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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
1. " A Truth that's told with a bad intent, beats ALL the lies that you can invent..." 2. " You DO NOT write your Life with words...You Write it with Actions. What you think is NOT important. It is ONLY Important - What you DO......" 3. " Be KIND - For EVERYONE you meet...is Fighting a Hard Battle....." 4. " It is Better to be hated for what you ARE - Than to be Loved for what you are NOT....." 5. " LIFE - Is - what HAPPENS to you, whilst you are busy making other Plans...." In the words of the ONE and ONLY - MARILYN MONROE... 6. " This life is what YOU MAKE IT. No matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a Universal Truth. But the Good part is YOU get to Decide how you're going to mess it up. People will be your friends - they'll ACT like it anyway. But just REMEMBER, some come, some go. The ones that STAY With You Through EVERYTHING - they're your TRUE BEST FRIENDS. Don't Let go of them. As for Lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And baby, I hate to say it, Most of them - actually pretty much All of them - Are going to Break your Heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your SOULMATE. You'll never find THAT HALF who makes you WHOLE and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, Doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep Trying, HOLD ON, and Always, ALWAYS, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, because if you don't, then who will, Sweetie? So Keep your Head High, Keep your Chin Up, and Most Importantly, KEEP SMILING, because Life's a Beautiful Thing and there's SO MUCH to Smile About....." SO VERY TRUE...... |
"God supplies quickly any need of His devotees, because they have eliminated the thwarting cross -currents of ego," the Master said. "In the early days of the Mt. Washington Center, a mortgage payment was due; but we had no money in the bank. I prayed very deeply, telling the Lord, 'The welfare of the organization is in Thy hands.'" "The Divine Mother appeared before me. She said in English: 'I am your stocks and bonds; I am your security.' A few days later I received in the mail a large donation for the Center." "Make an effort to earn more so that you can be the means of helping others to help themselves; There is an unwritten law that he who helps others to abundance and happiness always will be helped in return, and he will become more and more prosperous and happy. This is an infallible law of happiness." |
wishes and blessings . 💖💖💖 You are not your age, Nor the size of clothes you wear, You are not a weight, Or the colour of your hair. You are not your name, Or the dimples in your cheeks, You are all the books you read, And all the words you speak, You are your croaky morning voice, And the smiles you try to hide, You’re the sweetness in your laughter, And every tear you’ve cried, You’re the songs you sing so loudly, When you know you’re all alone, You’re the places that you’ve been to, And the one that you call home, You’re the things that you believe in, And the people that you love, You’re the photos in your bedroom,And the future you dream of, You’re made of so much beauty, But it seems that you forgot,When you decided that you were defined, By all the things you’re not......🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 |
Sannyasa is the giving up of the ego. Even though a person may be living as a householder in the family circle, the various occurrences of the world will not affect him if his ego is surrendered. Just like dream experiences do not really affect us. As he quietly lies in his bed, a man dreams he is in water, but his bed is not really wet. On the other hand, a person in the sannyasa ashram, yet who is still attached to the body, is a karmi (person of action, not renunciation). So long as anyone thinks that they are a sannyasin, they are not one. So long as one does not think of world-illusion, one is not worldly but is a real sannyasin. The patients must themselves take the medicine prescribed by the doctor to be cured of illness. So too, the guru prescribes the path, but the aspirants must themselves follow it. |
“ What is that seat which is the safe asylum without pains? What is that imperishable state without the pang of re-births? Is it not this, that above all should be soon sought after? When shall I be able to secure and rest for a long time in that non-dual immaculate Brahmic seat without any Sankalpa of the mind, like clouds in the top of the Mount Mahameru ? When shall I be able to rid my mind of the wealth of material enjoyments, which mind after having exhausted one, yet craves for another in an agitated state? When shall I be able to cross, through the instrumentality of the vessel of my intelligence, this ocean of my desires with its seething billows of the mind with its egoism ? |
There is mind to guide our body. There is soul to guide our mind. There are other souls and the Supreme Soul to guide our soul. Our mind is ready to be the master of our body but is not ready to accept soul as his master. An unguided mind is like a stag of twelve horns who always find himself trapped in bushes. Our mind can perceive what is within limits of our five senses but our soul can perceive what is beyond the limits of our mind. The choice of mind and soul differs. Learn to say sorry to self and our near and dear ones. Learn to take a U-turn before it is too late. Otherwise suppressed feelings and thoughts creates pressure points or stress in our body, which later manifest as ailments causing sufferings. |
