Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/beckyl
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*Music1**Music2* Happy WDC Anniversary To You *Music1**Music2*
*Music1**Music2* Happy WDC Anniversary To You *Music1**Music2*
*Music1**Music2* Happy WDC Anniversary To You *Music1**Music2*
*Music1**Music2*Happy WDC Anniversary To You *Music1**Music2*

Happy Account Birthday Month
Happy Account Anniverary, February 29, 2012. Write on!
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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Question: If you had the power to choose the method and time of your own death, would you?

Would it make things easier, or harder?
I really never thought about it -- probably
I'd make my death a peaceful one.
Given my family history, I already know it will be a heart attack, and the time would be never. All things considered, a heart attack is the quickest.
Well, I've been off the site for a month or so due to a new addition to the family and crazy goings on in real life. I miss all my favorite authors and readers very much, and I hope to see some review requests soon.
Hiya! Good to see you back in action. *Bigsmile*

congrats on the new family member! how exciting.

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#1955910 by Not Available.
A.J. Lyle is so awesome - after only 19 chapters of review, I think I finally learned to add comma's before direct addresses, WDC! Also, I think I learned to use a period instead of a comma, when I use and action, as opposed to a dialogue tag. I have a rather thick skull, but she used a skillful crowbar!
I agree, A J Lyle is awesome. I look forward to any response from her generous heart. ann
*Blush* Awwww. Thank you, Becky. You're too sweet. I'm lucky you put up with me and my comma issues. *Wink* You know, I just realized I didn't even beat you over the head with it. I must be slippin' . . . *Laugh*

I just updated chapter 15, Rose and Martin, in my book Terminal Fare. I hope you check it out! I have done some editing throughout the book and worked on showing vs. telling. Happy reading and writing!
So neat to see so many nice comments!
*Balloony* Congratulations on your promotion! *Balloony*
Image Protector
*RainbowL* CONGRATULATIONS! *RainbowR*

It is great to see your YELLOW case displayed!

Just keep doing what you were doing! *Heart*


*Star* Many HUGE congratulations on your new, deserved promotion, Becky! What a gorgeous surprise! *Star*
Do you feel okay?? You look a bit Yellow tonight. Oh wait, I see, it's your shiny new YELLOW Suitcase! Congratulations on your promotion to Preferred Author!

*Balloony* *Rainbowl* *Gold* *Rainbowr* *Balloony*

Yeah for Yellow!!!

I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
Song Open in new Window. [GC]
Published June 2013 in Twisted Dreams magazine! A victim of violence sings beyond death.

So excited my poem is published now! June 2013 Twisted Dreams Magazine.
  •   1 comment
Image Protector
Totally awesome, Becky! Andrea is going to publish one of mine in January.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Feeble Angel Open in new Window. [ASR]
Contest entry - image prompt : Final Battle
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/beckyl