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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
This incident is the account of an eye- witness who happens to be the writer of this sketch. There is always, in all Her manners, a heavenly glow of supramental intelligence and joy in their fullness. She carries in Her person a perpetual source of Divine Anandam ( Bhuma ). When She rests after day-long work, She lapses into the blissful state named in our Sastras 'Suptijagara', i.e. a state in which the body is physically relaxed in light sleep but the mind wide awake in the region of the Over-Mind. When She retires covering up Her body with a bed-sheet, She says :"I am just going to do my office-work now like you. I move about in other spheres of life holding conversation with higher beings". During sleep Her mind remains thus wide awake and responds to appeals of distress from common men. One instance may be briefly cited here. April 16, 1952. An old Brahmin widower, a retired Head Cashier of a large mercantile firm ( Sri Anadi Nath Mukherjee) in Kolkata, who was suffering badly from high blood pressure and was bed-ridden for a few years after a prostate gland operation, had a very strong desire to see Mother. But he was forbidden to leave his bed by his attending physician and by his sons and daughter-in-law. There was a nurse and a servant in constant attendance. When his sons had gone away to their office during midday, and the ladies of the household were all asleep, the old man, aged about 82, with the help of his servant and the nurse, secretly had a taxi hired, slipped out of his house and arrived at 44, Hazra Road at 3 P.M. in the grilling heat of the summer. On getting down from the taxi he barely could take four or five steps supported by his attendants, when he fainted. He was carried out to the lawn in front of the premises. When after much nursing he recovered his consciousness, he implored all people present to take him to Mother. Unfortunately She was sound asleep on a bed without any pillow, resting reposefully like a child ; the owner of the house peeped into the room but had not the courage to disturb Her reposeful tranquility. Meanwhile the old man was getting more and more impatient and almost despaired of seeing Mother, before his life passed off. He implored everyone present to take him to Mother. He felt his life was fast ebbing away ; his desire to see Mother become so intense that he was about to crawl towards the closed door, but his legs were too feeble to support his tottering body. Suddenly Mother threw the door open and rushed out towards him and said : " Baba, you are so full of love for this little daughter of yours that you have almost forgotten all the acute pangs of disease and braved a great risk by coming to your daughter in a taxi in such terrible heat." She passed Her hands over his head, cheeks and chest and spoke so sweetly and affectionately that he came to forget all about his distressing pain. Tears flooded his eyes. The soothing words and the healing touch of Mother worked like magic upon him and he returned home full of joy and gratitude. Mother whispered a divine name into his ear to contemplate on and the old man found a new joy and peace in life even in the midst of acute suffering. Upto this day he looks one full of a quiet, satisfying happiness. |
**A day in the life of a Facebook group** Q: How many people does it take to change a lightbulb on Facebook? 1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed. 14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently. 7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs. 17 purists who use candles and are offended by light bulb discussions. 6 to argue over whether it's 'lightbulb' or 'light bulb'. Another 6 to condemn those 6 as stupid. 22 to tell THOSE 6 to stop being jackasses. 2 industry professionals to inform the group that the proper term is 'lamp'. 15 know-it-alls who claim they were in the industry, and that 'light bulb' is perfectly correct. 249 to post meme's and gif's. 19 to post that this page is not about light bulbs and to please take this discussion to a light bulb page. 11 to defend the posting to this page saying that we all use light bulbs and therefore the posts are relevant here. 12 to post F. 8 to ask what F means. 16 to post 'Following' but there's 3 dots at the top right that means you don't have to. 36 to debate which method of changing light bulbs is superior, where to buy the best light bulbs, what brand of light bulbs work best for this technique and what brands are faulty. 7 to ask if the brands of light bulbs used are worth the money. 19 to tell them that if they like the light bulbs, buy them. 5 People to post pics of their own light bulbs. 15 People to post "I can't see S$%^!" and use their own light bulbs. 7 to post URL's where one can see examples of different light bulbs. 4 to post that the URL's were posted incorrectly and then post the corrected URL's. 13 to comment "Me too". 5 to post to the page that they will no longer post or are leaving because they cannot handle the $!%cking light bulb controversy. 6 to report the post or PM an admin because someone said "fΓ·Γ$" 22 to ask if there is a flounce in progress. 349 to post flounce memes. 4 to say "Didn't we go through this already a short time ago?". 13 to say "Do a search on light bulbs before posting questions about light bulbs". 1 to bring politics into the discussion by adding that (insert politician of choice) isn't the brightest bulb. 4 more to get into personal attacks over their political views. 5 admins to ban the light bulb posters who took it all too seriously. 1 late arrival to comment on the original post 6 months later and start it all over again......and again and again....