Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/candc7182008
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
*Cake* Happy WdC Anniversary! *Cakeb*
Gaby  Author Icon
Happy Anniversary!!!
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

What do I do with this prize? I am confused. My name is on your winners list.

Will you all please take two seconds and vote? It goes to help out the local RI schools AND the Make a Wish Foundation. You cant say no to kids! It takes two seconds and there is less than two hours to vote! Pleeeeeeeeeease help! For everyone who votes, I will review a piece in your port! PASS IT ON! I WANT THEM TO WIN SOOOO BAD!!!!!!!
I wish people cared more about my real world charity because some day, when youre in that situation, youll wish it was around and that someone cared like Im trying to do
I will never forget, and neither should you
All the soldiers who died and fought for you
For with their lives, our freedom bought
Honouring them, forgotten naught.
Just passing through! Hi there!!

Thinking of you.
I've just seen you hit your 50k Nano mark. When did that happen? Huge contratulations on the achievement - are you pleased with your story? Kx
hey how r u?
Doing great I guess...today is a tough day, but other than that pretty good!
oh. Take care dear. I'm sure you will sail through despite the tough day!
Im sure I will! Thanks!(hugs)
How about a pic?
Why Muzzy? Crushing? Lol, Ill add one soon!


You are in our prayers!

May GOD be with you in a mighty way!

No matter what, we know HE loves you!

Congrats for the wedding date! *Bigsmile* And take care dear.
JACE  Author Icon
I sure hope that handle is exaggerrated, my friend. We'd like you to stay around for a long while.
Essentially I have something wrong that could be serioulsybad for me if I dont get a surgery to fix it. Im gonna do a little more research before I get the surgery done though. Thank you!
Hey! Here's a *Balloonp* little gift for you. Happy WDC Birthday! Am just going to check out your crusader thing... *Bigsmile*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/candc7182008