Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/community/marlondacosta
marlondacosta's Portfolio!

Registered Author

Est. January 11, 2007
Membership Info   Wish List
Community Recognition
1  Referred Member ?
+ 16  Qualified Merit Badges ?
+ 3  Qualified Awardicons ?
+ 0  Trinket Points ?
+ 2  Review Recognitions ?
+ 91  Bonus Recognitions?

113  Community Recognitions ?
Offline or Private
Last Online: Private
Member Activity
15 Public Reviews Given  Open in new Window.
9 Merit Badges Given
2 Awardicons Given
8 Forum Posts
273 Total Reviews Given
341 Ratings Given
Merit Badge Summary
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Presented By
A Non-Existent Member
on September 24th, 2007

Thank you for the sensational tributes. They're beautiful, Dave! {e:heart}
March 18th, 2007
You just know this poem means the world to me just as your friendship does, Dave. Thank you for the beautiful tribute!
March 16th, 2007
To a sensational poet who I'm proud to sponsor. {e:smile}
March 10th, 2007
Sherri Gibson, Proud Sponsor, "Rising Stars" Award of Excellence
March 8th, 2007
To Dave, a good friend whose lyrics are sensational!
February 25th, 2007
For a beautiful poem and versatile poet.
February 23rd, 2007

Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/community/marlondacosta