π± |
One day Someone greeted on WhatsApp group with 'Happy Birthday Chetan'. Then others in the group realized that 'today is Chetan's birthday'. Immediately the group flooded with the greetings. ππ Each one fulfilled his / her duty immediately. Some started giving greetings in Marathi, some in Hindi, some in English, some in Sanskrit and some with stickers, GIFs, etc. Within a few minutes the group had a festive atmosphere. Many of them did not even know Chetan and how he looks. In the afternoon, the same group reported that 'Sadanand's father has passed away tragically. Immediately there was a flood of sadness on the group. From RIP, messages to 'how we are with Sadanand in such a time' started coming. Now at this time, some members confused whether to wish Chetan happy birthday. But they found a way. A smart race began to greet Chetan on his birthday and a tribute to Sadanand's father. Now It was evening, and it was time for many to 'light the lamp'. So one great personality of those, wrongly wished Happy Birthday to Sadananda and paid tribute to Chetan's (surviving) father. Later, those who had just opened the WhatsApp group (without reading the previous message) consoled Chetan (of his 'surviving' father's death), while wished Sadanand 'Enjoy such joyous moments in your life every year ' (to whom his father had died today). One went to extreme and sent a two-minute audio recording consoling Chetan and requested other members to observe two minutes of silence. Some even demanded from Sadananda that "brother .. want a party today." π . . . Many people have not yet understood why both Chetan and Sadanand suddenly left the group that evening, even after so much efforts by the group members. π |
*K A R M A* A small story which beautifully illustrates that what you sow, you reap. Once upon a time there was a small time business man from a small village who used to sell butter in the nearby town. A big shop owner in the town was his regular customer. The villager used to deliver every month the shop owner the required butter in 1 kg blocks and in turn he used to get grocery items like sugar, pulses etc from the big shop owner. Once the shop owner decided to weigh the butter and to his surprise every block of butter weighed 900 gms. instead of 1kg. Next month when the villager came to deliver butter, the angry shop owner told him how he was cheated and told to leave the shop. To this the villager replied to him courteously, Sir, I am a very poor villager. I don't have enough money to even buy the required weights for weighing the butter. I usually put the 1kg sugar you give me on one side of weighing scale and weigh butter on another side. This simple story very beautifully illustrates that what we give to others comes back to us. *That is K A R M A !* |
"In the last days Sri Ma was serene, but uncharacteristically seemed to be removing herself beyond the prayers of people around her. Ordinarily she always gave the greatest heed to the words of the Mahatmas, but now to all prayers for her own recovery, she would smile and say, 'There is no ''kheyala'. Sri Jagadguru Sankaracharya of Shringeri, Sarada Peetham, wanted to invite her to Shringeri on the occasion of the Annual Durga Puja and urged that she should get rid of her illness speedily. She replied in her usual gentle tones, 'This body has no illness, Pitaji. It is being recalled toward the Unmanifest. Whatever you see happening now is conducive toward that event.' At the moment of bidding him farewell next day (July 2nd) she again reiterated her inability to accede to his wishes, saying 'As the Atma, I shall ever abide with you.' Sri Ma, in other ways weaned her devotees from her physical presence. She did not answer letters but the correspondents felt her presence in their hearts and their questions answered. She did not attend any of the functions which were being performed with the usual circumspection at their proper times in the Ashram. She had stopped taking food for many months. The attending girls could give her a few drops of water only at odd moments. Sri Ma spent her last days at Kishenpur Ashram. She made no farewells apart from saying 'Sivaya namah' on the night of the 25th; this mantra is indicative of the final dissolution of worldly bondages. She became Unmanifest on Friday evening of August 27th, 1982, around 8 PM. Kankhal at the foothill of the Himalayas is holy land. All monastic orders have their Headquarters at Hardwar. By a consensus of opinion the entire body of the Mahatmas came together to assume charge of Sri Ma's physical remains. The highest honor was given to her; a procession of thousands escorted the vehicle carrying her body from Dehra Dun to Kankhal. The Mahanirvani Akhada arranged for the last rites of samadhi. As Sri Ma had said, she did belong to everybody and so everybody participated in bidding farewell to the human body which had sustained their beloved Ma for 86 years." |
In response to the invitation for a rather unusual *REUNION of all time greats:* *Newton* said he'd drop in. *Socrates* said he'd think about it. *Ohm* resisted the idea. *Boyle* said he was under too much pressure. *Darwin* said he'd wait to see what evolved. *Pierre and Marie Curie* radiated enthusiasm. *Volta* was electrified at the prospect. *Pavlov* positively drooled at the thought. *Ampere* was worried he wasn't current enough though alternately none were. *Edison* thought it would be illuminating. *Einstein* said it would be relatively easy to attend. *Archimedes* was buoyant at the thought. *Morse* said, "I'll be there on the dot. Can't stop now, must dash." *Hertz* said he planned to attend with greater frequency in the future. *Wilbur Wright* accepted, provided he and *Orville* could get a flight. *Aryabhatta* said there were zero chances of him showing up. *Marconi* said, he would listen to the report on wireless. *Pythagoras* refused because he thought that the organisers were not looking at the reunion through the right angle |
