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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
Hi Dear All, This is to Inform You All that Our Beloved and Well Known Friend Mr 2021 is Retiring on the 31st of this Month. His 12 Wives, 52 Children and 365 Grand Children will be Attending the Grand Send Off on Friday, the 31st December at 23.59 Hrs. However, His Family Members asked Me to Inform You that He is Retiring with ALL Your Problems, Sickness, Disappointments, Frustration, Untimely Death, Shame, Disgrace, Barrenness, Discouragement, Failure, and Rejection. Yet, His Successor - Mr 2022 asked Me to Inform You that, He is Going to Compensate You with :- Long Life, Good Health, Wealth, Love, Abundant Blessings, Peace, Joy, Righteousness, Promotion, Prosperity God's Blessings 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 |
The dialogue, one evening, was started by a young Canadian, wearing a Lungi and a thin Kurta. He said he was twenty-three, but looked barely out of his teens. He wore around his neck an elegant little silver cross on a dainty chain. He said he had come across the book I Am That in a bookshop in Bombay a couple of days ago, A cursory glance at a few pages impelled in him a desire to meet Maharaj personally. He had already gone through the book reading almost continuously, through the afternoon, evening and night, and had finished both the volumes only a few hours ago. Maharaj: You are so young. I wonder since what age you have been interested in the spiritual quest. Visitor: Sir, ever since I remember I have been deeply interested in Love and God. And I strongly felt that they are not different. When I sit in meditation, I often....... M: Wait a moment. What exactly do you mean by meditation? V: I don't really know. All I do is to sit cross-legged, close my eyes, and remain absolutely quiet. I find my body relaxing, almost melting away, and my mind, or being or whatever merging into space, and the thought-process getting gradually suspended. M: That's good. Please proceed. V: Quite often, during meditation, an overwhelming feeling of ecstatic love arises in my heart together with an effusion of well-being. I do not know what it is. It is during one such spell that I felt inspired to visit India — and here I am. M: How long will you be in Bombay? V: I really don't know. I rarely make any plans. I have sufficient money to live frugally for about fifteen days, and I have my return ticket. M: Now tell me, what is it exactly that you want to know. Do you have any specific questions? V: I was a very confused man when I landed in Bombay. I felt I was almost going out of my mind. I really don't know what took me to the bookshop because I don't do much reading. The moment I picked up the first volume of I Am That, I experienced the same overpowering feeling that I get during my meditation. As I went on reading the book a weight seemed to lift off from within me, and, as I am sitting here before you, I feel as if I am talking to myself. And what I am saying to myself seems like blasphemy. I was convinced that love is God. But now I think that love is surely a concept and if love is a concept God also must be a concept. M: So, what is wrong in it? V: (Laughing) Now, if you put it like that I have no feeling of guilt in transforming God into a concept. M: Actually, you said love is God. What do you mean by the word 'love'. Do you mean 'love' as the opposite of 'hate'? Or, do you mean something else, although, of course, no word can be adequate to describe 'God'. V: No. No. By the word 'love' I certainly do not mean the opposite of 'hate'. What I mean is that love is abstaining from discrimination as 'me' and the 'other'. M: In other words, unity of being? V: Yes, indeed. What then is 'God' to whom l am expected to pray? M: Let us talk about prayer later. Now then, what exactly is this 'God' you are talking about? Is he not the very consciousness—the sense of 'being' that one has—because of which you are able to ask questions? I am' itself is God. What is it that you love most? Is it not this 'I am', the conscious presence which you want to preserve at any cost? The seeking itself is God. In seeking you discover that 'you' are apart from this body-mind complex. If you were not conscious, would the world exist for you? Would there be any idea of a God? And, the consciousness in you and the consciousness in me — are they different? Are they not separate only as concepts, seeking unity unconceived, and is that not love? V: Now, I understand what is meant by 'God is nearer to me than I am to myself'. M: Also remember, there can be no proof of Reality other than being it. Indeed you are it, and have always been. Consciousness leaves with the end of the body (and is therefore time-bound) and with it leaves the duality which is the basis of consciousness and manifestation. V: What then is prayer, and what is its purpose? M: Prayer, as it is generally understood, is nothing but begging for something. Actually, prayer means communion-uniting-Yoga. V: Everything is so clear now, as if a great deal of rubbish has been suddenly thrown out of my system, blown out of existence. M: Do