What can I say? Choosing words is tough But if there's one thing I can't say enough You're worth it, you're worth Far more than just me I'd give the whole world if I could just make you see I want you to love me And I love you too But I can't be the only one to love you Stand tall, my sister My old, caring friend Your soul is great and will have no end! People don't see you Because they are blind They haven't seen your soul, body and mind I have seen you And I've much to tell If my prayers are answered, you'll love you as well Reclaim your throne from which you fell And if I am worthy And I pray to be Maybe there's more to you, and to me But there is something That I cannot do I cannot be alone in loving you Love yourself...love yourself...love yourself...love yourself. Between the two of us, I'm the only one that loves you...I'm the only one. I am alone. If I can give you one thing, one thing, and nothing else...it's that I hope you learn to love yourself as much as I love you. It should never be me or you...it should be you AND me. And I never want you to wear a mask for me...never change for me. That isn't fair to me, or to you. I want you to be you, and to love that you. Be real...be you...love you. And if you don't love that you, BECOME a you that you can love. Become it, and don't let anything get in your way. Don't ever let anything tell you you can't. If there's a wall in your way, you climb it. If it's too tall, you smash it down. If armies stand against you, stand against them and conquer. If Hell itself spews from the Earth to take you down, you CAN freeze it over you're so DAMN cool. You're worth it. You're worth loving. You're worth being. You are worth it, and you need, desperately need, to know that. And I...I need you to know that. But this isn't about me. I love you too much to see you hate yourself. So I'll be damned if you will. You will see...you will see. |
It's hard to take me seriously when everyone's justifying my life "He's a smart boy, he's just had to overcome so much strife" Everyone says I'm "smart", I'm a borderline genius! But you know what? I'm an insult to our genus Compliments of intelligence just to keep up my morale To goad me forward like some animal in a corral After a while it kind of loses it appeal I feel like they're lies, and I can't tell what's real Wish I could believe I have a chance But all I have are these trite rants |
Weakness I've never done anything That's been worth my time Assorted distractions Rarely earning my dime I've rarely ever stood On my own two feet I've made mistakes And I always repeat I am flawed, broken Of failure I reek I recognize this I see that I'm weak I call to my God Without His power, I quiver But when He calls on me I fail to deliver All I have to may name Is a pocket of wishes To be dealt with later Like a sink full of dishes |
Can't help the people I want to help greatest Why would God send me? I am the weakest Can't give strength out While I'm such a mess When I need it most I am powerless I know that God will not do everything for us So don't believe that tired old chorus But when faced with so much challenge before us... I am weak. |
I have a confession. The very thought of trying to make friends sets me in such a state of disgust and almost revilement that I can barely function or focus. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy friends, or that I don't enjoy hanging out with them...but making new friends of strangers...is nigh unthinkable. I don't know why. All I know is that, most of the time, I still prefer the company of inanimate objects and ideas than actual human beings. So here's the question...anti- or a- social? |
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080912152442AAMH0tr If you didn't meet new people every now and again you would never have met me, or anyone on here. |
So I heard something to the effect of "Sugar can boost your willpower". I wonder if that's true...if so, that'd really help me out! I definitely need a boost every now and again! Maybe I could finally start excersizing...or fix my computer...or do my homework XD! Gahhhh I hate homework...soooo much. I'd rather have quizzes everyday. I can handle quizzes. "Here are the questions, answer them." instead of "Here are the questions, take them home, do them instead of what you want to do, see ya!". |
...Can I just...hug you forever? I hat hugs, so this says a lot, but your character is great, and I read your biography, which was fantastic. You were born in the most awesome month of the year (only a year and four days after me, we'll just call if 4 days, shall we?) And you live in Michigan! *currently wearing a Wolverine T-shirt* And you like Stargate, and you don't really like the new name of the SciFi channel and...and...this has ceased to be grammatically correct... so much cool... |
