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To create a link, you need the item ID (the 7-digit number located between the title and description--it's also in the web address, though you can't copy it from there, and in the link people see in your port, but if this is one of the last 8 things you've created, edited, or added to, it should appear automatically after you type the colon). You also need the curly braces on your keyboard, located just above the square brackets.
I'll use my challenge as an example since the item ID appears automatically for me.
{item:2109126} = "The Contest Challenge"
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs
But I noticed you have no fans--people who have double clicked your plus sign.
To get to the Community Newsfeed, click Newsfeed on the left side. This will take you to your Personal Newsfeed by default. Then, along the top, you'll see View the Community Newsfeed. Click that to see what everyone else is doing, not just your tiny part of WdC.
Okay, so when you find all the swapping things you can (try searching with different terms and not just for interactives), you need to start reaching out to folks and participating in their things to get them interested in you and your interactive. People who just send emails saying for folks to participate in their interactive without any sort of relationship don't usually do well.
Thus, when you find a story, review it. Then in the (good and thorough) review, you can add a little item link like I showed you and say you have an interactive, if they are interested in reading or adding to it. If you are paying, include that info as well. I think 1000 GPs (gift points--the WdC version of money) is pretty common.
If you find an interactive, add several (good and long-ish) chapters. You can also add a review for that with a link.
If you don't review much and are insecure about what to say, you can discuss things like the title and description, things you liked, things you think could be improved, your favorite part, how it made you feel, etc. Another thing that's pretty commonly not done (or not done fully) that you can comment on is for them to fill out all 3 genres...and things like "contest entry" and "other" or even "activity" or "contest" aren't the best options (unless it really is a contest or an activity). People search for things using the genres, so they need to use them. Also, Moderators who write Newsletters are obligated to include links to stories from around the site. They can't possibly find every great story, so they search by genre. If someone's item has no genres listed, they won't be found. Finally, if their interactive is really active or their story is new, it could be nominated for "The Quills"
I'm running out of characters again...
BTW, you aren't allowed to nominate yourself or to tell someone that you nominated them, but if you see something you want to nominate, here's the form. "Quill Nomination Form 2025"
Okay, now that I've traumatized you with so much information, GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR NEW INTERACTIVE! Go out there and start making friends, especially in your niche.
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs
To easily give someone the chance to double click your plus, I recommend posting a link like I did. (BTW, I pay 10,000 GPs to new fans.
{user:anbee} = n-b
Good luck! I hope this info helps!