Maharaj: Ultimately, you are responsible for your form, because of your beingness you are the sufferer. In ignorance you are told, worship God and so on. In the knowledgeable state, you know yourself, so there is no need. You don’t like my talks; you take yourself to be a man and this or that, so you feel justified. So long there is ‘I am the body’ concept there can be no realization. Transcend, become a seeker, but those who follow spiritual ideas and still take their body to be real, they are reborn. In the first stage get convinced that you are not the body. Because of Sattva, sleep, waking and beingness appear, but when you come to know that you are not there, then what? If you don’t take into consideration your parents, will you be able to find yourself? Our parents are the capital from which we find ourselves. You have to realize that the states sleep, waking and beingness start with parents. You must realize that your falseness begins with your parents. For the appearance of your form, what did your parents donate or contribute? This is not to be said, just known. Your parents contributed something for your form to appear. They contributed a part of the body, so the form appeared. All people are a picture of the bliss their parents enjoyed. We serve our knowledge; we do everything for that only. All activities are done by the knowledge ‘I am’. The Ganges flows from Lord Shankara’s head, ‘Ganges’ is knowledge through the five sense organs. Brahma is depicted with four heads; these represent the four types of speech, Para (source word), Pashyanti (intangible word), Madhyama (tangible word or thought) and Vaikhari (Spoken word). For instance, you compose poems from within Para and Pashyanti, they rise to the mind (Madhyama), and then you recite (Vaikhari) them. I can’t give you knowledge to make a living, but it can help you rise up in the world. People whose mind is still without any words, for them self-knowledge will be easier. If after listening to my talks your mind is still active, then self-knowledge is far-off. You may sit quietly, but if your mind goes on wandering here and there, that would indicate that you are not fit enough to have self knowledge. The mind must be absolutely still or quiet, no thoughts at all. |
In my (approach to) spirituality there is nothing to gain and nothing to lose; there is only to know. Benefits have no use, as you have no form. Throw away whatever you have understood. For knowledge of the Self, just keep silent and discriminate. You are not the body; you are not the consciousness. One who says, ‘I am not the consciousness’ must be you only. All we need to know is that consciousness comes with the body and in the end it forgets that ‘it is’. There is no such thing as death. How can you be the transient consciousness? Krishna says: ‘I am the knowingness in all manifestations. I am everywhere. All the manifestations are My manifestations’. It is a river of consciousness. The sages talk about how the One who speaks is. When you wake up in the morning, the holy sight of God comes to you unexpectedly. When you realize your manifestation, you will understand that what happens is so by the virtue of That only. Hold onto consciousness. There is no God other than that. The knowledge is of your Self. It is best received by listening. It is of the greatest importance. The Lord in you is trapped by concepts. He becomes free through listening. This removes all obstructions. One is bound by body-consciousness. Listening cuts off identification with the body. Be convinced that the consciousness in you is the movement of the Guru. The sense ‘I am’ comes when you wake up. Consciousness arises. God manifests as your sense ‘I am’. You have put Him in trouble by believing that He is the body. Your consciousness is your true nature. Surrender yourself to consciousness. (This is non-dual devotion. It is true meditation. Sit comfortably with eyes closed and without movement. Observe your beingness with a passive mind until you forget your body-consciousness.) The myriad existences are nothing but the manifestation of your consciousness. You take yourself to be of the nature of the body. Is it the power of consciousness that makes you believe so? Maya and God exist together. They are not separate. In yoga, they take prana to the cerebral cortex (by breathing exercises). However, the greatest yoga is the knowledge of the Self. The word of the Guru is the perfect manifestation of God. Only the enlightened one can talk about Self-realization. It is only possible when the Guru’s words are followed: ‘you are shapeless, formless, pure consciousness’. The five elements are clean and pure. Atman is a result of the unity of the five elements. Get merged into the blue shade of the Absolute. You can call it an idol or an ocean; whatever you choose it would be that. In samadhi there is no sense of bliss. The joy is felt after the samadhi ends. You should reach the point where the Guru-word is never forgotten. Different foods, because of different qualities, have different effects on the mind. The aspirant is advised to take simple food in the initial stage. Ultimately, you should realize that your true nature is untouched by the quality of food. The steady state is without birth. One who is born has movement. Go on remembering the Self, then all conflicts will vanish and result in silence. That is the greatest worship. No experience will stain you. All I see and sense is myself only. It is the knowledge ‘I am’. The Self is beyond thought. The first dawning of wakefulness in the morning is without word. We are prior to any word. The power of prana is the primordial maya. When one is diligent in following the Guru’s words, all difficulties are resolved. Keep hold of the words ‘I am pure Brahman’. With persistent devotion that will become Parabrahman. |
