Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/angelinakyle
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Hope you had a great birthday! fan'd you.

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Hello Everyone! I'm very new here, this is my first time introducing myself. My friends call my Angi.

I'm looking to make new friends in the community. I mostly write YA fiction in the supernatural/ fantasy genre. I have never been in any type of writing groups, online or in person, and I'm a bit of an introvert so this is all very new to me. If you have any tips you'd like to share or would like to be friends, I'll accept with much gratitude!
Hello Angi and welcome to WDC. This is a great place to post your writing. People are very kind. Set up your bio so people can get to know you. At the top of the page when you log on there is 'writing.com 101' or writing 101. Now I'm not sure.lol it will help you understand the site. Again welcome.

Lazy Writer est 4/24/2008 Author Icon - Thank you for the tip!
Dee  Author Icon
Hi Angi!
It's nice to "meet" you! If I can help you in any way, please ask.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/angelinakyle