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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
âThe intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cellâ ~ Simone Weil "Sometimes I feel like a king, sometimes I moan in my own prison. Swaying between these states I can't be proud of myself. This 'I' is a figment of my imagination." ~ Rumi "There is a power that knows how to take care of everything for you, if you allow it to. You have to allow it to. You have to surrender your ego, your pride, your concepts, your opinions, your questions, your answers, everything has to be surrendered and the power works on its own volition." ~ Robert Adams "Do not be proud of wealth, people, relations and friends, or youth. All these are snatched by time in the blink of an eye. Giving up this illusory world, know and attain the Supreme." ~ Adi Shankara "True humility is not the opposite of pride but the very negation of a separate entity who could either be proud or humble." ~ Ramesh S. Balsekar âYou are so proud of your intelligence. You are like a condemned man proud of the vastness of his prison cellâ. ~ Anthony de Mello "Be humble. Only fools take pride in their station here, trapped in a cage of dust, moisture, heat and air. No need to complain of calamities, this illusion of a life lasts but a moment." ~ AbĹŤ-Sa'ÄŤd Abul-Khayr "It serves to break down mental pride. We must realize how poor and powerless we are. As long as we delude ourselves by what we imagine ourselves to be, to know, to have, to do, we are in a sad plight indeed. Only in complete self-negation there is a chance to discover our real being." ~ Nisargadatta |
The Washington Post, in which it was postulated that English should have male and female nouns, and readers were asked to assign a gender to nouns of their choice and explain their reason. The best submissions: SWISS ARMY KNIFE -- male, because even though it appears useful for a wide variety of work, it spends most of its time just opening bottles. KIDNEYS -- female, because they always go to the bathroom in pairs. TYRE -- male, because it goes bald and often is over-inflated. HOT AIR BALLOON -- male, because to get it to go anywhere you have to light a fire under it... and, of course, there's the hot air part. SPONGES -- female, because they are soft and squeezable and retain water. WEB PAGE -- female, because it is always getting hit on. SHOE -- male, because it is usually unpolished, with its tongue hanging out. COPIER -- female, because once turned off, it takes a while to warm up. Because it is an effective reproductive device when the right buttons are pushed. Because it can wreak havoc when the wrong buttons are pushed. ZIPLOC BAGS -- male, because they hold everything in, but you can always see right through them. SUBWAY -- male, because it uses the same old lines to pick people up. HOURGLASS -- female, because over time, the weight shifts to the bottom. HAMMER -- male, because it hasn't evolved much over the last 5,000 years, but it's handy to have around. |
*đ NICE Rules Of* *FRIENDSHIP....* *NEVER ASK* For A Hug... Just Take It..!! *NEVER ASK* "Do U miss me?" Say "I Miss U" *NEVER ASK* "Can U Help Me?" Say "Do This For Me" *NEVER SAY* I Can't Live Without U Say I Live 4 U LAST But Not The LEAST *NEVER SAY* Thankyou, Sorry, Please; Instead Say Anytime 4 U *D E D I C A T E D* To All My Lovely Friends... đđđâ¤đ |
Find out for whom is all this destruction. For whom is the negative conditions? Not for you, because you are not your body. As long as you believe that you are your body, then the world becomes very real to you. As long as you believe you are your mind, then your thoughts will frighten you, scare you and make you do strange things. Will make you hate people, be suspicious, be doubtful. You'll have all kinds of problems. But when you inquire, "For whom is the mind? For whom is the body?" everything stops. You see, the substratum of all existence is bliss. That's the bottom line, simply speaking. The substratum of all existence is bliss. You come from bliss and you go to bliss. It is your real nature. It's like you're watching a movie and in the movie, there are good people and bad people and all kinds of people, yet you watch. You do not get involved in the movie, even though you're watching the movie, you know that it'll have an end and you'll awaken from the movie and you'll get up and go home. Life is like that. Life is a cosmic movie. |
