Thanks to Twitter, I'm learning to write more concisely. I enjoy the exercise and I'm gathering followers. It won't bode well for Nanowrimo, though, because word count is more important than style or content in November. In addition, it takes more time to express a whole idea in a single Tweet than in a long article. I don't know if I'll be able to keep my inner editor away from my novel when it's used to having free rein. |
I need to re-introduce writing into my life but I'm really busy, being torn in all directions by responsibilities and desires. If I leave it much longer, though, I'll get completely out of practice in doing anything creative with writing tools. Therefore, my goal until the end of October is to write a diary / daily journal entry every day. (After all, I love writing about myself, and reading it all back, later.) |
I'm using them today because I was feeling at a loss, having used up all my usual pastimes while waiting for my son's meal to finish cooking.
Sorry this response is so late. I've only just got back into writing and, luckily, WdC sent me a link to reset my password - they must have known the previous one was lost in the mists of time...