Once, at the end of a rather long dialogue-cum-discourse session, during which Maharaj repeatedly brought his listeners to the basic point of his teaching (that the conscious presence, 'I am', is the original concept on which everything else appears, and that this concept itself is only an illusion) he asked the question: Have you understood what I am trying to say? This question was addressed to the listeners generally. All were silent, but one among them said: "Yes Maharaj, I have understood your words intellectually, but.. . ." Maharaj heard the answer and smiled wearily, perhaps because he was amused by the fact that the speaker, though he said he understood, had not really understood. He then proceeded further to explain the subject lucidly in a categorical manner as follows: 1. The knowledge I am or consciousness is the only "capital' a sentient being has. Indeed, without consciousness he would not have any sentience. 2. When this I-am-ness is not present, as in deep sleep, there is no body, no outside world, and no 'God'. It is evident that a tiny speck of this consciousness contains the entire universe. 3. Nevertheless, consciousness cannot exist without a physical body, and existence of the body being temporal, consciousness also must be temporal. 4. Finally, if consciousness is time-bound and is not eternal, any knowledge that is acquired through the medium of consciousness cannot be the truth and is, therefore, ultimately to be rejected, or, as I said, to be offered to Brahman as an oblation—Brahman being consciousness, beingness, I- am-ness, or Ishwara, or God, or whatever name you give it. In other words, the inter-related opposites, both knowledge and ignorance, are in the area of the known and, therefore, not the truth — and truth is only in the unknown. Once this is clearly understood, nothing more remains to be done. Indeed there is really no 'entity' to do anything. After uttering these words Maharaj became silent and closed his eyes. The little loft-room seemed to be submerged into an effulgent peace. Not a word was spoken by anybody. Why is it, I wondered, that most of us are unable to see and feel the dynamic manifestation of truth presented by Maharaj time and again. And why some of us — though very few — see it in a flash. After some time, when Maharaj opened his eyes and we all reverted to the normal state, someone drew his attention to the poor, blind young man who had recently attended his talks only twice, in the morning and again the same evening, and had gone back 'liberated'. At the end of the session, when this young man bade goodbye to Maharaj, he was asked whether he had understood what it was all about and he had said confidently: "Yes". When Maharaj himself asked him what he had understood,, he sat quietly for a few moments, and then spoke: Maharaj, I do not have the right words to express my feelings of gratitude to you for making the whole picture so very clear to me, so simply, and so quickly. I can summarize your teaching: 1. You asked me to remember what I was before I had this knowledge 'I am' together with the body, i.e., before I was 'born'; 2. You told me that this body-cum-consciousness had come upon me without my knowledge or concurrence, therefore 'I' had never been 'born'; 3. This body-cum-consciousness that is 'born' is time-bound and, when it disappears at the end of its allotted span, I shall be back in my original state, which is always present, but not in manifestation; 4. Therefore, I am not consciousness, and certainly not the physical construct which houses this consciousness; 5. Finally, I understand that there is only 'I' — neither 'me', nor 'mine', nor 'you' — only that which is. There is no bondage other than the concept of a separate 'me' and 'mine' in this totality of manifestation and functioning. After hearing these words from the blind youth, uttered with absolute conviction, Maharaj had given him a look of understanding and love, and had asked him: "Now what will you be doing?" The answer was: "Sir, I have understood you truly. I will be doing nothing. 'Living' will go on." He then paid his respects to Maharaj with great adoration and left. The blind young man was not really blind, said Maharaj. He had the true vision. There are few like him. |
~ You wake up early morning trying to do your Pooja / Prayers /Yoga but your mind is elsewhere and before you know it, you're done with it, without being mindful of it. (A leaking bucket) ~ You're very kind to outsiders / people in general and speak with them gently, but with your own family you're always harsh / rude. (A leaking bucket) ~ You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws. (A leaking bucket) ~ You try to read as much religious books, listen to Satsang /Keertan, participate in social services/ Sewa but you swear, insult, curse daily. (A leaking bucket) ~ You help others but you're doing it to gain something in return from them and not doing those acts of kindness selflessly. (A leaking bucket) ~ You frequently advice/preach others, but practice none yourself. (A leaking bucket) ~ You slander other devout persons out of hatred/spite when your views do not meet one another. (A leaking bucket) ~ You look down on others and feel more superior than them, judging their level of knowledge, based on external appearances, even hating them because they are different....(A huge leaking bucket) *We struggle to fill our "lives"(the bucket) with "earnings" of religion and knowledge (the water), hoping it will retain inside but it is leaked by the many flaws (the holes) that we commit daily.* An excellent reminder to meditate, meditate and meditate every day to come out of all these flaws so to steadily progress on our path with Gurujis blessings |