Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/barbaric
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HAPPY WDC BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi guys,
From the help of writing.com over the years and increased confidence I gained from public speaking I have started my own writing group at the local library, close to my house, have embarked in Christian writing, in which a friend has asked to write a story she wants to get off the ground, I feel honoured to be chosen for this task...and am hoping to have my first book out in E books, hopefully late December to early January next year. Fingers crossed! Well a lot has happened over the last few months and I have writing.com to thank..

So, what's happening? Still writing my novel, A place called Limbo, going well I think.
Still doing my assignment on the development of oral language for my course in Education support.
Just added a poem to my portfolio, a dedication, tribute for my cousin Dom that Sadly passed away today.
I'm also thinking of chasing up a link I have to a song writing site....
Oh and hubby is going to help me sell some of my work as E-Books...Just have to get my stuff together to do that first.
I am still working on my novel. Thinking of ways to keep it exciting and new. Guess its going ok.
Just keep at it - I'm sure it going to be great!!
Thanks Stephanie,
When things get a little dry, I throw in a new character, situation or something unexpected. It's such a happening story so hopefully there's enough action going on.
Dad: "Sometimes I think in many ways as a parent you hope to teach your children many things, but I think I've learned a lot from you....You taught me a lot.
I am presently writing a novel that is quite alternative. It combines supernatural and spiritual together. Characters are strong and motivational and I feel that readers will be interested to learn more about them as they read on and discover why the character effects the story the way they do.Though I study, work and lead a busy life with my two children and hubby, I always seem to find time for my novel. Once the novel is completed, ready to go and at publishing standards, I will then give away the title and more information about it. At the moment, I will however, let you all now how it is going and how much further I am getting along.

The story is based around a character who lives a very extraordinary life under very difficult situations. Somehow trying to blend in and live through every day with such a tiresome responsibility.

Jacky's dog and her both have a sixth sense and see and hear supernatural beings daily.

Thank you for reading,

Barbxxxxx ( Unicornstar)
On Sundays I like to have me time but I often end up having everyone else time!
Hmmmmm, my goal this week is to simply spend time on writing more on the novel I'm writing and just relax cause I'm feeling unwell.
Surprising Fortune
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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this poem is pretty important as I'm hoping my friend is well. I haven't heard from him for some time and I'm worried.
I have been a member of writing.com for approximately 7 years. Had it not been for the opportunities available on writing.com. I would not have realized my growing talents.My interests have surprised me markedly as I found a great deal of my writing slants towards the Supernatural and horror. I am still passionate about poetry, short pieces and drama. My focus is to improve to a point so I can and will be a certified author that is noticed by large audience. This is more than a dream now, I can almost taste it! Writing.com has given me the confidence to seek forth in my mission and become successful in anything I want to be. For this I recommend this site to any budding writer.
Stop by my port folks, I think you'll like it.
Congratulations on the lovely YELLOW suitcase - Preferred Author! *Smile*
*Balloony* Congratulations on your promotion! *Balloony*
*BalloonY* *PartyHatY* *Star* Congratulations on your promotion to Preferred Author, Unicornstar! *Delight*
A HUGE congratulations on turning Yellow! *Bigsmile*
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/barbaric