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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
In the United States, an estimated 5.4 million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. This figure is growing rapidly with the ageing population. One of them was Steve Newport. His wife, Mary Newport, was a doctor. Dr. Mary learned that her husband had severe Alzheimer's disease. When the doctor examined her husband at the hospital, he asked Steve to paint a clock. Instead, he drew a few circles and then drew a few figures without any logic. It was not like a clock at all!. The doctor pulled her aside and said: "Your husband is already on the verge of severe Alzheimer's disease!" It turned out that it was a test of whether a person had Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Mary was very upset at that time, but as a doctor, she would not just give up. She began to study the disease. She found out Alzheimers disease was associated to glucose deficiency to the brain. Her research says: "The dementia of the elderly is like having diabetes in the head ! Before one has the symptoms of Diabetes or Alzheimer's disease, the body has already had problems for 10 to 20 years." According to Dr. Mary's study, Alzheimer's disease is very similar to Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The cause is also insulin imbalance. Because insulin has a problem, it prevents the brain cells from absorbing glucose. Glucose is the nutrition of brain cells. Without glucose, brain cells die. As it turns out, these high-quality proteins are the cells that feed our body. But nutrition for our brain cell is glucose. As long as we have mastered the source of these two kinds of food, we are the masters of our own health! The next question is, where to find glucose? It cannot be the ready-made glucose that we buy from the store. It is not from fruits such as grapes. She started looking for alternatives. The alternative nutrients for brain cells are ketones. Ketones are necessary in brain cells. Ketones cannot be found in vitamins. *Coconut oil* contains triglicerides. After the triglycerides in *coconut oil* is consumed, it is metabolised into ketones in the liver. This is the alternative nutrient for brain cells! After this scientific verification, Dr. Mary added *coconut oil* to her husband's food. After only two weeks, when he went to the hospital again to do painting and clock tests, the progress was amazing. Dr. Mary said: "At that time, I thought, has God heard my prayers? Wouldn't it be coconut oil that worked ? But there is no other way.Anyway, it's better to continue taking the*coconut oil*." Dr. Mary was now part of the traditional medical practice base. She clearly knew the capabilities of traditional medicine. Three weeks later, the third time she took him to do a smart clock test, the performance was better than the last time. This progress was not only intellectual, but also emotional and physical. Dr. Mary said: "He could not do his running but now he can run. He could not read for a year and a half, but he can read again now after taking *coconut oil* for three months." Her husband's actions had already begun to change. He did not speak in the mornings. Now she noticed a lot of changes: "Now after he gets up, he is spirited, talking and laughing. He drinks water himself and take utensils for himself on his own." On the surface, these are very simple daily tasks, but only those who have come to the clinic or have demented relatives at home can experience the joy: It is not easy to see such progress! After frying the greens & onions in coconut oil, making cakes with coconut, after taking 3 to 4 tablespoons of coconut oil per meal, 2-3 months later, the eyes too can now focus normally. Her studies proved that *coconut oil* can really improve the problem of dementia in the elderly. Apply *coconut oil* to bread. When coconut cream is used, the taste is unexpectedly good. Young people can also use it for maintenance of health and prevention, and can improve if they have symptoms of dementia. Dementia is caused because nutrients cannot be transported to brain cells, and nutrients must be passed from the body to the brain by insulin. Especially for diabetic patients its not easy to get insulin secretion. “Nutrition cannot get to the brain. When brain cells are starved to death, they are deprived of intelligence.” *Coconut oil* contains medium-chain triglyceride, which can supply nutrients to the brain without using insulin. *So, it can improve Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease*. After reading the article, don't forget to share it. |
