Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/awesomex18
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Balloons 1

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
Merry belated X-mas!
New Writing.com layout: Love it, hate it, or meh?
Still looks like it was put together by an amateur with no knowledge of web design... But I'm not sure if I'd say it's worse than it was before.
I concur on the first part, but I miss the ease of access now that they've spread everything out on the left bar.
Shameless plug: Have a new collab out with a certain friend of mine. Check it out.


As you can see, StoryMaster has become a complete control freak/nut (note how he's, you know, magically talking to himself when it's obvious he deleted the account of whoever he was talking to), so I'm officially done with this site. You might catch me from time to time checking my email here, but other than that, you can catch me either at the MHC or on dA.

Since I know a bunch of you use this place regularly, I thought I'd give you a heads up on a few things:

1) Ads in Interactives: Open up any interactive; you'll find more ads then ever, some of them even malicious to your computer. You'll even find them IN TEXT! So if you feel like reading an interactive, keep your anti-virus and pop-up/ad blockers on as much as you can to avoid any problems. This is all thanks to WDC's new anti-ad blocker policy, which as you can see by the forum post above at the bottom of the post, the head admin pretty much says, "Screw you. This is happening, so tough cookies." Also, please note that because they do not wish to hear anything to the contrary about this policy, they have "suspended" messages (see forum post) that are against this policy, attempting to make this issue completely one-sided.

2) No More Interactive Creation: The "policy" in the second paragraph was introduced earlier today as a response to the overwhelming backlash towards WDC's new anti-ad blocker policy. As you can see, this is merely the response of a moron who just because many of the site's users are opposed to their new policy regarding interactives, decides that "You don't like it? Well, then no more interactive creation for non-paying users! Ha! Deal with it!" It's really pitiful in my opinion...

"On January 1st, 2013, we removed the ability to create interactives from free acounts. At that time, we left a grandfathering in for accounts created prior to that date and allowed them to continue to create interactive story items.

Thanks to the rudeness ( / assertion of entitlement) from folks with free accounts using interactives, we've now removed that grandfathering. From this day forward, free accounts can no longer create new interactive items, regardless of their account creation date --> Period, end of "story". So no worries, folks. We'll fix this "problem" one way or another."

Anyways, once again, just a head's up about this. Probably won't be using this site myself anymore until they decide to change their policy/attitude. If you need to contact me, hit me up on DeviantArt, AIM, or the MHC ( www.giantessmhc.forumup.com ).

It doesn't allow for fanfiction on its face (you can find tons of Naruto adds and other anime/gaming interactives there, so I believe it's just for show), but otherwise, it's a better version of here. Unlimited branching choices in interactives as well. SMFX linked me to it the other night; said it'd be easy to carve out a GTS space.
@Lelouch: Technically, you COULD bypass those... But for obvious reasons, that's a bad idea. But the staff swears up and down the malware doesn't exist and says that it's not their job to make sure the ads are clean... Which is yet another reason I would recommend CYOC, even though as it stands, there's currently almost no giantess content; but hey, easy enough to fix, right? Registration takes some time since they have to manually approve it, but you can create chapters without registering, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
I'm iffy about changing venues mainly because I've devoted quite a lot of writing time here. I think last I checked I've written something like 2,000 chapters, most of which towards my own stuff. I'll probably wind up moving to that site anyway but I'm more than likely sticking around for a bit to see how things pan out.
So yeah, still alive and active...just really, really, REALLY buried in games at the moment. In case you're all curious of my mysterious absence over the past week =P
Le bored...
Everything being written in the GTS sphere recently is just so...generic...For the love of all that is awesome, someone trick me into writing something!
Just make a list of all the awesome girls and pick one. Last time we did that it ended up going very well.
Until you bailed on me, that is XD

But yeah, it DID work pretty well.
I'm up for anything man.
To write or not to write. THAT...is the question...

I choose...the latter! [Out of laziness XD]
Been busy with midterms for the past week. Should be back to normal tonight GTS-wise. Also just made a few new MMD models! ^_^
Vindictus, Rusty Hearts, Dungeon Defenders, AC3, Dishonored, Dark Souls...and about 4 other games, along with 3 different animes. If you're wondering why I'm gone, those are the reasons why XD I'll add to everything I'm working on soon!
And of course, One Piece!
I originally bought One Piece: Pirate Warriors for Nami-swooning purposes, but the game is actually insanely awesome, the best One Piece game to date. I highly recommend getting it for any fan of the series (that and you can play as Nami, Robin, and Hancock! [Though I've been using Ace, Zoro, and Sanji mostly myself]).
Contrary to my dA info, today is my actual birthday - exactly 1 week before X-mas! I'll be gone all day, though I'll probably be on Vindictus, so thanks in advance for any birthday wishes! :D
President got re-elected...Can't be happier! ^_^

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/awesomex18