Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/altz
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
hello, so here I go, making a book. It's a short story, really, and HIGHLY incomplete, riddled with typos, and probably as bad as it get. but it's there, a work in progress, and i feel that I must post it in order to be able to complete it.
This is the story of the weeping willow, who appears in "in a strange forest I wander", and of all the things related to him. I do not know when I will finish this story, but i hope it will eventually come to terms. VoilĂ  !
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 In a strange forest I wander... Open in new Window. (18+)
Prologue to the tales of the red willow
*CandleB* *ConfettiBL* *GiftV* *ConfettiY* *CakeB* *ConfettiP* *BalloonY*
I just want to wish you an HAPPY ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY!
Already *BalloonGo* 4 *BalloonG* years at WDC, that's AWESOME!
*PartyHatG* *BurstR* *PartyHatv* *Burstb* *PartyHatr*

Special invitation:
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Angels Among Us Open in new Window. (E)
Poetry only contest to celebrate 10th anniversary of WdC Angel Army Group
#2071963 by ~Minja~ Author IconMail Icon

*Vine1**Flowerr* Hi there, Just dropping you a friendly note to say, "Welcome to the site!" I'm sure you'll be glad you joined. If you're wondering how to get started, or if you'd like to come and meet some new faces, why not visit us at "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. and say hello? *Flowerr**Vine2*
Hope to see you there,
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/altz