'THERE ARE MANY GURUS - BUT VERY FEW DISCIPLES; GOOD ASPIRANTS ARE NOT AS CHEAP AS BLACKBERRIES' Mother generally liked only two people to live with her at one time, and would not tolerate more than three of us. The usual practice was that when household duties did not cause us to be busy elsewhere we would all sit in her room. Sometimes there would be no conversation but occasionally we would have very interesting ones. Mother had an unending stock of anecdotes and stories to illustrate and impress any point. Her object was always to make it clear to us how in spite of the fact that there were innumerable sadhus, only a very few were in earnest; how they would forget their object only to wander down into bye-lanes, passing the whole of their lives in slumber, as it were. She would say, âI always tell you about the pitfalls so that you may avoid them. If a seeker proceeds along the right Path, however slow he may be - he will surely reach the goalâ it is because he keeps on wandering down the bye-lanes that his journey never ends. It seems to me that these sadhus are like pilgrims who intend to go to Benares but instead of (traveling there) they put their luggage on their heads and roam about in the streets of their own city. All this is only maya.â Mother would never criticize outsiders except before a few chosen few. She would say: âA religious organization on a big scale is bound to fail because good aspirants are not as cheap as blackberries.â She also said, âThere are many gurus but very few good disciples. I rarely come across a sadhu who seems to be following the correct path. All sadhus are moving in the domain of avidya â but can anyone be called a sadhu if he is not earnest in getting beyond this domain?â A very well-known sadhu in Bengal â a highly educated Sanskrit pandit clothes himself like a female, puts on ornaments and calls himself a female friend of Krishna. One gentleman went- to see him and on his return related all that he had seen and all that he did there. After his departure mother laughed at this ludicrous and unnecessary way of sadhana adopted by this Sadhu. She said: "So much energy is being directed to foolish fancies. It is generally with the object of creating an impression on others that most of these people while away their time on such absurdities." |
You know what is the most powerful tool Pakistan has against India ? It's neither the ISI nor the Lashkar, neither the Hizbul nor the Jaish. . It is the powerful coterie of the Lutyen's gang who are ready to support and defend the terrorists with their subtle, sophisticated, intellectual treachery and create a narrative that puts the country's interests under the carpet. . In 1990-93, when Kashmiri Pandits were being killed, raped and forced to leave valley - 500,000 of them, the Lutyen's cabal was either silent or giving it a subtle political colour trying to turn the tables against the KPs for their misfortune. Articles were written and news anchors saying how KPs were occupying disproportionately high number of posts, power and money in the valley, and oppressing the poor Muslims. . In 1999, if there was an organisation that pressured Vajpayee to release the terrorists, it was this Lutyen's coterie which day and night played clips of how angry relatives of 170 odd passengers were against the government and created a narrative that not just the relatives but entire country wanted to secure the passengers and release the terrorists. . Today the same coterie is blaming Atal Ji for yielding to pressure and releasing three deadly terrorists. They have conveniently brushed the fact that it was the constant 24x7 pressure that media created on government to yield to the demands. . In 1999, it was the coterie of Lutyens gang which was broadcasting live the forward and strategic positions of Indian Army during Kargil war. That led to a loss of hundreds of extra soldiers and stretched the war for another couple of weeks. . In 2001 Parliament attack and subsequently, entire Lutyens gang became an apologist of Afzal Guru and peddled a narrative how an innocent Kashmiri was being framed. . In 2006-09, it was this very Lutyen's coterie which fuelled the narrative of Hindu terrorism and Saffron terrorism. Be it Hyderabad attack, Ajmer blast or Samjhauta Express blast, the Lutyen's coterie continued to promote a fictional narrative of Hindu terror to shield Lashkar and Pak based organisations. This, despite the fact that US Intelligence agency clearly stated that it was Pak based groups who did Samjhauta blasts. . In 2008 Mumbai attack, the Lutyens coterie once again started to broadcast every single movement and predicted all government plans live on TV. The handlers were having real time footage and plans of our agencies. . In 2015, the Lutyen's cabal became an apologist of Yakub Memon who killed 300+ people in Mumbai blast. Entire cabal signed his mercy petition, forced the SC to open at 3 am and trying their best to give it a religious/communal angle. . In 2017-18, every time Indian army took strong actions against terrorists or stone pelters, it was this very Lutyen's gang that defended them relentlessly on national television in the name of human rights and peace. . In 2019, once again the Lutyen's cabal is trying to put the blame on Indian Army for their actions in Kashmir. This coterie is trying to paint how Indian Army's oppression is creating terrorists, thereby giving a sophisticated and subtle justification for terrorism. . When