Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ahlewis32
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Was just thinking about you. Hope you're okay. *Heart*
After a looonnnggg absence, I have a new item in my portfolio:
 The Replacement  (E)
A game of hide and seek with the newest family member.
Today is my one year anniversary at Writing.com!
Thanks to all of you who have supported me in my writing endeavors and read and critiqued my writings.
Happy Anniversary! *Balloon*
I'll help out Carol, Bride of Writingstein *Right* *Balloonbl* *Balloons* *Balloon3*
         *Confettib* Congrats! *Confettibl*
*Laugh* THANKS!!!

Party on.
Some of you have read my flash fiction story, "It Came Without Warning." It was about my dog, Vannie, and the day we went to the kennel to adopt her. Vannie passed away the other day at the age of 12. She was my companion and writing partner and is greatly missed.

It Came Without Warning  [13+]
My entry for Daily Flash Challenge, 2/23/2014.
by ahlewis32
Aw no... *Sad* I'm sorry you have lost a beloved friend.
So sorry to hear this, but I bet you feel him around you as you write. He could be a great part of your muse in the future.
A question....

Has anyone taken the class "So You Want To Write A Novel!" from the New Horizons Academy?

If so, what did you think about it?

  •   1 comment
Yes, I did. It's really good. I was just saying to 🌑 Darleen - QoD that my writing changed so significantly, I can actually see the difference between chapter 2 (where I was up to when I started the course) and chapter 3. *Facepalm* It's definitely worth doing.
Yup. It's me. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead or lost my internet connection to a large band of internet stealing elves.

Nope. I've been on sabbatical, working on my blog and doing promotional work for some romance writer friends of mine. It's been loads of fun and educational.

I'm also editing on my novels, for what it's worth. I have one ready for a professional editor but money is the issue so it sits in Vault 13, waiting on my lottery winnings to arrive. Going to be a long wait.

So hi and keep the pen on the page!
Yeah, I know. I've been AWOL. I am writing though.

My blog is up and going and I'm having lots fun with it. I have over 200 fans on Facebook now and there are about 50-100 hits on the blog everyday, more on post days. I've made friends with some great authors of romantic fiction and have had a couple offer me their books in exchange for a review!

Today I even dusted off my last year's NaNoWriMo novel for a heavy edit. We'll see how that works out.
Sounds great to me! Writing is writing! You can share the link to your blog here if you want. There are no rules against it. You can put it in your Bio and whatnot. *Smile*
Wow! That's a successful blog!
I've had some requests for my blog address. If you wish to leave me feedback, I'd really appreciate it. It's a work in progress. Thanks!

It's https://tangledhearts-boxerbriefs@blogspot.com

Yes, it's a silly name but it fits.
I have temporarily conquered my writer's block by changing genres. So since I have so much fun reading, I've started a reviewing blog. So far so good, I've had several visitors. It's offsite from WDC so I hesitate to put the address up but if anyone is interested, I'd be happy to point them in the right direction.

Thanks again to all who have been so helpful during my writing crisis. I still don't have anything down on the novel but it's mothballed for now.
  •   1 comment
The important thing is to write... not to work endlessly on one project. I know it must be frustrating for you, given how fast you can whip up a novel. *Laugh* At least you're writing something though.

Feel free to share the link here. SM and SMs don't mind that. It's sort of to be expected. So long as you're not spamming people all over the place, you're fine. *Smile*
While I'm still not writing anything I do want to shout out a HUGE thank you to the following for sending me such wonderful encouragement and help as I try to navigate an end to my serious writer's block.


Hmmm... sometimes just taking a break and doing other creative pursuits help!
I'm taking an sabbatical from writing for a while. I can't seem to write anything anymore so I'm stopping. Think I used up all my ideas. Thanks for all the help and support!
i think you might be selling yourself short. Try writing the short stuff for a while. It kind of feeds your muse. Everyone has to eat..even your muse. Take little nibbles and see what happens.
I can't even do that Lifelessons. Nothing comes out. I'm completely stuck. Don't have anything else to do
I'll keep it in mind, Northernwrites, but every time I tried to get into a group like that, I get rejected. I think I'm getting a little old to try to start something like this. I ran out of juice.
And I still got nothing.....*FacePalm*
Happy Independence Day to my friends here at WDC!

If you aren't from the USA, have a happy Friday and a great weekend!

If you are, then stay safe and still have a great time!

  •   1 comment
Happy Independence Day to you too!
It's the second day of Camp NaNoWriMo and my word total is 0.

That's right...nada...a goose egg...absolutely nothing.

I've drawn a complete blank and can't even start after all the planning I've done. I haven't been able to write for a couple of weeks now.

I give up. *Cry*

You should look in your mailbox......

  •   1 comment
You sweetheart you! Thanks so much, love! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

You might just have something special in yours too in a minute. *Laugh*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ahlewis32