Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ashams123
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Even before the man in the mustard yellow suit hit the ground, I knew he was dead. Then they slowly carried him away, to the mortuary they said. And I trusted them.

He lay on the table, in a polished wooden casket. The man in the yellow suit opened his eyes. He lay there, waiting to strike like a snake hiding in the shadows. Then the child walked in and he discreetly closed his eyes, waiting to give away his position, just not yet.
As the shadowy figure slowly crept toward me, my life flashed before my eyes. My heart was racing and I started blacking out. Little fluorescent dots spotted my vision and I felt my arms going numb. "I said I'd be back," the dark creature said in a whispery voice of sand paper. "I said I would kill you, so here I am. Goodbye, Mara." I felt life being sucked from my very body. Then, I was falling slowly, calmly. I suddenly felt pain throughout my limbs. Death was in control now.
Glass; it's dangerous yet beautiful. It shines in the sunlight, but is hidden among darkness. When picked up by bare hands it slices and cuts the flesh it rests upon. Everything is harmful in one way or another. School, transportation, the world - even home. Everyone and everything can hurt. Especially feelings; pain and agony, sorrow and joy. That's the main foundation of our world. Tears of sorrow, tears of joy, tears of death. One little touch can cause so much pain.
Looking out the frosty, cracked window, I felt a sudden chill race through me as an eerie creak echoed down the dark hallway behind me. I slowly turned around, afraid of what frightening creature would appear. After all this was a supposedly "haunted mansion." It wasn't long before I realized there was no one there. Turning back around to face the outdoor world, I heard faint breathing beside my right ear. Panic consumed me and the next thing I heard was a blood-curdling scream, my own.
Be yourself because you are beautiful, smart, incredible in your own way. It doesn't matter what others think of you, they are just wishing they had what you do. Live life to its fullest because it doesn't last forever...Live, laugh, love, and most certainly, be yourself. Be unique, every person is different, we all have our quirks and beauties, just like how one snowflake is NEVER the same as another...
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ashams123