that plan hasn't worked, they are now spreading lies and rumours that Kashmiris are being harassed across India. The news of 20 Kashmiri girls being cornered in Dehradoon turned out to be false. This news was a rumour which had its origins in tweets from the same Lutyen's gang. . These are just the major incidents that I have mentioned. If I start to write the details, they have done this treachery every single day in the last 30 years. . If you feel they are just neutral intellectuals who are upholding the values of secularism, human rights and values, you are falling in the same trap that they want you to fall in. They have a very deep and deadly agenda. If you still can't see it, open your eyes. The country has been rendered toothless because of the pressure created by these influential Lutyens coterie that wield immense power, prestige, international support and funding. |
: â Out of the crowded centuries of your experiences, your karma follows you. You have forgotten those habits, but they have not forgotten you. Yogananda explains that karma means material action that is instigated by egoistic desire. It sets into motion the law of cause and effect. The action produces a result that binds itself to the doer until the cause is compensated by the appropriate effect, whether forthcoming immediately or carried over from one life to another. The habits you cultivated in past lives have substantially created your physical, mental, and emotional makeup in this life. When you are reborn, that karma, consisting of all your past thoughts and actions and habits, creates the kind of physical form you will have, not only your appearance but also your personality traits. It is these individually created past-life patterns that make one person different from another, and account for the great variety of human faces and characteristics. The very fact that you are a woman or a man was determined by your self-chosen tendencies in previous lives. Karma is the law of action or cosmic justice, based upon cause and effect. Your every act, good or bad, has a specific effect on your life. The effects of actions in this life remain lodged in the subconsciousness; those brought over from past existences are hidden in the superconsciousness, ready like seeds to germinate under the influence of a suitable environment. Karma decrees that as one sows, so must he inevitably reap. Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma. You alone are responsible for yourself. No one else may answer for your deeds when the final reckoning comes. You work in the world - in the sphere where your karma, your own past activity, has placed you - can be performed only by one person: yourself. Your failure or sickness or other troubles started with unwise actions in past lives, and the effects of those causes have been brewing within, waiting for the right time to bubble over. Disease, health; failure, success; inequalities, equality; early death, long lifeâall these are outgrowths of the seeds of actions we have sown in the past. They cause us to come into this world with varying degrees of goodness or evil within us. So even though God made us in His image, no two people are alike; each has used his God-given free choice to make something different of himself. This is why some people suffer for the slightest reason. Others become angry at the least provocation. And there are those who eat endlessly without any self-control. Did God make them that way? No. Each person has made himself the way he is. There would be no justice in this world if God had arbitrarily made us the way we are. I sometimes think God must be watching in amazement this big zoo of human beings here, blaming Him because they have a headache or a stomachache, or are always getting into trouble. Don't blame God or anyone else if you are suffering from disease, financial problems or emotional upsets. You created the cause of the problem in the past and must make a greater determination to uproot it now. A man takes birth in a certain family, a particular social and national environment, owning to specific causesâhis own past actions. Therefore man is the architect of his own destiny. One can almost predict what he will be in his next life by analyzing his dominant interests and habits in this one. Since all effects or seeds of our past actions, our karma, can be destroyed by roasting them in the fire of meditation and concentration and the light of superconsciousness, and right actions, there is no such thing as fate. You make your own destiny. God has given you independence, and you are free to shut out His power or let it in. When a true yogi performs an action, karmically it is like writing on water. No mark remains. There may be a million years of actions of past lives pursuing you. That is why an ordinary individual finds himself so helpless to destroy the binding effects of his karma. He feels hopelessly bound by those invisible chains, influences resulting