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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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August 21, 2021 at 1:07am
August 21, 2021 at 1:07am
(A poem by Hannah Senesh, one of the great heroes of the 20th century):

Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame.
Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart.
Blessed is the heart with strength to stop its beating for honor's sake.
Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame.

Hannah Senesh wrote this poem on a small piece of paper and handed it to another parachutist just before she was captured, tortured and executed in 1944. Hannah had volunteered at the age of 23 to parachute with a small group into Yugoslavia in 1944 to save Hungarian Jews who were about to be deported to the death camp in Auschwitz. She had been born in Budapest Hungary in 1921, immigrated to Palestine in 1940 and volunteered for this dangerous mission, though she was a very happy student of agriculture. I read her biography many years ago and memorized the above poem. I never forgot it. When I read it, I knew she was truly a being of Light, that she knew something I needed to learn. I had no idea what that was. It took Sri Anandamayi Ma and Her patience to teach me what the heart is. But this beautiful, metaphysical poem of Hannah's first opened the ears of my heart those many years ago.
August 20, 2021 at 5:54am
August 20, 2021 at 5:54am
When I was young, my mom used to buy vegetables for the household, from a lady vendor who came to our doorstep every day.

On a particular Sunday, the vendor brought bundles of spinach. Her quote was, I think, one rupee per bundle. My mom's counter-bid was exactly half that figure: however, she promised that she will buy four bundles at that price. For a while, both were harping on one's own figure. The vendor politely declared that she doesn't even recover her cost at that price, loaded the basket on her head and walked away.

After taking four steps ahead, the vendor turned back and shouted, *Make it 75 paise a bundle*, and I will give it to you. My mom shook her head and stuck to her original 50 paise, reiterating the theory of quantity discount. The vendor walked on.

The two of them precisely knew each other's strategies. The vendor turned around, came back to our house, while my mom was waiting at the doorstep with a smug smile on her face.

The deal was clinched at my mom's bid. The vendor was sitting there as if she was in a trance. My mom took her time checking each bundle by gently tossing it by her right hand and examining each with a critical eye for quantitative and qualitative compliance.

From an initial short-listing of the bundles, she finally selected four bundles to her satisfaction, making that point clear to the fatigued vendor. She took the commodity and took her time and came out with the payment in a collection of coins of small denominations.

The vendor took the money without even counting. As she got up, she swayed due to apparent dizziness. My mom held her hands and asked whether she hadn't had any food in the moming. The vendor said, "No Ma. With today's earnings only, I've to buy some rice, go home and make some."

My mom asked her to sit down, hurried inside and came back swiftly with a few chapatis & vegetables and offered to the vendor. Mom gave a bottle of water and started making some tea for the vendor. The vendor hungrily and gratefully ate the food, drank the water and finished the tea. Thanking my mom profusely, placed her basket on her head and went on to continue with her business.

I was puzzled. I told my mom, you were ruthless in bargaining for two rupee stuff, but were generous in offering food of a much higher price to that vendor.

*My mom smiled and said, "My dear child, there is no kindness in trading and there shall never be any trading in kindness*
August 19, 2021 at 5:10am
August 19, 2021 at 5:10am

After the attacks of September 11, a company that had its offices at the World Trade Center invited its executives and employees who had for some reason survived the attack to share their experiences.

People were alive for the smallest reasons were small details like these:

- The director of a company was late because it was his son's first kindergarten day;

- A woman was delayed because her alarm clock didn't ring in time;

- One was late because he was stuck on the road where there was an accident;

- Another survivor missed the bus;

- Someone threw food on themselves and needed the time to change;

- One had a problem with his car, which did not start;

- Another one returned to answer the phone;

- Another one had a baby!

- Another didn't get a taxi.

- But the story that impressed the most was that of a man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, and before he got to work he had a blister. He stopped at the pharmacy for a band aid and that's why he's alive today.

- Now when I get stuck in traffic; - when I lose an elevator;
- when I return to answering a phone;
And many other things that desperate me, I think first:

′′ This is the exact place you should be right now "...

- Next time your morning seems crazy, the kids take time to get dressed, don't find the car keys, find all the red lights...
- don't get angry or frustrated.