1. " True Forgiveness is - When you can say, "Thank you for That Experience...." 2. " If the ONLY Prayer you said was “ THANK YOU “ - That - Would be ENOUGH." 3. " Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, Enjoy every Moment of the Journey, and Appreciate where You are at this moment instead of focusing on how far You have to go......" 4. " If You want to find Happiness, Find GRATITUDE......" 5. " Find Magic in the little things, and the Big things you Always Expected will Start to Show Up........" 6. “ In normal life we Hardly REALISE how much More we Receive than we give, and Life CANNOT be rich without such Gratitude. It is so easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements compared with WHAT WE OWE to the Help of Others……..” AND DO ALWAYS REMEMBER..... 6. " Maybe, it is just enough to Believe with a Positive Heart that people did not let you down. It could be just this: They could not give you the Compassion you Really wanted based on where their Heart is right now. Maybe, not now, but years later they will catch the memory of YOU in a quiet moment. There on that morning, a Light will Shine through the fog of lies, misunderstanding and frustration they built inside their angry mind about Your True Character. And, when it does, the shadows will be casted out to Reveal a scared and hurt little boy or girl that just wanted to be loved, but went about it all wrong. Maybe, on that day, the whisper of their GRATITUDE for your Love will find its way back to Your Heart. And When THAT Day comes, You will find Yourself Smiling all day long and not know why......" AMEN TO THAT..... |
Didima (Mokshada Sundari Devi) Mother of Shree Shree Anandamayee Ma 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 Sri Ma’s mother(Didima), Mokshada Sundari Devi. After receiving sanyas from Swami Mangal Giri, received the name Swami Muktananda Giri. Born in Baisakh (April-May), 1877 in East Bengal, she was the eighth child of her parents. Didima’s parents called her Mokshada Sundari who was very calm and quiet and loved to spend time alone. Even as a child, she did not like games. Instead, she would stay in the religious environment of her home. As was the tradition in those days, she went to school to study up to the second standard. Her parents died early, therefore further studies were done at home. She could read the Ramayana, Mahabharat and Puranas in Bengali. At times she expressed her spiritual feelings through verses. She recited a number of such verses, which were her own composition. She was indifferent to her domestic life. Though there were problems a plenty, including that of money, they never reflected in her behaviour. She was always an excellent host, who would give her own food to a guest and still retain the charm of a very satisfied, contented person. This quality of kindness and compassion was the dominant part of her character. Ma’s father, the late Bipin Behari Bhattacharya, frequently left home because of his passion for tapasya. He was brought back home by relatives and friends. Even during those situations, Didima never lost her composure, her patience. However much financial trouble she was in, Didima never made complaint. Giriji hailed from the Shiva Shakta Sampradai. Durga Puja and Kali pujas were regularly held at her home. There was a Narayan Shila there too, which is now being worshipped by Brahmacharini Chandan Bhattacharya at Kankhal ashram. From her childhood, Didima took interest in puja and its related exercises. She also had darshan of God in her dreams. She had a special fascination for Narayana and was very much fond of the name of Narayana. She once had darshan of Lord Gopal who asked her to “offer Batasa Bhog worth one paisa”. Since then Didima regularly offered Batasa Bhog to Thakur. Didima first had her Mantra initiation in a dream. She did the japa of this mantra for several years. In 1905 she was formally initiated by the family priest Shri Kalikrishna Vidya Vinod. Didima always carried with her the picture of her family priest as her first Guru, and also that of her sannyas Guru. Nobody has ever seen Didima angry. Nothing could antagonise her. Once Ma said, ‘Dear Ma, what do you have in your brain that never looses its balance.” Didima laughed at this tribute. On another occasion, Ma spoke about her patience and perseverance, “She is mother earth.” (extract from Ch 9 The Divine Mother, Shri Shri Ma Anandamayee by Premlata Srivastava) On February 5th, 1963, Mataji at the request of Sri Haribabaji Maharaj went to Jodhpur for a few days to be present at the inauguration of a satsang hall. She left Didima with Narayan Swami and a few other companions at Kankhal, asking them to meet Mataji at Delhi on February 14th. On February 11th at about 9 p.m. at Jodhpur, Mataji asked someone to send the following telegram to Narayan Swami: “See that Giriji is well looked after and keeps good health”. It was difficult to understand why Mataji had the wire dispatched since she was to meet Giriji within less than three days. On February 14th early morning, as soon as Mataji arrived at the Delhi Ashram, she went straight to Giriji’s room, remaining there for an hour. Giriji and her party had arrived the evening before. After leaving Giriji’s room, Mataji said: “What need was there to wire, when we were to meet in any case two days later? People may have thought, perhaps Mataji was not aware of this”. Mataji continued: “That day in the early morning I saw Giriji come to me with the words: ‘Shall I leave tomorrow?’ meaning that Giriji intended leaving her body. For Mataji there is no birth and no death. She at first said: “All right”, but quickly added: “No, no, no, don’t leave tomorrow!” In reply to someone’s question, Mataji later explained: “Do you know why the telegram was sent?” Just as one does not become a sanyasi by reading the sanyasa mantra in a book, but has to obtain it from the Guru, in a similar manner this body had the kheyala to confirm, as it were, what Giriji had heard Ma say. This is why the wire was sent to Narayan Swami. The inner telegram had already reached before. On February 11th at about 2.30 a.m. at Kankhal, Giriji had a strong desire to leave her body. During the whole night, she sat in meditation. At first, she reviewed her early life, then she had a number of visions. At dawn, she rose from her seat. At about eight a.m. she went to bathe in the Ganges near Dakshalaya Mandir which adjoins the Ashram. She then sat in the temple doing japa for a long time. She saw many of her devotees. When she got up, she asked Vimala, her attendant, where they had gone. Vimala said astonished “What do you mean? They never came here!” After distributing wheat-flour and gur to the beggars at the temple gate, Giriji sat among the tulasi plants in the Ashram garden in meditation. At that time, Mataji was watching Giriji from Jodhpur. She said: “Giriji’s eyes were tightly closed. Her senses did not work at all”. Giriji was absorbed in deep contemplation. Her eyes were shut, but her consciousness was fully awake. Everyone present at the Kankhal Ashram saw Giriji in that state. At their request, Giriji went into the house and sat down on her asana. The extraordinary visions she had can hardly be understood by the ordinary intelligence. Yet, for the benefit of all, an attempt is made here to give an idea of what Giriji saw. She had the vision of a boatman who was taking souls across samsara, the round of birth and death. Giriji was herself in the boat. At Jodhpur Mataji also saw herself sitting in a boat with Didima. Didima said to the boatman: “I have crossed over the ocean of life and death; but what about those who are standing on the bank waiting to be ferried to the other shore? I cannot leave them behind!” Again, Giriji asked: “You will take them across, won’t you?” The boatman repeated three times: “Yes, certainly I shall take them across”. Giriji reflected: “For so long I have striven for the highest good of my followers, today my prayer is: Almighty God, may they all advance towards Thee, let none experience again the agony of birth, and the trials and tribulation of worldly life’. Thereafter Giriji saw a divine personage ascend a staircase together with her. Behind her, there was a dog. Giriji asked the divine being: “Who are you? Are you taking me with you? Are you a man or a woman?” “Neither a man nor a woman,” was the reply. The divine apparition was clad in white garments, with a profusion of black hair covering the clothes at the back. Again, Giriji spoke: “Judhisthir had once to witness hell. Let none of my followers ever experience hell!” The divine being said with great vehemence, “No, no, no, none of them will see hell. Where the name of Hari is, there can be no question of hell.” Then Giriji’s vision changed. She was in a realm of endless light. At once the question: “Where are my followers?” arose in her mind. Her divine companion pointed in one direction, saying: “They are there. According to their stages and states of achievement, they are at various levels. This is why there is difference. Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras are on their own levels appropriate to their work”. Giriji said three times: “May none of them fall down again!” And three times, she received the reply: No, they will never fall down again!” Next, Giriji found herself alone with the divine being in a realm of which she said: “From there everything could be seen, call it the earth or anything you like; yet there was neither day nor night, neither darkness nor light, a deep pervading peace that passes understanding it is impossible to describe that realm”. It cannot be grasped by human intelligence. In the Kathopanishad we read: “The sun shines not there, nor the moon and stars; These lightings shine not, much less this earthly fire After Him, as He shines, everything shines. This whole world is illumined with his light”. Did this great land of light appear before Giriji’s inner eye? She said: “Unless all are liberated, how can there be liberation for me? Animals, birds, insects, trees, creepers, may none have to suffer again the agony of birth and death!” This reminds us of the lord Buddha who remained on the threshold of Nirvana out of compassion for all sentient beings. The whole day Giriji sat on her asana inside the house. In the evening