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by Sumojo
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #2186156
The simplicity of my day to day.
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
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July 13, 2020 at 1:11am
July 13, 2020 at 1:11am
PROMPT July 13th

Write about your favorite summer activity.

It’s the middle of winter here so Summer seems a long way away. However my husband who is 77 had a sudden desire to re-enact our younger years. He bought a ski boat. Forty or more years ago we used to take our young family water skiing at every chance we had. Hubby would call me and say “ I’m finishing work early, go get the kids out of school.” And often we’d go to the river early in the mornings and cook breakfast and ski.
Anyway last summer on his insistence we became the proud owners of a ski boat once again. Each weekend he’d send out the call to children, adult grandchildren and great grandchildren, “Let’s go skiing this weekend,” he’d suggest. But everyone is so busy these days. Great-grandchildren have sport or birthday parties. Or someone is having to work. Whatever it was, the boat went out once only. Much to hubby’s disappointment. He didn’t grasp he was no longer in control, he couldn’t just believe because it was such a beautiful day that everyone didn’t answer the call and drop everything. It’s been a bit sad really.
However the good news is the boat is going to be taken on a family camping holiday at Christmas. There is one very excited man in our house.
July 12, 2020 at 6:49am
July 12, 2020 at 6:49am
PROMPT July 12th

When did you first start blogging? (anywhere, not necessarily on WDC) Why? What did you blog about? (subjects, topics, personal news, etc.) Has your blogging style changed since you began?

I never blogged at all or even thought about journaling until WdC. The reason I even have a blog was was to become part of The Rockin’Reviewers. I barely knew how to navigate around the site until Hannah patiently led me through it. As part of the site navigation we had to start a blog.

Being part of the 30 day blogging challenge encourages me to consider my thoughts on all sorts of subjects and I love the interaction with all of you. There is something every day that gives me food for thought, makes me smile or frown. I love getting a sneak peek into all of your lives. I think what I enjoy the most is everyone’s honesty. Blogging gives an opportunity to express one’s feelings. It can be a place to vent, share good times and the not so good. Getting comments is really nice too. Another thing about blogging is that it’s something that is just mine, no one else in my family reads what I write unless I want to share something.
July 10, 2020 at 11:06pm
July 10, 2020 at 11:06pm
PROMPT July 11th

Imagine what the world would be like today if humans had never discovered/invented _________ (fill in the blank).

Well as someone who has experienced life without the internet I know what the world would be like today if it had never been invented.
Over 50% of the population of the world use this invention nowadays so obviously the take up for this has been massive.
An integral part of this non invention would be in communication. There would be an increase in postal mail and phones. We’d simply have to go and actually talk to friends and family. 😱 People would crack out pens and paper, licking stamps and writing letters, paying bills etc.
On line businesses would no longer exist of course, and customers would buy locally enriching our local towns and shops.
One thing which would be a blessing as far as I’m concerned Is we’d be more focused on what is happening around us locally. Instead of being bombarded with news about every disaster as it happens all over the world. Sometimes ignorance is bliss
We would not be heading to a cashless society as is happening now. Many stores and business since COVID, are only accepting payments by card.
We would and could survive. We’d adapt if it suddenly disappeared.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

July 9, 2020 at 10:52pm
July 9, 2020 at 10:52pm
PROMPT July 10th

Go somewhere outside or where you can observe the happenings of the world beyond the walls of your home (looking out a window is fine). Spend at least five minutes watching and listening. What do you see, hear, and smell? Where does your mind wander when you sit quietly?

This is a lovely prompt, so easy to answer too. I do this every morning before breakfast. I go out into the Australian bush to clear my mind and walk my dog.
I’ll tell you what I saw this morning.
First the sun is just rising through the trees behind me and it makes the forest of eucalypts appear as if they are about to burst into flame. It takes my breath away and I feel as if I’m the only person alive who is watching these first few moments of this day. Moving on I see a pair of red breasted tiny birds quarrelling, maybe she’s not satisfied with the nesting material he brought?
The dog and I stop in our tracks as we hear the distinctive thump of a kangaroo nearby.
I find a rechargeable head torch today on the track. Someone on a mountain bike has lost it. I take it home and my husband finds a charger that fits it. He’s very happy. Oh well one man’s loss is another ones gain.
July 9, 2020 at 12:25am
July 9, 2020 at 12:25am
PROMPT July 9th

Write about the last time you did something nice for yourself.

Well 2020 was going to be the year I did lots of nice things for myself, but.....
We all know what happened and I’m sure I’m one of millions of people whose plans were thrown out of the window. So the opportunities to do anything nice were seriously curtailed.
However yesterday I went to the beautician, she has recently been allowed to open. Now I have perfectly groomed and tinted eyebrows again. So happy. 😍
July 8, 2020 at 12:20am
July 8, 2020 at 12:20am
PROMPT July 8th

What historical events, besides your own birth, occurred on your birthday in the year you were born?

