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by Sumojo
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #2186156
The simplicity of my day to day.
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
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April 26, 2024 at 7:16am
April 26, 2024 at 7:16am
Blog City Prompt Forum  (E)
Message forum for Blog City group members to place their entries to blog prompts
#1972533 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Use these thoughts to write the worst structured poem you possibly can. Venting, ranting, or complaining about something, sickness or bodily dysfunction. Have fun!

Crutches! They’re such a
Pain. No hands free
Even to go for a wee
Is not easy.
Struggling, muddling through.
The days seems longer and I’m not
Feeling stronger.

Hey! stop your moaning and groaning.
What are you? A wimp?
Toughen up, sunshine, you’re not alone.
Grow a bit more backbone.
There’s always someone worse.

That’s true I don’t even need a nurse
Tomorrow’s another day
Ain’t that what THEY say?
Whoever THEY may be.
So I’ll pick up my sticks and walk the walk,
Or at least I’ll shuffle and talk the talk.
Oh, dear crutches, soon I’ll be out of your clutches.
April 20, 2024 at 7:55pm
April 20, 2024 at 7:55pm
Blog City Prompt Forum  (E)
Message forum for Blog City group members to place their entries to blog prompts
#1972533 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

prompt: " an old dog never learns new tricks" its a saying I've heard since I was a kid.is it a truthful thing to say? can us old dogs really not learn new tricks? or do we just not want to?

write me a story, poem or rant about it, please!

This prompt made me literally think of an old dog story. Our daughter had a puppy who we were going look after for them for a month. Now we’d had this lively little thing before and she’s what I’d call an in and out creature. No sooner was she in than she’d want to go out. I’d be up and down constantly. No rest with this dog. So when I found out we were expected to have a month of this, then we put in a dog door. However we have an old dog of our own. She’s happy to stay inside most of the time, so we’d never needed a dog door for her. So at ten years of age we tried to sell the concept of a dog door to her. She hated it, was scared of it. It led to me crawling through it myself to show her how it was done!
Along came Gigi the Labradoodle. She came with her luggage, bed and toys to stay while her mummy and daddy went on vacation.
She took to our doggy door like a duck to water and Lucy, our ten year old dog, watched on. Eventually she attempted to follow Gigi outside. She put head through first, then retreated. Next she went halfway through. Of course there’s no coming back from that, so a push on her bum saw her through. Nowadays Lucy loves her door. So you can teach an old dog new tricks.
April 8, 2024 at 6:16am
April 8, 2024 at 6:16am
Blogging Circle of Friends   (E)
A group for WDC bloggers.
#1901868 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Day 3466: April 8, 2024

Prompt: Begin your entry with "What if..."

What if the world was a kinder place? I’m not religious but I’m sure who or whatever envisioned and made this place, which is outstanding in its beauty, endless bounty and has everything a population of human beings could possibly need, surely has to be beyond disappointed. We are more informed than at any other time in evolution. We’re supposed to be more clever, more knowledgeable. We can cure illness and disease. But we aren’t kinder, thoughtful or more peaceful. People fight for land that isn’t theirs. There are multiple wars, children are being killed without a qualm it seems.
I realise it’s a sweeping statement to make, but on the whole we as a population are slowly but surely ruining the world.

In my country we have the Great Barrier Reef. The coral is being bleached at such a rapid rate that before too much longer it will be a dead zone and no one will want to visit. The sea turtles are being choked by micro plastics, caught up in discarded fishing nets and the crown of thorns starfish is proliferating because of the rising temperatures of the ocean and is killing whole coral reefs. It’s beyond sad.

Rainforests are being felled in greater numbers each year and as the earth warms further, fires and floods are increasing.

So what if nothing is done to stop the warming trend? I know the best minds are working on a solution but is it too late. What if it is?
You know, there is something to be said for being old. That way I don’t have to witness the devastation of my beautiful planet Earth.

April 5, 2024 at 9:59am
April 5, 2024 at 9:59am
Blogging Circle of Friends   (E)
A group for WDC bloggers.
#1901868 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Use these words in your entry today: mystery, small, determine, escape, sailboat, storm and a bullet casing. A bullet casing counts as one word in this instance.

