Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/a.roy1
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PRAISE BE TO THE ALMIGHTY GODS! Blessed so much, found out I passed isces this morning, scraped a low satisfactory pass, and I've been down about it all morning, failed two of my acute stations, no one else did! All the feelings of being inadequate and s*** returning, feeling guilty about scraping through medical school and being a mediocre doctor. Messaging Kursheed and Latifa, Latifa especially really helped me be more positive like f*** I'm going to be fingers crossed a doctor this time next year!! Unreal and even if you aren't great sin and still don't feel like this is what you want to do, you can do whatever the f*** you want after you've officially graduated!! Remember that, all this hard work and even scraping won't be for nothing! Trying to keep the optimism and positivity and stop looking at all the negatives, you got this man, you deserve this man, you tried your best, even if it wasn't ideal in the acute stations. My core stations were all good tbh so proud of myself for that- I'm not al terrible! Neurology and psych went particularly well, resp and gi were good too, only the acute stations that fully were a flop haha -thank god its over and I don't have to do phase 2, thank godddddddddddd
Been talking to this new guy on bumble, keep forgetting his name, Mihir, friends with anish friend, not sure what I'm doing, hes very good looking and he seems very interested obviously from my pics, that whole scare of will they like me in real life or not is remaining now...im leaving for elective in a month tho so not sure whats gona happen tbh, hes cute so whatever
Not sure about this whole fwb thing, trying to not get needy again and maintain flirty fund without it being too deep/boring again and not too serious but not just selling myself short
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/a.roy1