Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/amber1963
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*Confettir* *Confettib* *Cake2* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MISS TIQUE! *Cake* *Confettip* *Confettiv*
Hello, I am wishing you Happy Birthday! I'm a day late, I know. The snail Mail forum is filling fast.
Seeing "© Copyright 2017" at the bottom of my blog post is already confusing me. *Facepalm* It's a new year, darling.

On the subject, happy new year! *ConfettiB* I hope everyone has a great one! *BigSmile*
Hi there!

I see you're a member of the Angel Army Patrol so I'm dropping by to celebrate The WDC Angel Army 's 10th Anniversary with you!

May your halo shine bright
As you flit round this site
Spreading cheer and delight
To us all, day and night! *Angelic*

Hmmmm where have you been? I haven't seen you around in, like, forever! *Laugh* Miss ya and hope you're doing great! *Hug*
Cinn  Author Icon
Ah! I haven't seen you around in ages either! How you doing, love?
I'm doing well enough. Trying my best to socialize a little. Is it working? *Laugh*
Cinn  Author Icon
*Laugh* Well, it's not NOT working?

Thus far today, I think all I've done is socialize. I swear, lady... if you pop into someone's newsfeed and leave comments, you'll be swamped in no time! *Wink*
Congratulations of being one of the Reviewer of the month! *Hug*

Don't stop the work already started, keep writing dear Angel!

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To the anonymous person who gifted me a membership, thank you SO much! You've really made my day! *Happycry*
Would anyone like to sponsor me at "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.? I would be very grateful if you did! *Bigsmile*

In case you haven't seen it...... "Note: *PenV* Please leave your encouraging words ...".
In case anyone missed it...... "Note: In Celebration of WDC's Big 15th Bir..." *Bigsmile*
I'd like to say a huge thanks to these people for all the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday: ~ IVELTAC ~ Author IconMail Icon, flamer Author IconMail Icon, Dragon is hiding Author IconMail Icon, The StoryMaster Author IconMail Icon, and Kai Rajaniemi Author IconMail Icon. Thanks guys for making my birthday extra special!
  •   1 comment
Sho thang! *Bigsmile*
*Confettib* *Confettig* *Confettir* Happy Birthday! *Confettio* *Confettip* *Confettiv*

*Partyhaty* *Bigsmile* *Partyhatb* *Cake* *Partyhato* *Cake2* *Partyhatg* *Cake3* *Partyhatp* *Cakeb* *Partyhatr* *Cakep* *Partyhatv* *Delight* *Partyhatbl*
I need a topic for my next free verse poem. So if anyone can give me one word that I can write about (it can be anything), that would be lots of help. Thanks!
Toothless the Dragon. *Bigsmile*
Snape, Snape, Severus Snape.......Dumbledore! Erm...well that just happened. *Pthb*
Hey everybody! I'm on a mission, but I'll need your help! You see, my sister Kai Rajaniemi Author IconMail Icon is currently on Elf Elle's Naughty list! For just 500 gift points, you can give Rebecca your vote for the nice list. Together, we can make it happen. Together, we can put a good girl back on the nice list. Thanks, and Happy Holidays!
*Laugh* I know Dragon is hiding Author IconMail Icon! She is very good at this. *Smirk* So bring it on! *Pthb*
OK - If your sure she doesn't belong on the naughty list.
*Laugh* Oh THANKS Geoff Author IconMail Icon!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/amber1963