Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/community/abookluvr
abookluvr's Portfolio!

Preferred Author

Est. June 8, 2004
Membership Info   Wish List
Community Recognition
3  Referred Members ?
+ 42  Qualified Merit Badges ?
+ 13  Qualified Awardicons ?
+ 0  Trinket Points ?
+ 2  Review Recognitions ?
+ 110  Bonus Recognitions?

170  Community Recognitions ?
Offline or Private
Last Online: Private
Member Activity
43 Public Reviews Given  Open in new Window.
32 Merit Badges Given
11 Awardicons Given
772 Forum Posts
224 Total Reviews Given
329 Ratings Given
Merit Badge Summary
Click a badge to view those received.
Presented By
Robert Waltz Author Icon
on December 24th, 2007

Convention Pirates Theme Song
August 17th, 2004
Awarded for Excellence in Romantic Sci-Fi
July 21st, 2005
Rising Mists Contest
November 11th, 2004
First Prize SF/F Touch of Romance
December 13th, 2006
Excellence in Blogging
August 16th, 2006
Kittiara's Writing Contest - Round 7
July 3rd, 2006

Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/community/abookluvr