Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/sindbad/day/8-16-2021
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
August 16, 2021 at 4:23am
August 16, 2021 at 4:23am

′′ * I will come back hoisting the tricolor or wrapped in the tricolour, but I will definitely come back. *"
- Captain Vikram Batra,
The ultimate heroic chakra

′′ * What is an extraordinary adventure of a lifetime for you, is our daily life. * ′′
- Signboard on Leh-Ladakh Highway (Indian Army)

′′ * If my death comes before proving my bravery, then I swear that I will kill death. *"
- Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey,
Param Veer Chakra, 1/11 Gorkha Rifles

′′ * Our flag does not fly because the wind is blowing, it flies with the last breath of every soldier who sacrificed his life in its protection. *"
- Indian Army

′′ * You must be nice to get us, you must be sharp to catch us, but you must be a child to win us. *"
- Indian Army

′′ * God have mercy on our enemies, because we will not. "*
- Indian Army

′′ * Our living is our coincidence, our love is our choice, our killing is our business. *
- Officers Training Academy, Chennai

′′ * If a person says that he is not afraid of death, he must be either lying or he belongs to the Indian Army. *"
- Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw

′′ * It is God's job to forgive terrorists, but it is our job to make them meet God. *"
- Indian Army

′′ * We regret that we only have one life to give to our country. *"

Jai Hind......

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