Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/beccat
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Dragging your feet on a beginners summer day
With feelings of owning the weight of the world
The optimism and pep are held at bay
Socialism has silently developed all curled
Moving away to end the negativity
During the journey you find training and knowledge,
Advocating and training brings positivity
The unfortunate events has held you hostage
Pick up and go while you can
Your strength forces you to stand
Others unfortunates has on you a ban
Leaving is not an option, but your ordered to command
The feet is slowed, but the brain runs fast
Searching for direction for those who admire
The solution causes ones whole to bast
Slowly picking up out of the dire
Is this life's twist and turn?
The fog ahead hazes my view
The Universe has another lesson to learn
Your sole purpose has been weighed with dew
For another a lighthouse they lightly yearn
The seedlings look to you for direction
No time for pity, so put it at bay
Communication is not always understood
Struggling the put the attitude in lay
Others pessimistic nature is now under the hood
You struggle to put one foot in front of the other
Those dependent are counting on you
Their fears we just had to smother
Look behind you, they don't look so blue
The path just traveled was not done in vain
Training to clear a smooth path
Scars are not visible, thanks to natures stain
Your drive within allows you but to bath
Did you see the mountain top view?
Universe's force was there to guide
The results has left you to stew
Your sensitivity has been their glide
With hands empty, the Universe has grabbed the wheel
Who do you let be pilot?
Is your stability built on morals and a value?
Get your skill that's stashed in a lot
Stroke of ego, will do anything but devalue
Think about what is important and what is not
With the choice to bast, you have time to categorize
Gives time to sort through the clutter
Journey well traveled as a decision to strategize
Results are strong and mighty, destination is not a stutter


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/beccat