This was the first time I ever googled my own birthdate and July 19 th is quite disappointing really. July 19th 1944 was a pretty boring day news wise, but In 1969 Apollo 11 went into orbit around the moon. That’s significant but not as great as the day man first landed on the moon. I remember it so well. I still have a copy of the Daily Mirror with the headline screaming out MAN LANDS ON THE MOON!
The only other item of news I found interesting on July 19th was Adolf Hitler ordered Britain to surrender in 1940.
Thank goodness Winston Churchill didn’t cave in to him. I don’t think I would be here writing this blog.
The course of history would have changed forever. My father was fighting in the war in 1940, what would have happened to him if Hitler had successfully managed to defeat England? I don’t think I would even have been born.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

July 7, 2020 at 12:59am
July 7, 2020 at 12:59am
PROMPT July 7th

What do you do when you are out of inspiration or ideas?

I usually give myself a break and do something else. It seems my brain however doesn’t actually take the break I’ve offered and keeps on working. Inevitably an idea or solution pops up. I call it letting my brain stew on it.
Other than that I’ll ask my husband if he has any story ideas, he’s actually quite handy to have around.

July 6, 2020 at 8:37am
July 6, 2020 at 8:37am
PROMPT July 6th

Is there such a thing as “unbiased reporting?” (Consider not just journalism, but storytelling - is it possible to tell a story without bias?

There are certain subjects about which I would really like to believe I’m totally unbiased, and yet I know I’m not.. But every one of us has unconscious biases. They are ingrained in our very being. Right from the moment we’re born we start to pick up our parent’s ideas and thoughts about life. Politics, race, education and our place in society. Try as we might to dispel those ideals they are always there. They will come to the surface when you might least expect them. You may be writing a fictional character and inevitably your bias will show itself unconsciously.
In this politically charged time, we’ve all had to examine our beliefs. Many will deny their biases just to be seen to go along with the majority.
The media has a job to do and that is to inform the masses of the news without putting a slant on it. That is why we have the monopolies commission, it’s to stop one person owning too many media outlets and being able to push a certain ideology. People can be persuaded to think one way or the other. We do inevitably take one side or the other.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

July 5, 2020 at 6:42am
July 5, 2020 at 6:42am
PROMPT July 5th

Tell us about someone you find inspirational.

I’m sure all of you have an amazing well known personality you’d love to emulate. Celebrities however just don’t do it for me, I like to surround myself with people who I admire who put themselves last to make other’s lives better. I wish I could say that I’m one of those but I know I’m too selfish. I do however check in on neighbours to see if they’re going okay.
I suppose if we all did what we could for our immediate friends, family and close neighbours there wouldn’t be a need for so many charitable organisations.
Anyway in the process of checking in on my elderly neighbour, Margaret, I found the person who inspires me the most. I’ve offered to write her life story, it’s been an amazing one. She was one of the first females in Australia to study physiotherapy. During the polio epidemic of the 1950’s she worked with hundreds of children to get them out of their iron lungs and back on their feet.
She gives me inspiration to keep up my fitness. She says we owe it to ourselves to stay as healthy as possible. Everyday she goes for a walk, even if it’s pouring with rain. She also, at eighty-eight years of age, still goes to a yoga class every week, doing daily practice at home. She’s a member of a choir, still goes to music concerts, and is the only one in her group of friends who still drives. Of course she’s the person they all count on to get them to doctor appointments or to the airport on time.
I rarely need to buy any books as I can rely on Margaret to fill me in on the latest best reads when she passes them on to me. I tell her often she’s my greatest inspiration.
July 4, 2020 at 9:15am
July 4, 2020 at 9:15am
PROMPT July 4th

What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?

This would be my worst nightmare. I hate public speaking.
But if, on pain of death, I was forced to stand up and speak for forty minutes, I suppose I would have to. So, what could I entertain you with? Mmm, let’s see. I know, I’d be able to keep you enthralled with all the things that went wrong whilst we were travelling.

“Pitfalls for the innocent traveller” I’d call the presentation, complete with photographs.
There would be a picture of me, sleeping sitting up, in a third class train carriage with hundreds of other passengers in India, instead of lying down in a soft bed in first class. That was caused from “someone”🤔 missing the train.
Then another of me in hospital with an injured leg after being in a bicycle accident in Thailand.🤕

This photograph of me sheltering from flying debris in a category four Cyclone in the Philippines, as a truck goes by on two wheels, is sure to encourage travellers to check the weather.

How about this picture of my poor husband in bed for a week in Vietnam with food poisoning? A warning not to order the crab soup.

Seems like South East Asia is a destination to avoid. But then may I cheer you up with photos of the good times?

Is the time up? Thanks for listening🥵

Frog in a Hanging Basket

Frog in a Hanging Basket

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