genre that I write in, and what most of the stories featured here will revolve around. The idea's so fun to play around with! |
As far as I know, all posts in Notebook are all visible on the Community Newsfeed, or on the Personal Newsfeeds of those who have favorited or fanned you. Likewise, if you post in the Newsfeed, it will appear in your Notebook. If you're accessing your Notebook (from the tab at the top of your portfolio page), you can click on the settings icon in the upper right of the screen, and you can change the access settings to Keep Private there, if you so wish. I don't know how that would affect posting to the newsfeed though.... |
When you post on one of the Newsfeeds, it's all the same. Your Personal Newsfeed simply has a filter so you don't see what everyone is writing. You only see official WdC notes and the notes from people whose Plus Sign you've clicked once or twice. (I recommend twice, until you see the megaphone. That sets you as a fan instead of just making them a favorite. Some people, myself included, reward fans. But Favorites are private so we can't reward those. ![]() The Community Newsfeed only has your rating as the filter so you see notes from everyone, regardless of if you've clicked their Plus or not. Thus, your note shows up on both for you, but only on the Community Newsfeed for folks like me and Roari ∞ who haven't clicked your Plus. (I assume she hasn't. ![]() ![]() For more feedback on your ratings, if the link Nobody’s Home sent you didn't help, consider also doing a search (using the search bar in the upper left corner) to find things similar to what you write. Check their ratings and discuss with their owners. You can also get other reviews by going to the Community tab on the left, then in the popup that appears, click Please Review and submit an item there. You mentioned not wanting to offend folks (on another note, I think). You can create a short warning notification at the top of each item. Though I would recommend not using abbreviations so folks who need the warning can fully understand it. ![]() Good luck! |
I agree. Even if you stick to one species, there are an infinite amount of combinations for how, and what, the characters opinion on it. I find it most fun with extreme size difference that goes with the creature. For example a mouse can ride in his girlfriends chest and a new godzilla will wreck the building they are in with shear added girth. |
Want to check out the rest of my content? View the stories too big for my free account here: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/singlepringle56/folder/894917/Tf-stories-3 |
Welcome to WdC! ![]() ![]() ![]() Just so you know, you only have 1 fan. When you post on the Newsfeed, unless folks go to the Community Newsfeed (which most don't), they aren't going to see your posts. ![]() Making fans here is similar to making friends. Socialize, participate, encourage, etc. You can find folks to interact with without filling up your account by heading to the Community Newsfeed where you can see what everyone (within your rating limit) is posting. ![]() Click Newsfeed. This takes you to your Personal Newsfeed by default. Your Personal Newsfeed only shows you official WdC stuff and the notes from friends whose Plus Signs you have clicked once or twice. Along the top-ish part of your Personal Newsfeed, you'll see "View the Community Newsfeed." Click that and you'll see tons more! ![]() Scroll. Like. Comment. Socialize. Soon, you'll have folks clicking your Plus Sign. Be sure to click theirs as well! It's best to click twice until you see the megaphone. That sets you as a fan and they are notified. Some folks, such as myself, reward their fans with GPs (gift points--our version of money) and MBs (merit badges), so it's better to be a fan than to just set them as a favorite (the finger with the string). Now, go forth and make friends/fans! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To get to the Community Newsfeed, along the top of your Personal newsfeed (the default), click "View the Community Newsfeed."
When you find a person or item you want to keep track of, I suggest clicking until you see the megaphone. That makes you a fan and they get notified. Some people will even fan you back.
Now, go forth and socialize!
Oh, and if you find something written in 2022 that you totally love, be sure to nominate it for "The Quills"
An infinate breast expansion story.
Hermione is hit by a spell in the battle against Voldimort and has an odd life with Ron.