she came outside, sang kirtan under the bel-tree, and then distributed batasha to all. After having sung God’s names, Giriji again felt like leaving her body in front of Siva. She was utterly calm, peaceful and serene, her heart and mind merged in the Self. All at once, she saw Mataji. Giriji said: “How are you? From where have you come?” Mataji said: “I’ have come to see you”. The whole day Mataji had taken nothing but water. Didima saw that Ma was wearing a red sari. That day at Jodhpur someone had dressed Ma in a red sari and performed her puja. Girji said: “You have come to stop me from going, haven’t you? Mataji said: “Just look at me for a minute, Giriji” “I am looking at you”. But Mataji saw that Giriji’s eyes were shut. Neither of them would open. However, gradually the right eye opened. Mataji did not take her gaze off Giriji’s eyes. For a long time, Girji remained in that state of deep inner absorption. Before returning, Ma said: “A mood was made to start in you that would not let you leave”. Mataji gave Giriji a flower from the head of Siva. Giriji began to breathe again. Gradually energy returned to her senses, her hands started moving. Twice that day at Kankhal, Giriji had gone into that state and both times Mataji had seen it at Jodhpur. At night, Giriji hardly ate anything. Even when going to sleep that night she was not yet fully reconciled to the thought of remaining in the body. Some of the members of Giriji’s family had had the power to die at will. One or two of her brothers had foretold the exact time of their death and made all arrangements themselves. A few days later someone wrote a letter to Mataji, asking how the whole world could be liberated. Mataji replied: “If you yourself endeavour to attain to liberation, by your example the desire to pursue the path to liberation will be awakened in others”. Turning to the people present in the room, Mataji added: “This is meant for all of you!” |
The year was 1971 and the month November. “If India pokes its nose in Pakistan, US will not keep its trap shut. India will be taught a lesson” - Richard Nixon. “India regards America as a friend. Not a boss. India is capable of writing its own destiny. We know and are aware how to deal with each one according to circumstances” - Indira Gandhi Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi articulated these exact words sitting with the U.S. President Richard Nixon in the White House, while maintaining an eye-to-eye contact. The said event was narrated by the then Secretary of State and NSA, Henry Kissinger in his autobiography. That was the day when the Indo-U.S. joint media address was cancelled by Indira Gandhi who walked away from the White House in her own inimitable style. Kissinger, while ushering Indira Gandhi into her car, had commented, "Madam Prime Minister, don't you feel you could have been a little more patient with the President". Indira Gandhi replied, "Thank you, Mr. Secretary, for your valuable suggestion. Being a developing country, we have our backbones straight - & enough will and resources to fight all atrocities. We shall prove that days are gone when a Power can rule and often control any nation from thousands of miles away”. Thereafter.. as soon as her Air India Boeing touched down at Palam runway in Delhi, Indira Gandhi summoned the leader of the opposition, Atal Behari Vajpayee to her residence immediately. Post an hour of discussion behind closed doors, Vajpayee was seen hurrying back. It was thereafter known that Vajpayee would be representing India at the United Nations. Donald Paul of BBC had jumped in with a question to Vajpayee, "Indira ji regards you as a staunch critic. In spite of that, are u sure you'd be at the United Nations shouting your throat (voice) out in favour of the Incumbent Government?” Vajpayee had a repartee.. "A rose adorns a garden, so does a Lily. Each is beset with the idea that they are individually the most beautiful. When the garden falls in a crisis, it's no secret that the garden has to safeguard its beauty as one. I have come today to save the garden. This is called Indian Democracy." The resultant history is all known to us. America sent 270 famed Patton tanks to Pakistan. They called the world media to demonstrate that these tanks were produced under exclusive technology, and are/were thus indestructible. The intention was very clear. This was a warning signal to the rest of the world that no one should help India. America did not stop here. Burma-Shell the only U.S. company supplying oil to India, was told to stop. They were sternly told by U.S. to cease dealing with India anymore. India's history thereafter was only about fighting back. Indira Gandhi's incisive diplomacy ensured oil came in from Ukraine. A battle that lasted just a day destroyed these 270 Patton tanks. The destroyed tanks were brought into India for demonstration. The hot deserts of Rajasthan still stands as a witness where U.S. pride was decimated. A war that lasted eighteen days