from all the actions he chose to perform in past lives, through free will or through prevailing influences. Accumulated bad mass karma precipitates wars, diseases, poverty, devastating earthquakes, and other such calamities. During times of prevalent negative vibratory influences, the individual must thus contend not only with his personal karma, but also with the mass karma affecting the planet on which he lives. In addition to your karma from the past, what are the influences on your present life? World civilization is one of them. In whatever era a man is born, he is influenced by the civilization of that age. If one is born in the eighth century, he is influenced by that century. You are all dressing, for example, according to the present civilization. God is not your judge; you are your own judge. If you act wrongly, you are going to punish yourself. If you act rightly, you will free yourself. That is the justice of the law of karma. You are dictated to neither by God nor His angels, but by the law of action: What you sow, you reap. Anything you hate, you attract to yourself so that you may learn to overcome that prejudice. That is the law. Refuse to be bound by karma; it is an old superstition of the ignorant to believe you cannot change your destiny. Deny karma. Too many people misinterpret the meaning of karma, adopting a fatalistic attitude. You do not have to accept karma. Trials do not come to destroy you, but to help you appreciate God better. God does not send those trials. They are of your own making and are the effects of conscious or unconscious actions in the past, somewhere, sometime. You must blame yourself for these; but do not, as a result, allow yourself to develop an inferiority complex. All you have to do to overcome your trials is to resurrect your consciousness from the environment of spiritual ignorance. When you realize yourself as a child of God, what karma have you? God has no karma. And you have none, when you know you are His child. Every day you should affirm, "I am not a mortal being; I am not the body. I am a child of God." Persons who pass their lifetime satisfying the body and gratifying the ego, unaware of the Divine Image in themselves, amass earthly karma or sins. When they die with those unresolved karmic consequences and with unfulfilled earthly desires, they must reincarnate again and again to resolve all mortal entanglements. Yogananda concludes by saying that we must always remember that our thoughts and our words and our deeds are the threads of the karmic net which we throw around ourselves. |
Mahasunya â the Great Void is alone His Form. But it has to be distinguished from the ordinary void that belongs to the world; where this functions, the Great Void cannot be comprehended. What is and what is not? Yet everything is and is also not â and neither is it not, nor is it. Albeit, to find all by losing all, this is what is wanted. God alone is Truth, Happiness, Bliss. Do not set your hopes on anything except Supreme Beatitude, the Bliss of the Self. Naught else exists. What seems to exist outside of It is merely illusion. Try to find your Self! All this clamouring is but natural to man. He cries out again and in the endeavour to get rid of his sense of emptiness. The true aim of manâs life is to realize God. The question of renunciation arises obviously only in regard to what has to fall away in any case. That which is Eternal that which is Truth has to be embraced. He who is himself bound will ever be attracted to the bound. This is the very nature of the individual. With the help of the Guru one comes to realize the impermanence of things. Everything is possible through the power of the Guru. Even when you feel you have lost patience, do not relax your efforts but try again and again. To your last breath never leave off striving. Pray to Him that you may continue to remain at His Feet all the twenty-four hours. He who has been initiated by a Guru must, under His direction, try to keep his mind every minute of his life engaged in spiritual pursuits, such as worship, japa, meditation, the perusal of sacred texts, kirtan, satsang and the like. Exert yourself to the limit of your power, however feeble it may be. He is there to fulfill what has been left undone. O Will Supreme, Thy Will prevails. The Fountain of Goodness accomplishes everything when the time is ripe. To aspire to That which is Eternal Truth is right for everyone. Of Thee alone must be the spoken word, All else is but futility and pain. |
