Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/atheer
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I was started reading the novel β€œ it ends with us” it is very interesting but i advise only for people who adults not for teenagers because it contains some descriptions just fit with older people
Reading at night is the best ever!!!
I want to share my thoughts, ideas, best moments in my life here . I see that white square give me freedom and that all I need . I want write ✍🏻 without any one knows me because it makes me more comfortable . If you see any mistake in my writing let me know . ThanksπŸ™πŸ»
Hi guys this is the first time l use this website.Chat GPT gave me some tips to improve my writing and this is website was one of them. I want to improve my writing if you have any advice for me you can tell me.πŸ’•
Thanks. Do you have any recommendations for books to intermediate level ?
There are three bits of advice - and only 3 - I give writers.

1) Write. Write a lot. Then write more. You only get better by writing and listening to feedback.
2) Read. Read a lot. Then read more. You can see from other authors what works, what doesn't, and read a variety of genres.
3) Make sure you have your basics - spelling, punctuation, syntax, etc. - down, or work towards getting it down. If you want people to understand what you write, this is vital.

And, good luck!
This is my favorite book on fiction writing.

Amazon's Price: $ 14.39

This one has a lot of writing advice.

Amazon's Price: $ 21.25

This one is indispensable if you want to get well versed at American English.

Product Type: Kindle Store
Amazon's Price: $ 0.99

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/atheer