thereafter culminated into capturing 1.5 lakhs POWs from Pakistan. Mujibar Rahman was released from Lahore Jail. The month now was March - Indira Gandhi recognized Bangladesh as an independent nation in the Indian Parliament. Vajpayee addressed Indira Gandhi as “Maa Durga” These events had a packet of long lasting manifested fallouts. —India's own oil company, viz. Indian Oil came into being. —India expressed itself as a nation of strength in the eyes of the world. —India led the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) from the front. Its leadership was unquestioned. Times and events of such strength did however did get submerged into the great depths of yore and lore. Truthful history till date nevertheless remains as a baton that needs to be passed down generations. Today Democracy finds itself lonely as a word in the lexicon. Political and religious forces are now so self centered and selfish that resulting acrimony forces them to no longer be part of good democracy. Dissidents are put down and truth, spun to represent evil, sacrificed years ago. |
A guy walks up to the "Visa on arrival" counter at the Bangkok International Airport. Presents two Indian passports with 3000 baht cash and says, "Two visas. For me and my wife. Here are the passports and cash". The officer at the counter says, "Extra 2000 Baht please". The man asks him, "Why extra 2000 Baht?" Says the officer, " Corkage Sir" The man, irked a little, asks back, " What corkage? Im not in a pub and not bringing my own whisky!" The officer politely replies, *This is Thailand Sir, and we charge corkage for bringing own wife to Thailand.* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 |
*Whom to Salute* ! ? *APJ or Manekshaw*.... *Read interesting one*... *When Dr.Abdul Kalam was the President, he visited Coonoor. On reaching, he came to know that Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw was in the Military Hospital there. Dr.Kalam wanted to visit Sam, which was unscheduled. Arrangements were made. At the bedside, Kalam spent abt 15 minutes talking to Sam & enquiring abt his health.* *Just before leaving Kalam asked Sam "Are you comfortable? Is there anything I could do? Do you have any Grievance ? or any requirement that would make you more comfortable?"* *Sam said "Yes Your Excellency, I have one grievance". Shocked with concern & anguish , Kalam asked him what it was .* *Sam replied" Sir, my grievance is that I am not able to get up & Salute my most respected President of my beloved country". Kalam held Sam's hand as both were in tears.* *But the remaining part of the tale with regarding this meeting is that Sam did tell APJ that he was not paid the pension of the Field Marshall’s rank till then, for nearly twenty years.* *An aghast President went to Delhi and passed the pension with arrears within a week and sent the cheque of nearly Rs.1.25 crores through the Defence Secretary by a special plane to Wellington, Ooty, where Sam was ailing.* *That is the greatness of APJ. But then Sam received the cheque and promptly donated it to the Army Relief fund.* *Whom will you salute now?* *Indeed those real Heroes are Missing Today.* 🙏🇮🇳🙏👍🏻🙏🇮🇳🙏👍 |
When Nelson Mandela was studying law at the University, a white professor, whose last name was Peters, disliked him intensely. One day, Mr. Peters was having lunch at the dining room when Mandela came along with his tray & sat next to the professor. The professor said, "Mr Mandela, you do not understand, a pig & a bird do not sit together to eat" Mandela looked at him as a parent would a rude child & calmly replied, *"You do not worry professor. I'll fly away,"* & he went & sat at another table. Mr. Peters, reddened with rage, decided to take revenge. The next day in class he posed the following question: "Mr. Mandela, if you were walking down the street & found a package, & within was a bag of wisdom & another bag with money, which one would you take ?" Without hesitating, Mandela responded, "The one with the money, of course." Mr. Peters , smiling sarcastically said, "I, in your place, would have taken the wisdom." Nelson Mandela shrugged & responded, *"Each one takes what he doesn't have."* Mr. Peters, by this time was about to throw a fit, seething with fury. So great was his anger that he wrote on Nelson Mandela's exam sheet the word *"IDIOT"* & gave it to the future struggle icon. Mandela took the exam sheet & sat down at his desk trying very hard to remain calm while he contemplated his next move. A few minutes later, Nelson Mandela got up, walked up to the professor & told him in a dignified polite tone, "Mr. Peters, *you signed your name on the sheet*, but you forgot to give me my grade." 😂😄😆😩 Don't mess with intelligent people....pass it on to your intellectual friends.... *HAPPY MANDELA DAY everyone. May the Lord give us wisdom to respond to our haters, don't hate back but apply wisdom! |