â Kriya Yoga Master, Yogiraj Siddhanath explains the âWay of the White Swanâ as the evolution of human consciousness, the most comprehensive enterprise ever undertaken by humanity, compared to which the greatest of human achievements pale into insignificance. In the human brain exists the lateral ventricles in the shape of a swan poised in flight, with its wings thrust forward and head pointing to the back as though flying back to the future, faster than light. So in the yogic tradition the human Soul is frequently depicted as a swan in flight. So this swan of life, which symbolizes the Soul is called the Hamsa. The incoming and outgoing breath in a human being represents the two wings of the swan. When a Yogi unites his mind with the inflow and outflow of his casual breath, he enters the natural state of stillness called Sahaj Samadhi. The mystic meaning of Hamsa is âI am merged with the Divineâ. According to him the journey of our Soul (the âWhite Swanâ) is the cycle of involution of human consciousness through mind into matter and its subsequent evolution from matter to mind, back to Self-realization. The path of going forth is called pravritti marg where oneâs consciousness gets involved in the mind, the senses and the material world. Forgetting its true nature, it garners the experiences of life in its state of avid delusion, as it tastes the desires in this university of the material world. It is buffeted by these attractions and repulsions, after being involved in the best of life, and having tasted the joys and miseries thereof. The inner-spirit of the âSoul Swanâ pushes it towards its own evolution, called the nivritti marg, the inward path of return. This is the evolutionary path of renunciation and detachment from the pleasures of samsara. Here our Soul Consciousness, called the âWhite Swan,â begins to withdraw itself from the grosser sheath of matter to the subtler spheres of mind. The âSoul Swanâ has begun its inner yogic ascent through ever more refined and ever more expanded spheres of consciousness until it gets to the âDivine indwellerâ which lies at the very core of its own being. Then our consciousness expands beyond our own being to the boundless Godessence of the infinite reality. He says that the vital breath gifted to us at birth and withdrawn at death is therefore divine consciousness in motion. So through our Kriya Yoga practice we must walk the bridge of our breath to merge into the Infinite......â |
'Kashmir is an integral part of India'. I have heard this line parroted by leaders of all political hues. It has always sounded like an arbitrary statement designed to rebuff Pakistan, and to reaffirm India's military might over a coveted geographical area. *Recently I came across facts that have changed my perspective on Kashmir totally.* Facts that have astounded me.. But more than that baffled me, for they reveal *glaring lacunae in the history we have been led to believe* so far. Understandable that the *British established a syllabus for us that was designed to obliterate our glories and inculcate shame in us for all things Indian. But, 70 years past independence, *we are guilty of still toeing their line.* Why????? The facts I speak of are proof that *Kashmir is the fountainhead from which flows our culture,in fact, everything that defines our identity as Indians.* Due to my education at an elite school, I had considered myself reasonably well informed. *Yet, I had no clue at all about the significance of Kashmir vis a vis Indian history and that it was home to Panini, whose *Ashtadhyayi* is considered the most *scientific and flawless treatise on grammar* in the world.. *Patanjali, who gifted to humanity his Yog Sutra.* *Sharangdev, considered the father of both Hindustani and Carnatic music.* *Acharya Abhinav Gupt*, one of the greatest scholars of all times, *who wrote 46 literary classics,* including the renowned Abhinav Bharti.. *His principles of Ras are being taught in 80 universities around the world.* *Kashmir was considered the abode of Saraswati, the highest seat of learning in India* and was also referred to as Sharda Peeth. So much so that *when students graduated from Kashi, they took 4 symbolic steps towards Kashmir, denoting their aspiration for higher learning.* Almost the *entire body of Sanskrit literature* has its origins in Kashmir. Rajtarangini, an authoritative *historical tome on the royal lineage of Kashmir,* written by Kalhans in the 12th century, outlines the greatness of *King Lalitaditya,* possibly the most powerful Indian Emperor of all times, whose *kingdom in the 8th century extended* from the Caspian Sea in the North to the Kaveri basin in the South, and included Assam in the East. *How many Indians* have even *heard his name???* How many of us know that *Srinagar* was *established by Ashoka ?* That *Mahayana Buddhism was spread* across Mid Asia, China and Japan *by Kashmiri monks?* Who are these *educationists* who are *deliberately withholding such vital slices* of history from our textbooks? How will the present as well as future generations realize that *Kashmir is the keystone of our heritage* through millennia, finding mention even in our oldest scriptures? *It is not just a piece of land. It is the abode of the soul of India*. *"Kashmir is an integral part of India" now has a new meaning for me. It is no longer a statement, but an impassioned understanding of its importance.*đ |