It’s a mystery to me how I’ve got the energy to even write in my blog. Todays been very tiring as I’ve been helping my granddaughter and four great grandchildren move house. But I’m determined to at least have a crack at incorporating these words into this tale.
It never fails to surprise me when I see all the ‘stuff’ people move from house to house. There were so much of the ‘stuff’ that will simply get ‘stuffed’ back in a drawer or cupboard until the next upheaval. I’m pretty sure there is such a thing as a man drawer in everyone’s home. It’s the drawer that holds dead batteries, screws, bullet casings, coins and old phones.
There was one such drawer that I simply emptied into the garbage and just hoped for the best that no one ever looks for the ‘stuff’ ever again.
I eventually escaped the storm and the turmoil which was her new place at five pm this afternoon. There was still a mountain of boxes to empty when I left with the promise I’ll come back soon.😂 (my fingers were crossed behind my back)
Their new place backs on to the river which is almost dry as we’ve had no rain for almost four months, so I wouldn’t have been able to use my sailboat even if I owned one!
I came home desperately in need of a glass of wine unable to even think what we were going to have for dinner and bless his heart my husband placed a glass in my hand and a plate of delicious stew he’d made.
April 3, 2024 at 6:58am
April 3, 2024 at 6:58am
Blogging Circle of Friends   (E)
A group for WDC bloggers.
#1901868 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Day 3461: April 3, 2024

Prompt: “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.”
Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets

Let this quote inspire you blog entry today.

These are beautiful words. How wonderful it must be to be able to write such language. Having read the quote several times I had to wonder what sort of love he was writing about.
As much as I love my husband, after all we’ve been married 59 years and I met him when we were both sixteen, I can’t say, hand on heart, my feelings were ever that intense. I can’t imagine having someone who would put me on such a pedestal and I wouldn’t like it. The intensity would be too overwhelming.
No, I don’t think it’s a love between a man and a woman the words are meant for. Humans are too fallible, we would surely disappoint such a lover because of that fact. We couldn’t keep up, the scales would drop from his eyes on those mornings before teeth are cleaned, breath freshened and ablutions completed.
The only love which would do justice to those beautiful words and sentiments is the love a mother has for her child. Your hand upon my chest is my hand, now those sentiments I can imagine a mother experiencing as a new baby’s hand rests upon a breast.
April 2, 2024 at 1:07am
April 2, 2024 at 1:07am
Blog City Prompt Forum  (E)
Message forum for Blog City group members to place their entries to blog prompts
#1972533 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Prompt: Life Skills
What does the term "life skills" mean to you? What life skills, hard or soft, have you developed that serve you the best?
Hard skills are education, certifications, money-making, etc. Soft skills are problem-solving, time management, patience, gratitude, listening ability, etc.

I’ve developed, but also lost life skills over my life. When I was a little girl I loved to do embroidery, my Auntie showed me how. That was when everyone used embroidered tablecloths and handkerchiefs. I haven’t done any for nearly seventy years so I’m sure that skill has gone. Knitting was another. I think the last thing I knitted was a beautiful sweater with a motorbike motif on the back for my boyfriend. It was a labour of love for sixteen year old me. His mother threw the woollen sweater into the washing machine into hot water! It shrunk to the size that would fit a six year old.
One life skill I’ve learned over the years is the art of listening without advising, that’s a great skill, one which I use all the time.
Another great skill is the art of making my house look visitor ready in five minutes. It really works so long as no one opens any cupboard doors!

Frog in a Hanging Basket

March 31, 2024 at 8:30pm
March 31, 2024 at 8:30pm
Blogging Circle of Friends   (E)
A group for WDC bloggers.
#1901868 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Prompt: Use these words in you blog entry: fool, cool, flower, power, breeze, sneeze, time, and rhyme.