Excerpts taken from a book written by a Psychotherapist. Valuable advice: An aged father asked his grown up daughter a simple question: “What is the most important thing in your life, beti? She replied, “Daddy, it is the kids !!! They mean everything to me”.. He then turned and asked his son-in-law the same question, he also (beaming with pride) said : “It is the kids of course; they are the reason why I work so hard to ensure they have a better life” "Well said, my children. I don’t mean to intrude on how to run your family life, but I believe there is a fundamental error you will need to correct. I have observed how much you both love your kids and dedicate all your time for them... “I have observed that almost all your conversation borders mostly on the kids." The couple nodded in admission to the assertion. He continued, "I am a poultry farmer, and the biggest egg supplier in my district. I make my money by the quantity of eggs sold. That said, my priority has always been providing optimal care for the chicken. Because, I know that when the chicken are healthy and productive, the eggs will automatically be bountiful. *If I start to ignore the chicken, the eggs will also suffer*." He pointed to his son-in-law and said, “as a husband, the most important person in your life should be your wife and vice versa. It cannot be the kids. They are just products of the marriage”. *If you learn to take care of each other very well, your kids will grow up healthy, happy and well-adjusted, but if you ignore each other, brace yourself up for dysfunctional kids in the future*. ”The two of you are the foundation of this family. If you suffer any crack, the whole house will go down. So please make time for yourself and treat each other as *PRIORITY* and the kids will be just fine.” “This has been the secret of the fruitful union between your Mother and Myself for over 50 years till death took her from me.” The old man's eyes welled up with tears at this stage. He thanked the couple for their time and excused himself. If care is not taken, this magical connection gets weakened, thereby opening up a marriage to all sorts of strange elements !! Let kids observe that your spouse means the world to you and if you are to choose between them and your spouse, it will always be your spouse. Give the kids the love and attention they deserve but not at the cost of neglecting each other. It is your marriage that will sustain your kids, not vice versa. The kids are just the bonus. *_Talking Helps... Talking Heals_* |
🙏🕉️❤️🌷 There are very few things in the mind which eat up as much energy as worry. It is one of the most difficult things not to worry about anything. Worry is experienced when things go wrong, but in relation to past happenings it is idle merely to wish that they might have been otherwise. The frozen past is what it is, and no amount of worrying is going to make it other than what it has been. But the limited ego-mind identifies itself with its past, gets entangled with it and keeps alive the pangs of frustrated desires. Thus worry continues to grow into the mental life of man until the ego-mind is burdened by the past. Worry is also experienced in relation to the future when this future is expected to be disagreeable in some way. In this case it seeks to justify itself as a necessary part of the attempt to prepare for coping with the anticipated situations. But, things can never be helped merely by worrying. Besides, many of the things which are anticipated never turn up, or if they do occur, they turn out to be much more acceptable than they were expected to be. Worry is the product of feverish imagination working under the stimulus of desires. It is a living through of sufferings which are mostly our own creation. Worry has never done anyone any good, and it is very much worse than mere dissipation of psychic energy, for it substantially curtails the joy and fullness of life. "Don't worry be happy" |
1. " Because one BELIEVES in Oneself, one Does Not try to Convince others. Because One is CONTENT with Oneself, One DOES NOT Need Other's Approval. Because ONE ACCEPTS ONSELF, the Whole World ACCEPTS Him or Her........." 2. " Be CONTENT With What You HAVE; REJOICE in the way THINGS ARE. When you REALIZE there is Nothing Lacking,the Whole World BELONGS to You........" 3. " At Some Point, You Have To LET GO and SIT STILL, and ALLOW CONTENTMENT to Come to you........" 4. " Live your Life Remembering the GOOD EXPERIENCES, the bad ones were JUST LESSONS.....". 5. " It is Being A Runner THAT MATTERS, Not How Fast or How Far One Can Run. The JOY is in the ACT of Running and In THE JOURNEY NOT IN THE DESTINATION. We have a Better Chance of Seeing where we are when We Stop Trying to GET SOMEWHERE ELSE. We Can ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF MOVEMENT, As Long as Where WE ARE is As Good As Where We Would LIKE TO BE. That is Not to Say that you need to be Satisfied Forever with where you are Today. But You NEED TO HONOR What You HAVE ACCOMPLISHED, Rather Than Thinking of What is LEFT TO BE DONE........." WHAT SAY ???? |