The alarm clock blared in the man ears, waking him from his peace. With a long sigh, he slowly lifted himself up and smacked the insidious device, setting it in silence once again. He sat on the edge of his bed and rubbed his face awake. When we was conscious enough, he stood and began his usual routine. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, showered, combedhis hair heated up some leftover pizza and had what he called "breakfast". Finally, he got up and heated the furnace. |
When the glass was sufficiently melted, he grabbed his glassorking cane and scooped up as much of the glass as would hold on to it. Rolling the cane he pulled it out of the furnace and looked at it. Instantly, he saw a piece in his head, and went for it. He blew into the cane to form the part of the bottle that would hold the water, then held the cane vertically so gravity could create a long neck. Slowly, patiently, he spun and blew the bottle into creation, then waited for it to cool totally. |
When it was fully cooled, he cleaned the tank and melted some red shards. On the bottle, he made lines from the red glass. With a steady hand, he made uniform, perfect lines that ran down the bottle. When each line was cooled enough, he stood back and looked at his finished product. It had taken hours to complete. He had painstakingly painted the glass onto the bottle to create the striations before him. He held it up to the light. They looked like rays of the red evening sun. |
He placed the bottle by the wall and took it's picture with his camera. Taking it in hand once again, he lifted it up to the light. It was a beautiful work of art that took hours to make. For his entire morning he had worked to spin, blow, and paint this bottle into creation. He had poured his heart and soul into it. This bottle, this glass...was the culmination of his entire morning. He lifted it high, as if lifting his brainchild in pride. Then he smashed it to the ground. |
Followed that youtube link in your bio. Gave me chills, that one. In Texas, if it's a fizzy beverage, it's called coke. (though most Texans like DrPepper) |
Well, actually, League of Legends isn't an RPG, haha. It's...well, it's unique, lol. The best thing I can do is say "It's a 'MOBA', like DotA" and tell you to Google it. Sorry! And yeah, saw that. A couple of my cousins are/were big into that game. Looked...interesting, lol. Although, I do have to dig the puns. Haven't gone on a pun rampage in awhile...I really have to work on that. |
A 'pun rampage' . Please give me copyright permission to use that. Yeah, some days I can't help but point out every ridiculous thing in the world. Unfortunately, with my occasionally dark sense of humor, here's how it usually goes over: Me: ![]() My amigos: ![]() ![]() Me: ![]() |
Haha, anyone can pun rampage. A quick successive burst of puns = pun rampage. And to be honest, I got it from a little webtoon called "Homestarrunner", namely Strongbad Emails. They didn't have a "pun rampage", but...well, whaturvs, haha. |
To answer your e-mail from way long ago. I didn't delete my blog, I just removed the link because I didn't think it was very good. Kind of a crisis of craft, if you will. So, yeah. Also: *return notebook poke* |
So I woke up today in Michigan... Now I'm in Ohio... And in a few more hours, I'll be in Texas! Haha. That's right, I'm flying! <.< >.> It may be weird to some that I've never flown commercially before. As a newbie flyer, I say: this is awesome! XD! |
*"I hate bugs -.- Not to mention, the company is awesome! Haha." I...did not hate the company, trust me, not in the least 0.o. Just realized how that looked. DX!! I hate not being able to edit stuff in my notebook! DX!! |
Dang typos...just because I was in intense sensory overload and my thoughts were disconnected >.<. Well...it's Tuesday, and here I am at home. It's one of the few times in my life where...I didn't want to leave the travel destination. I didn't want to go home. I'm really glad I got to go on the trip...what a great way to end my high school days! Visit my best friend, go random places and get a ton of experience...wow. And I miss you, Scribe :). Can't wait to do it again >u<! |
Care to explain that last one, or are those thoughts to private for a public notebook? |
And then, of course, that last part is worrying about people that I'd be leaving behind, rare opportunities I'd miss. Opportunities that I may or may not ever find. Not to mention every time I seem to think something, politically or socially, it's supposedly wrong, or callous, or evil, or ignorant, all that sort of thing. No matter how right I think I am. Meh, I was in a hermit-ish mood when I wrote it. |