August 18, 2021 at 5:28am
August 18, 2021 at 5:28am

*Bombay Taught Me:*
Whether you are a millionaire or a ragpicker you must love Samosa pav / Sandwich / Vadapav..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
It makes a lot of difference to catch a 8.55am local than to catch 9.05am local..

*@ Bombay Taught Me"*
How to behave, how to tackle problems, how to make friends in just 10 mins, how to behave at Global Stage..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
Distance is measured in time and not KM..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
There will always be someone to share the first drop of Monsoon or a pipping hot bhutta with at Marine Drive..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
That if you can survive this city you can survive the world..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
That there is a vast difference between people traveling in Western, Central and Harbour line..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
That you can own huge bungalows in Pune or Bangalore, or buy a 2 BHK in Mumbai for the same price..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
There is something called 0.5 BHK, and you may not afford it..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
How to talk to strangers without feeling awkward..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
That problems can’t be solved easily but can be kept away for a while by contemplatively sitting near sea..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
We can have bus friend, train friend, office friend, mohalla friend not only just school or college friend..

*@ Bombay Taught Me:*
To fight and never give up in life..

*Salute to Mumbaikars*
August 17, 2021 at 4:20am
August 17, 2021 at 4:20am
At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, walked through the park in Berlin when he met a girl who was crying because she had lost her favourite doll. She and Kafka searched for the doll unsuccessfully.

Kafka told her to meet him there the next day and they would come back to look for her.

The next day, when they had not yet found the doll, Kafka gave the girl a letter 'written' by the doll saying, "Please don't cry. I took a trip to see the world. I will write to you about my adventures."

Thus began a story which continued until the end of Kafka's life.

During their meetings, Kafka read the letters of the doll, carefully written with adventures and conversations that the girl found adorable.

Finally, Kafka brought back the doll (he bought one) that had returned to Berlin.

"It doesn't look like my doll at all," said the girl.

Kafka handed her another letter, in which the doll had written: "My travels have changed me."

The little girl hugged the new doll and brought her home, happy.

A year later, Kafka died.

Many years later, the now-adult girl found a letter inside the doll. In the tiny letter signed by Kafka, it was written:

"Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return in another way."
August 16, 2021 at 4:23am
August 16, 2021 at 4:23am

′′ * I will come back hoisting the tricolor or wrapped in the tricolour, but I will definitely come back. *"
- Captain Vikram Batra,
The ultimate heroic chakra

′′ * What is an extraordinary adventure of a lifetime for you, is our daily life. * ′′
- Signboard on Leh-Ladakh Highway (Indian Army)

′′ * If my death comes before proving my bravery, then I swear that I will kill death. *"
- Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey,
Param Veer Chakra, 1/11 Gorkha Rifles

′′ * Our flag does not fly because the wind is blowing, it flies with the last breath of every soldier who sacrificed his life in its protection. *"
- Indian Army

′′ * You must be nice to get us, you must be sharp to catch us, but you must be a child to win us. *"
- Indian Army

′′ * God have mercy on our enemies, because we will not. "*
- Indian Army

′′ * Our living is our coincidence, our love is our choice, our killing is our business. *
- Officers Training Academy, Chennai

′′ * If a person says that he is not afraid of death, he must be either lying or he belongs to the Indian Army. *"
- Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw

′′ * It is God's job to forgive terrorists, but it is our job to make them meet God. *"
- Indian Army

′′ * We regret that we only have one life to give to our country. *"

Jai Hind......
August 15, 2021 at 10:13am
August 15, 2021 at 10:13am

1. " LAUGH - Even when you feel too sick or too worn out or tired.
SMILE - Even when you're trying not to cry and the tears are blurring your vision.
SING - Even when people stare at you and tell you your voice is crappy.
TRUST - Even when your heart begs you not to.
FROLICK - Even when you are made fun of.
KISS - Even when others are watching.
SLEEP - Even when you're afraid of what the dreams might bring.
RUN - Even when it feels like you can't run any more.

And ALWAYS REMEMBER, Even when the memories pinch your heart. Because the pain of all your experience is what makes you the person you are now. And without your experience---you are an Empty Page, a Blank Notebook, a Missing Lyric.
What makes you BRAVE is your Willingness to LIVE THROUGH your life and Hold your Head UP HIGH the next day. So Don't live LIFE in fear. Because you are stronger now, after all the crap has happened, than you ever were back before it started.”