you mean that you now seem to see everything clearly? V: No. No! Not 'seems'. It is clear, so clear that I am now amazed that it was not clear at any time. Various statements that I had read in the Bible, which seemed important but vague before, are now crystal clear— statements like: Before Abraham was I am; I and my father are one; I am that I am. M: Good. Now that you know what it is all about, what Sadhana will you do to obtain liberation from your 'bondage'? V: Ah! Maharaj. Now you are surely making fun of me. Or, are you testing me? Surely, now I know and have realized that I am that —I am, which I have always been and which I shall always be. What is left to be done? Or, undone? And who is to do it? And for what purpose? M: Excellent! Just be. V: I shall, indeed. Then, the young Canadian prostrated before Maharaj, his eyes brimming with tears of gratitude and joy. Maharaj asked him if he would be coming again, and the lad said: "Honestly, I don't know." When he left, Maharaj sat for a while with his eyes closed, the gentlest of smiles on his lips. He then said very softly: "A rare one"; I could barely catch the words. |
An 81-year-old elderly woman, lying on the bed, said to her 83-year-old elderly husband: "Listen.. I just looked out the window and thought the garage light was on. Will you go and turn off the garage light?" The old man got up from the bed with great difficulty, opened the door and came out and saw five or six thieves trying to break into his garage door. , The elder called the nearest police station from there. "Look... write my address. We're the only two elderly husband and wife at home. Right now five or six burglars have attacked my garage and are breaking into the garage door. Send a police team quickly"🥲 , From the other side came the dispatcher's voice: "We've written your address. Don't worry. We don't have any free teams right now. As soon as we get in touch with a team, I'll send them to your home."😀 , Hearing this, the elders wished some serious bloodletting. on the other hand, thieves were still engaged in breaking the lock of his garage. Two minutes later, the elder again called the police station: "Listen... there's no need to send anyone now. I've shot all those five thieves..."😎😎 , There was panic as soon as the old man's phone came to the police station again. Within five minutes, a police team, along with a helicopter, a paramedic, three doctors and two ambulances, reached the old man's house. Those thieves were soon overpowered and the five thieves were arrested. Later the in-charge of the police team reached the elder and said: "You said that you shot those five thieves, but we caught them alive?" , The old man replied: "And you also said that none of your teams are free now." Don't underestimate Sr. citizens............ ️ |
Always look for, " What is wrong? " Before looking for " Who is wrong" ? This keep ur relationship safe and Strong. Every little smile touch somebody's heart. No one is born happily. But, all of us born with ability to create happiness. Keep on going..... Everything come to u at perfect moment. The size of ur problem is nothing when u compared with ur ability to find a solution. Don't over estimate ur problem, and under estimate your self to solve them. A thousand disappointments in the past cannot be equal to the power of one sincere positive action at right now. No matter or how deep ur pain,, no matter how many times ur failures are, they cannot defeat The GREATNESS of GOD who loves u at every moment and escort u always. Fix ur goals with rewards. Visuaise ur goals. Compete with ur self not with others under any circumstances,. Enhancev ur power and capabilities. Use concept of NEURONS. Teach to others what lesson u learn. Anger is the feeling that makes ur mouth to work faster than ur mind. So be always to maintain Patience with silence to create two types of energies. Patience makes u mentally strong and Silence makes u emotionally to create peace in dark worst situation to face. |
Did you know, that as per Indian *Panchang* system, each year has a specific name? And that each name has a meaning? There are *60* names of years *(Samvatsars)*. Each name replays after 60 years. The year typically begins in *mid-April*.* The year 2019-20 was named *‘Vikari’*, that lived up to its name by being a *‘illness’ year!* The year 2020-21 was named *‘Sharvari’,* meaning *darkness*, and it did push the world into a dark phase! Now the *‘Plava’* year (2021-22) is beginning. ‘Plava’ means, *"that - which ferries us across".* The *Varaha Samhita* says: this will ferry the world across unbearable difficulties and reach us to a state of glory. And take us from *darkness to light!* The year 2022-23 is named *‘Shubhkrut’,* meaning that which *creates auspiciousness.* *We can now look forward and expect to have a better tomorrow* 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 Believe it or not *Sanatan Dharma* is thus far the most *scientific, practical and inclusive* of all systems in existence today. Our *Rishis* and *Munis* could accurately predict when modern day gadgets and equipments were non existent. *Proud to belong to the land of diversity and brotherhood*🙏 |