"Unhappiness is there in the background of happiness. The experience of the ultimate reality is a state beyond happiness and unhappiness. You consider a wet pitcher to be full of water when seen from a distance because usually a pitcher full of water looks wet. Likewise in the gesture and posture of a self-realized person, there appears an apparent state of happiness but this is not happiness. What that state is cannot be expressed in language. After seeing which the longing for seeing goes away forever is real seeing. After hearing which the desire for further hearing never appears is real hearing. Verily, real darshan (witnessing the ultimate reality) is that after which the question of witnessing, not witnessing and proof of witnessing does not arise. (There is) Unveiled, pure and unquestioned darshan everywhere." |
No one remembers the girl baby born on the same day who was interchanged with Krishna, a boy baby, to save his life. The boy's life was precious but the girl was born to sacrifice her life. Today is not only the birthday of Krishna but also of Yogamaya. It is said that Yogmaya flew off to Heavens freeing herself from the clutches of Kansa while announcing to Kansa that your killer has been born. Scriptures do not clearly mention that she too got killed like other siblings of Krishna. However more knowledgeable are requested to throw light on it. Yogmaya was also an incarnation of Shakti who came to be born along with the incarnation of Lord Vishnu to keep some old promise. When Kansa caught her by her feet and hurled her to the ground, she flew towards the heaven, saying βKansa, your killer has already taken birth. I could have also killed you but since you caught me by my feet, I take it as your expression of humility and am pardoning youβ. *Krishna* was born in the darkness of the night, into the locked confines of a jail. However, at the moment of his birth, all the guards fell asleep, the chains were broken and the barred doors gently opened. Similarly, as soon as *Krishna* ( Chetna, Awareness ) takes birth in our hearts, all darkness ( Negativity ) fades. All chains ( Ego, I, Me, Myself ) are broken. And all prison doors we keep ourselves in ( Caste, Religion, Profession, Relations etc ) are opened. And that is the real Message And Essence of Janmashtmi. |
Twelve New Diseases of Whatsapp users.....recently discovered, FIND YOURS 1.Wrong post in wrong group syndrome 2.Non-reading earlier post dystrophy 3. Repeated posting neurosis 4. Late replying psychosis 5. Non-immune politico-religionitis 6. Sudden disappearancitis. 7. Incomprehensible abbreviationoma 8. Brainless compulsive forwarding syndrome 9.Acute mistyping reaction 10. Attention seeking high frequency DP changing disorder!ππ 11. Sudden exit syndrome.π 12.silent spectator atrophyππ.. |
The concept of a transmission of shakti from Guru to disciple, which seven devotees referred to as shaktipat, existed as a concept in the minds of devotees, and they believed they had received it from Ma. It was usually described with the analogy of the seed. Almost all people had at least some awakening in the heart. Swami Bhaskaranandaji explained in this way : Some came to Ma out of curiosity. But after seeing her once, that seed is planted in the casual body. I see it as a time bomb. There is no time limit of one or two births. The time will come when everyone will have this intense longing for the God relationship. So it will slowly transform. Ma is always changing and transforming the casual body, the karan sharira. But it takes time. When you go to the river to take water, the dirty water comes first and after a while the pure water will come. Ma said, "It is a cleaning process. These impurities will come up and be passed off and the inner purity which is there will be able to come forth. Swami N.....anandaji said, There is a connection that we are talking about. Ma is here. And she is inside you, inside everywhere. So there is a place where Ma used to uplift the soul of man and then give, in Bengali, anubhuti, the current of real love........ You go to Ma and outwardly Ma will laugh with you, give you some fruits, some flowers, ask you some ordinary worldly things. But she is trying to buy time for the real thing which is going on on a higher plane. She is injecting the real influence of her spiritual power, the real shaktipat. Jai Maa!!! However, sevaral people did indicate that Ma was an inspiration to them. ...... Do said, " You know, Ma never used to say, 'I'.This is such a great thing that Ma had shown us by her expression how to be egoless."S....... G...... Said of Ma : She always taught by example. She was one person who always practiced what she preached. Take for example, simplicity. She wore only white and a yellow towel. What was her bedding? Her bedding was one durrie, one straw mat, and a white sheet on top. She never liked to waste anything. Once in the Kanyapeeth they had washed some rice to be cooked. And in that little place where they washed it, Ma, in her very inscrutable and inimitable way, was going up to her room and noticed three grains of rice, three grains, Lisa, on the floor. She picked them up, washed them and put them inside her mouth. She didn't say anything else. Teaching by example. She used to say in Bengali " Bhikshanna" This meant that the rice that you get here is what people give out of charity and should not be wasted here. Jai Maa!!! One day a very high ranking official came to the Ashram. When he was sitting in the room, he said, " I always wish to have darshan of Sri Ma but I am put off by the thought that some people who are received and tolerated here are those who according to me should be whipped publicly for their misdemeanours !" Sri Ma understood his reference to the person concerned. Sri Ma said to him gently, " You know that sometimes it so happens that a person commits a folly but should he be condemned out of hand and should you use such language for him? Unless he is already repentant and wishful of reform why would he come here? All are children of the same Father. This body does not say 'come' or 'go away'. All are equally acceptable. Can you say that a good man will never commit a mistake or that a bad man will not become virtuous? For this body nobody is an other or an outsider." The gentleman reflected on Sri Ma's words and acknowledged that she was right. When he left he was calm and in good cheer. |