Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bohemian5
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Happy birthday 🥳🎂🥳🎂🥳
Happy anniversary 🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂
I finally started my journal at Writing.com. It's entitled "The Diffused Writers Journal".
Happy birthday 🎂🥳🎉🎈ðŸŽðŸŽŠ
Balloons 1

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
Happy anniversary
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*Delight* Happy *Bigsmile* WDC *Ha* Account *Laugh* Anniversary! *StarStruck*
Freelance Writing

Writing what you like is the best way to literature and the market. It's a safe bet that if something's disturbing you, your option is to let it go and find something else to accomplish for a bit. That is the magic word: Accomplish! Well, it isn't all the easy because I'm 65. Becoming older is a pain, especially if you want to produce, but, hey, that is the way of our biosystems.

So when I'm free from disturbance, I'm writing and designing a much better quality product; and I assure you everyone does when in a good frame of mindset.

Remember, though, that your pet still needs to go outside and finish its thing. You will be disrupted anyway.

Thank you, Writing.com for the new 2018-2019 Writing.com Anniversary Calendar! Very beautiful and well organized.
Well, I have finished my next fictive mircro-writing about The Starship. This I might install at Writing.com because of difficulty with time and themes of what subjects to present. The Starship micro-story is about an alien spaceship, its crew, and their normal routines and happenstances. In part, it's a comedy and an allusion to our own idiosyncrasies and commonplace elements within our society.

Currently, I'm working on the structure, theme, and characteristics of The Starship 5. The first three Starships appeared on my Facebook account page. The structure of my manuscripts for The Starship is the play scripted style, as it works well with brevity, emphasis, and pacing length.

If any member has any questions concerning The Starship project, please leave a message and I'll try to reply asap.

The best to all members at Writing.com.
Well, I've been a member for sometime, now. And I'd like to publish more for members to read. It's a heck of a story, though, so I'll keep it short. Since beginning at Writing.com, I've written two articles: one on the dynamics of a SVG application and the other on microwriting. These descriptive articles are about unusual topics for traditional writers of standard genres, although mixed skills would provide resources and elaboration for study, searching online, a mimicking by exemplification. I really want to write more, but don't want to soar aboveboard because of Writing.com's own network for their many members. I'll need to try something, nonetheless, because one of my perspectives about writing is usually about including inline art, graphics, and photos. And why not? They'd add much more to a story, whether fiction or non-fiction. Best *Geek*
*CandleV* *CakeB* *CandleB*
I wish you an happy account anniversary!

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Thank you, Writing.com for the wonder style of the new anniversary calendar for 2015-2016. It has certainly brighten up my living arrangement.
I've must be understating my availability. At the end of March and the beginning of April 2015, I went on two trips, nearly 3,000 miles! The GaryCon VII RPG convention was a blast in Wisconsin, and a friend wanted me to tag along to her father's surprise birthday party in Pheonix, Arizona. Dry as could be and 85-90 degrees--lousy room temperature, but beautiful Arizona desert landscape, including, of course, the cactuses, the aged cactuses! When I returned in April, I had taken ill from a cold and possibly mild flu symptoms. Currently, however, I feel great with renewed vigor until I noticed my Gmail Inbox of 524 messages. Such is life.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bohemian5