2. " TRUST that everything happens for a Reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it.........".

3. " You have to FORGIVE People. We don't have to like them, we don't have to be friends with them, we don't have to send them hearts in text messages, but we HAVE TO Forgive them, to Overlook, to Forget. Because if We Don't, we are tying rocks to our feet, Too much for our wings TO CARRY.......".

SO TRUE..........
August 14, 2021 at 4:25am
August 14, 2021 at 4:25am

Your beliefs will give you relevant experiences. Keep reciting your mantra. It will enable you to understand your true identity. You will come to know that you are not the body. For Self-realization it is necessary that consciousness and the vital force be united. This happens by reciting the mantra. It has to be done with love
and a sense of urgency. In fact it is the vital force that recites the mantra. A persistent commitment is needed. There is no part-time spiritual effort.

The body is created out of food. The hum of consciousness comes through the essence of the body. That is the same as ‘I am’. There is no true sense of individuality, right from an insect to God. There is
manifestation for a duration of time. Maya means ignorance, which means fear. Under her influence, the jiva takes on an identity and accordingly gets experiences. The basis of your life is consciousness. It depends upon food.

What is said will not be understood until the ‘sins’ are eradicated. Concepts are the sins. Beingness has no meaning. It is just a movement (activity because of Gunas), but the resulting nuisance has to be suffered.
The body is a form of food. In that food-object there is a taste of ‘I am’. It is gone when the food material is exhausted.

Talk about this only if you understand it. Your thoughts and your words are bubbles in consciousness. When understood, the jnani is not bothered by thought. When the vital force is present in the body, there are an infinite variety of thoughts and actions. None of these is everlasting. Consciousness is of the essence of
food. When it is finished, it disappears. Then who dies, a man or a woman? Root-consciousness is created out of the essence (Sattva) and it is felt as the sensation ‘I am’.

The name of God is your own word. Your faith in your word will manifest as God. The devotional word (bhajan) has great importance. With time, this word has greater meaning. Your conviction also grows.
Atman can take any form. Words reside in the heart and emerge as thoughts. The idea of the ‘wishing tree’ implies that your concepts will materialize. With fear in your heart, your actions will be fearful.

Krishna says: ‘My devotees are the manifestation of My true nature’. It is love, the Self, the knowingness or the knowledge that ‘you are’. This knowledge is formless. The nature of time is tied to the body. Your life span, place, activities, etc., are included in time. The realization of Self is bliss. It brings true happiness. The true devotee knows this. If we do not sense ourselves like this, then what is meditation? There is no other God except consciousness. It is the feet of the Guru. One deals with others knowing that there is no difference between him and other beings. They have the same consciousness. As God lives in all beings, he treats them all as God. When it is understood that God and I are the same, all actions become an offering to Him.

Consciousness that has come over you unknowingly has awakened as the ‘I’. It carries out all the actions.
One who knows that he is not the body, remains in constant self-attentiveness. The ego that says, ‘I am so-and-so’ is the doer of actions. Pay attention to the seed consciousness, the atomic wakefulness that arises at dawn. After listening to the Guru, what change has come over you? Has one sentence created a conviction in
you? All creeds imply concepts that are agreeable to them. You should know that the one who knows is in the present. Then everything will be revealed.

All the incarnations have had different kinds of behavior. Each sage presents a different concept. Why is it so? If you want to know this, you must merge into your true nature. From the point of view of a true devotee
there is nothing bad in the world. One who understands this has no value for his person. He does not have a single concept left with him. The state of being in which one does not know whether one ‘is’ or ‘is not’ is called the Absolute.

Your thinking creates your destiny. Your concept of yourself creates your circumstances accordingly.
Therefore, see that you become nothing. When you see your true identity, it is called Self-realization. The knowledge ‘I am’ is the supreme God. Surrender to it without duality. You are not different from
consciousness. It is your true nature.

August 13, 2021 at 10:08am
August 13, 2021 at 10:08am

For the LADIES First :

1. " Q: What do you call an Intelligent, Good Looking, Sensitive Man?
A: A RUMOR...."

2. " He said - Shall we try Swapping Positions tonight?
She said - That's a Good Idea... you stand by the ironing board While I sit on the sofa and FART....."

