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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/tblakely5/month/8-1-2019
Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2157052
There is beauty in all things!
My Outlook on everyday things.

Seeing is believing,  the eyes are the way to the soul.

They say that the eyes are the door to your soul.
They can tell others if your happy, joyful, sad, angry, tired,
even lie or tell the truth, shall I go on or do you get the picture?
August 28, 2019 at 10:19am
August 28, 2019 at 10:19am
Should we revisit the past? Some people say yes, while others say that it's not a wise thing to do. Well, I think you should to some point. It's best not to ponder on things that happened in your past. While other times it's a good place to remember your successes, failures and everything in between. The lessons learned!

Good examples are when you got promoted on your own merits. Sweet reward's! Then on the flip side that very important thing that you forgot to do that cost you that promotion. Bet you won't forget that one.

How about that boyfriend or girlfriend that you trusted your heart with? Well, if you're still together and working on the relationship that's a sweet reward, too. But, if you're not it can be heartbreaking. But, and I know that it's hard to see the plus side to this, but you need to move on. God didn't have that person planned for you, He has a greater love waiting for you. Trust me! (Those famous last words.)

Now there are all those "What If's" you can't ponder on those either. You just waste valuable time and effort. Where you could be counterproductive and enjoying a very joyful life in bliss and happiness. Hey, we are all guilty of this, we are human and humans make mistakes. So don't beat yourself up over it and for Pete's sake visit your past, but DON'T stay there. It doesn't help you or anyone else.

On a high note, I want you to have a marvelous day and think of something positive. Like just how much God and I love you! It's a good start to a beautiful day. *Bigsmile*

Hugzzzzz *Hug* *Heart* *Hug*
Double trouble
August 9, 2019 at 6:45pm
August 9, 2019 at 6:45pm
Today, I'd like to take a few moments to recognize someone who is very special to me. He has honored his country for 20 years, serving her with strength and courage. He and his family have been on several moves and deployments, including Germany. Today, my son retires from the United States Air Force.

A celebration of my son's retirement from USAF

I have watched him in all stages of his life. From his birth, kindergarten, grade school and high school. He even attended MSU and BU receiving his degree in (durn I should remember this, but can't at the moment.) He then attended Officer's school in Alabama, receiving his admission into flight school and from there becoming a Trainer and Pilot. He has had a number of positions and duties.

Today, when I look at you I still see that 5 years old at the airshow at Edwards AF base. Climbing up the steps to the C130, you climbed up into the pilot seat and look out the window to wave at me. The smile on your face should have told me what was in your future. That one day you would fly a C130J. But, when you were 6 you had decided to be a cardiologist until you went off to college. Far from a pilot in the Air Force, huh.

I've seen the highs and lows, and the sacrifices that you and your family have done for your country throughout the years. You bring the strength and courage to being a Warrior. The love and comfort of a husband, father, and son. I'm so proud of you and your accomplishments. Today we celebrate you and your career. Here is to your future as a Commercial Pilot. I know that you will be outstanding in it as you were in the Air Force. Thank you so much for your service and the sacrifices that you and the girls made. I know that it made all of you stronger together. I love you all so much.

August 3, 2019 at 12:22am
August 3, 2019 at 12:22am
I would like to thank everyone for your thoughts, well wishes, and prayers. I am home now and after taking a nap, because if you have ever stayed overnight or long periods of time in the hospital you know you won't get any rest. It makes you wonder if you're there to get well. Why in the world do they wake you up every hour? Well, it is to make sure everything is going well. But, when a nurse came in at 4 am to ask me if I needed help with my shower, that took the cake. Come on, really I just fell asleep and you come in and wake me up out of a dead sleep to ask about a shower. What was strange she wasn't even my nurse. That being said that's why I needed a nap.

Here's the outcome of my surgery and diagnosis. The procedure was a heart cath and stent. The damage was to my left side artery that the other test results didn't find. This is the first surgery that I have ever been totally awake. It was the strangest feeling to feel my warm thick blood run down my leg as he inserted the scalpel into my skin to start inserting the heart cath. At first, I thought I had gone to the bathroom and started to get embarrassed until I realized it was my own blood running down my leg onto the table.

They had the EKG hooked up with wires going everywhere to monitor my heart rate. There were a couple of screens to my left, so I could watch it while he did it. But, when they hooked me up to everything they forgot to make sure I could see. He spoke in a melancholy tone as he described the procedure to me. It was like a soothing blanket covering me as I looked around the room and listened to them talk through step by step, I was at total ease. Yeah, hard to believe it, but I was totally into it.

After placing the stent where he wanted and stitching me up, he walked around the operating table to my left side to show me on the screen what he had done. He then realized that I hadn't been able to see what he had been doing. He gently moved the blanket down so I could see and explained that although he normally inserted stents at 75% he was placing one in my heart even though it was at a lower percentage rate. He said due to the build-up and damage to my heart it would be a matter of time before I would suffer a fatal attack and not recover from it. I laid there watching my arteries, blood vessels and my heart pumping out its own rhythmic heartbeat on one screen. While he showed me on the other screen the damage to my artery I could see what he was explaining to me. It really fascinated me, I could've stayed there all day watching MY HEART BEATING to its own sound. Wow, so amazing.

We discussed the fall that I had back in November 2017 and we both agreed that it was a blessing in disguise that leads us to the damage to my heart before something serious happened. If it wasn't for some of the health issues that I was suffering I probably wouldn't had been prompted to go see a cardiologist. God does work in mysterious ways.

My breathing is so much better and I don't have the severe pressure on my heart. As I have mentioned before that you need to listen to your body. And if the doctor doesn't listen to you find someone that will before something tragic happens to you. I have dedicated this to The Mightiest Physician of all God, my doctor John King and some of the best day nurses in Lowndes County, MS and to two of my dearest friends (Patsy and Kary) who stayed with me and chauffeured me back and forth when my family couldn't be with me on such short notice. For all the prayers that I received from family and friends from all over the globe. I love ya'll ❣️

May God find you well,

My beautiful signature

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