Today, Easter Monday, the weather is very windy but fine. It was very cool when I went for my early morning walk at 6.30, the strong breeze blew my hat off and I must have looked quite the fool chasing after it. I’m sure the wind was playing with me as time after time I almost managed to grab it before an invisible hand snatched it out of reach. The trouble with the wind blowing from the east is that it blows from the desert. This causes so many of us hayfever sufferers to sneeze constantly. Pollen from the flowers and blossom, from the Marri trees, floating on the breeze cause my eyes to stream so I appear to have a constant head cold.
It’s the school holidays here in Western Australia and my school age great grandchildren will no doubt be complaining about boredom. I’m always on the look out for free activities and went to the local library to see if they were putting anything on this year for the kids. Whilst I was there I sat and watch a group of little ones enjoying Rhyme time. The toddlers are so delightful to watch. Everything is so new for them and reminds me that the world is a wonderful place.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

March 30, 2024 at 3:39am
March 30, 2024 at 3:39am
Blogging Circle of Friends   (E)
A group for WDC bloggers.
#1901868 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

“But it is a sort of April-weather life that we lead in this world. A little sunshine is generally the prelude to a storm.." ― William Cowper

I honestly don’t think I’ve read or heard a truer saying than today’s prompt.
I live my life in an optimistic fashion and yet I expect the inevitable dramas which life throws at you.
My husband says I’m pessimistic and yet that’s so far from the truth. I handle each crisis calmly and in a way that allows me to not panic, to remain calm and hopefully deliver good counsel.
These days the dramas are from the family, with so many children, grandchildren and great grandchildren there is always something to worry about.
I attempt to stay calm, but always expect there’ll be someone with a problem. But that’s life isn’t it? Happiness is fleeting but contentment can be long lasting even in a crisis. Most problems are fleeting, but expected. That’s how I live my life, enjoying the moment, the blue sky days, because inevitably a cloud will block out the sun.
There is a saying that says you’re only as happy as your saddest child and that is so true. It’s the April showers which ensures one will enjoy the rainbows.
March 29, 2024 at 1:57am
March 29, 2024 at 1:57am
Blog City Prompt Forum  (E)
Message forum for Blog City group members to place their entries to blog prompts
#1972533 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Please use these words in your entry: weave, cake, inside, outside, ample, reception, and pepper. Have fun.

My beautiful friend invited my husband and I to lunch at her home. She texted to ask what sort of cakeJohn, liked. It seemed to be a hard decision on his part, and he had amplenumber of ones that he might choose from. Finally, it came down to two finalists. Chocolate éclair, or vanilla slice. Selection decided upon at last, I let my friend know.
On arrival at the party, thereception was very warm and welcoming.There was another decision to be made and that was whether to sit outside or inside.The day was very warm still, even though by now, it being autumn, summer should have departed the scene, inside was deemed preferable.
There were a few other couples present at the party and because space was at a premium when anyone needed to use the bathroom, we needed to weave in and out of the chairs and table.
The food was delicious and in between the inevitable “pass the pepper and other banalities, so was the conversation.
After the main course a platter of individual cakes was presented. Everyone it seemed had requested a different type of cake. But to John’s delight there in the centre was a vanilla slice at least two inches high filled with a thick, creamy custard.
March 28, 2024 at 6:29am
March 28, 2024 at 6:29am
Blog City Prompt Forum  (E)
Message forum for Blog City group members to place their entries to blog prompts
#1972533 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Prompt: What was the month of March like for you? Write about this in your Blog Entry today.

March has been a month of indecision, not just for me but for all my family. My daughter, Sarah,
has a high profile managerial job and has suffered what could be called burn out. She’s had to take time off to recover and is seriously considering a change of career. They’ve put their house on the market and have had to decide whether or not they should purchase another property. Decisions, decisions.
I’m having major surgery and have had to decide whether or not to go ahead with it, I honestly couldn’t decide. I did blog about it and Lyn helped me decide to go for it.
There’s been similar situations this month for a granddaughter and a son, both having to make life changing decisions. So I’ve been asked for advice from many quarters whilst struggling with my own dilemma.
So all in all I’d say March has been a muddled month and I’ll be pleased to see the end of it.

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