3. " A couple is lying in bed. The man says, "I am going to make you the HAPPIEST woman in the world."
The woman replies, "I'll MISS you.."

4. Husband: I Don’t know why you wear a bra; you've got nothing to put in it. Wife: Well dear - You wear BRIEFS, Don't you?....."

For the Gentlemen :

1. " Two Secrets to keep your marriage Brimming - 1. Whenever you're wrong, ADMIT IT, 2. Whenever you're Right, SHUT UP…....."

2. " You know what I did before I married? ANYTHING I Wanted To...."

3. " A Good Wife ALWAYS Forgives her husband when SHE’S WRONG…..."

4. A couple came upon a wishing well. The husband leaned over, made a wish and threw in a penny. The wife made a wish too, but she leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned. The husband was stunned for a moment but then smiled, " IT REALLY WORKS !...........”

Please EXCUSE ME for my Broken Front Teeth and Bandages on the Head !!!!!!!
August 12, 2021 at 4:25am
August 12, 2021 at 4:25am

The seed sown by the Guru will sprout. The tree that will grow is the same as the world. In the end it will disappear. It is of no use to you. Whatever you gain will ultimately be useless, as there will be no form to enjoy it. The memory ‘I am’ will not remain. When there is no consciousness, there is no need to be happy nor is there any experience of misery. As childhood did not last, our individuality will also not last.
Whatever you are not will also end, whether you like it or not. The desire to ‘be’ leads to humiliating conditions e.g. the need to eat, sleep, and wake up, etc., over and over again. In truth, your true nature has no
measure. It has no color. You will never know that you have died. How can death be experienced when there is no death? Consciousness will not last whether you like it or not. Whatever you feel about the body will not last.
When you realize in meditation that there is nothing, who knows about it?
When the knowingness ends, is it death?

Many names have been given to consciousness in the human body. It is not found in the objective world. It is not known to anyone. It is transcendental. One in a million realizes it. He realizes his own birth. He knows that where there is consciousness in the body, there is also the world. They go together. Pure consciousness by which we know we are is the Sadguru. It cannot be experienced objectively.

All beings have a need to continue their beingness. It is nourished through the five senses. In order to continue it, various activities are undertaken. Devotion to consciousness is its nourishment. That is our first love. It is the only thing that is worthy of love. It is of the nature of the Self. One must perceive it directly.

Keep repeating ‘Guru, Guru’ silently. Finally, consciousness gets dissolved into itself. You may lose your prana or the body, but not this Self-knowledge.
Deep sleep is restful because the knowingness is not there. The memory of being a man or a woman belongs to the body. There is no need of anything, once the body is forgotten. Unless you understand your present state of being, you will not understand your true nature. When you let go the sense of being a body, your
individuality will become the totality. Once the subtle body (seed consciousness) is realized, it becomes universal. All the names are given to the manifest. The world and Brahman are not separate. The light of
consciousness is called the world. It is the manifest consciousness that knows the world through itself. It is called the feet of the Guru, and is to be worshipped.

In the first phase, one should sit in solitude and go inwards by paying attention to one’s own consciousness –
the Guru.
It is self-sensing and luminous. It is knowingness and love. To assimilate this knowledge is very difficult. For that, be one with the Guru. While being awake, do not forget that you are pure consciousness.
It must be firmly established that ‘I am’ is prior to whatever i have seen. What is there where we are not?
With the grace of the Guru, you become of the nature of the Guru and see this. You will realize that you have not done anything at all, nor will you ever do anything.

When emotions become quiet, there is no need to go anywhere. The mischievous intellect will never give you any satisfaction. Right discrimination and faith are essential. The whole existence of the world is within
you. As a spider forms a web from its saliva, the universe is formed from your own light. It is bondage to think that you live in the light of the world. It is the other way around.

All activities take place on the basis of the word (mind-concepts). One who is in the void of the subtle body becomes awake if invoked through words. What is the subtle body and when does it come into existence? It is That by which we feel ‘we are’.

There is no God other than the devotee. As God, he is consciousness. You take him to be of the nature of the body and are convinced that there will be death. The universe is fabricated by your unique consciousness.
Pay constant attention to your own true nature. If you feel uneasy, recite ‘Guru, Guru’. One who has no fear has no death.

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