Merry Christmas to my family and friends here and all over the world . May the Christ consciousness unite us all and lift the darkness of division fallen upon us. Wishing you the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of His love at Christmas and always. Nativity Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian (AD 306-373) The feast day of your birth resembles You, Lord Because it brings joy to all humanity. Old people and infants alike enjoy your day. Your day is celebrated from generation to generation. Kings and emperors may pass away, And the festivals to commemorate them soon lapse. But your festival will be remembered until the end of time. Your day is a means and a pledge of peace. At Your birth heaven and earth were reconciled, Since you came from heaven to earth on that day You forgave our sins and wiped away our guilt. You gave us so many gifts on the day of your birth: A treasure chest of spiritual medicines for the sick; Spiritual light for the blind; The cup of salvation for the thirsty; The bread of life for the hungry. In the winter when trees are bare, You give us the most succulent spiritual fruit. In the frost when the earth is barren, You bring new hope to our souls. In December when seeds are hidden in the soil, The staff of life springs forth from the virgin womb. |
Sit for 10 mins before a *drunkard* - you will feel life is very easy. Sit for 10 mins before *sadhus & sanyasis* - you will feel like gifting away everything in charity. Sit for 10 mins before a *Leader* - you will feel all your studies are useless. Sit for 10 mins before a *Life insurance agent* - you will feel that it is better to die. Sit for 10 mins before *Traders* - you will feel your earnings are too meager. Sit for 10 mins before *Scientists* - you will feel the enormity of your own ignorance. Sit for 10 mins before *Good teachers* - you will feel like wanting to become a student again. Sit for 10 mins before a *Farmer or a worker* - you will feel you are not working hard enough. Sit for 10 mins before a *Soldier* - you will feel your own services & sacrifices are insignificant. *Last but best one 👍* Sit for 10 mins before a *Good friend* - you will feel your life is heaven! *From a friend:* Sit for 10 mins before *Your Wife* - U WILL FEEL U R THE MOST USELESS PERSON ON EARTH …!! 😂 *Company Matters!!!!*🤓🤓🤓 |
1. " Coincidence is GOD's way of remaining Anonymous.........". 2. " If you want to make God Laugh, tell him about your Plans......'. 3. " Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the Doctor who MENDS it, but also the FATHER who Wipes away the Tears......". 4. " When God is going to do something Wonderful, He or She always starts with a hardship; when God is going to do something AMAZING, He or She starts with an Impossibility.......". 5. " A Lonely Day is God's way of saying that he wants to spend some Quality Time with YOU........" 6. " GOD - Answers ALL Prayers. But sometimes - His Answer is "NO"......." AND... 7. " Never forget that God is your FRIEND. And like all Friends, He Longs to hear what's been happening in your Life. Good or bad, whether it's been full of sorrow or anger, or even when you're questioning why terrible things have to happen. Be In Conversation with HIM - ALWAYS......". SO TRUE.... |
A young English sadhaka who had studied philosophy at the Benares Hindu University had a talk with Mataji before returning to his country. Amongst other things, Mataji said to him: "Meditate on God all the time, whatever you may do, wherever you may be. Remember, whatever you see, whatever you hear, is his manifestation. Pain exists because you believe yourself to be separate. Don't consider anyone as separate from yourself. Regard everyone as your friend. Consider yourself to be God's tool (yantra) and think that He is moving you. Dedicate yourself entirely to Him, feel all the time that He is doing everything. Even when you walk, feel that He is moving your legs. Whatever work you do, offer it to Him, then you will be incapable of any baseness, for how can you offer anything ugly to your Beloved. The little knowledge you possess, you have to give up to Him and in return, because there is nothing left, He will give you all. |
1. " The best way to FIND yourself is to LOSE yourself in the Service of OTHERS..." - Mahatma Gandhi 2. " At the End of life we Will NOT be JUDGED by how many diplomas we have Received, how much Money we have made, how many Great things we have done. We WILL BE JUDGED BY "I was Hungry, and you GAVE me something to EAT, I was NAKED and you CLOTHED me. I was HOMELESS, and you TOOK ME IN....." Mother Teresa 3. " Remember that yours is NOT THE ONLY HEART that may be WISHING for LOVE......" 4. " If you can't do GREAT THING, DO LITTLE THINGS with GREAT LOVE. If you can't do them with GREAT LOVE, DO THEM with a LITTLE LOVE. If you can't do them with a LITTLE LOVE, DO THEM ANYWAY. Love GROWS when people SERVE..." AND YES THE MOST IMPORTANT OF THEM ALL ; " In the END, the number of PRAYERS WE SAY may CONTRIBUTE to our HAPPINESS, BUT the number of PRAYERS WE ANSWER may be OF EVEN GREATER IMPORTANCE........" SO VERY TRUE........ |