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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
Question: Which of the two is better - to break down the door and enter, or, having broken down the ego, to remain lying in the doorway? Answer: In the first instance the ego still has confidence in its own power and capacity, while in the second it is a case of self-surrender - and therefore He is sure to let you see the Light Eternal through the open door. Question: Am I right to believe that you are God? Answer: There is nothing save Him alone, everyone and everything are but forms of God. In your person, also He has come here now to give darshan. Question: Then why are you in this world? Answer: In this world? I am not anywhere. I am myself reposing within myself. Question: What is your work? Answer: I have no work. For whom can I work since there is only One? Question: Why am I in the world? Answer: He plays in infinite ways. It is His pleasure to play as He does. Question: But I, why am I in the world? Answer: That is what I have been telling you. All is He, He plays in countless forms and ways. However, in order to find out for yourself why you are in the world, to find out who you are in reality, there are various sadhanas. You study and you pass your exams, you earn money and enjoy spending it. But all this is within the realm of death, in which you continue for life after life, repeating the same thing again and again. But there is another path too, the path of Immortality; which leads to the knowledge of what you really are. Question: Can anyone help me in this or must I find it out for myself? Answer: The professor can teach you only if you have the capacity to learn. Of course he can give you help but you must be able to respond, you must have it in you to grasp what he teaches. Question: Which is the best path to Self-knowledge? Answer: All paths are good. It depends on a man's samskaras, his conditioning, the tendencies he has brought with him from previous births. Just as one can travel to the same place by plane, railway, car or cycle, so also different lines of approach suit different types of people. But the best path is the one that the Guru indicates. Question: When there is only One, why are there so many different religions in the world? Answer: Because He is infinite, there is an infinite variety of conceptions of Him and an endless variety of paths to Him. He is everything, every kind of belief and also the disbelief of the atheist. Your belief in non-belief is also a belief. When you speak of disbelief, it implies that you admit belief. He is in all forms and yet He is formless. Question: From what you have said, I gather that you consider the formless nearer to Truth than God with form? Answer: Is ice anything but water? Form is just as much He as the formless. To say that there is only one Self and that all forms are illusion would imply that the Formless was nearer to Truth than God-with-Form. But this body declares that every form and the formless are He and He alone. Question: What have you to say about those who insist that only one religion is the right one. Answer: All religions are paths to Him. Questioner: I am a Christian . Answer: So am I a Christian, a Muslim, anything you like. Question: Would it be right for me to become a Hindu, or is my approach by the Christian way? Answer: If you are fated to become a Hindu, it will happen in any case -just as you cannot ask: "What will happen in case of a car accident?" When the accident occurs, you will see. Two blind men came. One asked: “How does one get the vision of God? Tell me the easiest way to it?” Ma: By seeking Him for His own sake. Question: Which is better, devotion or the path of knowledge? Ma: Adhere to God’s Name. Repeat His Name day and night and get engrossed in the sweetness of His Name. The second blind man: Mataji, give me your blessing. Ma: Pray to God and you will feel His blessing. A lady: You said: “Seek God for His own sake”. But if one seeks Him with selfishness, will he also attain to Him? Ma: Of course, if you seek God —with whatever motive— you will get something of Him, and if you pray for anything of this world you will also get it. But these things are not worth asking for. One should not seek God with any motive, but only for His own sake. Seek God because it is your nature to do so, because you cannot remain without Him. Whether and when He reveals Himself to you is His affair. Yours is to call out to Him constantly, not to waste your energy on anything else. It is not right to compare and reason saying: “Such and such a person has done sadhana for so many years and yet has not got anywhere”. How can you judge what is happening to anyone inwardly? Sometimes it seems that a person who does sadhana seems to have changed for the worse. But how do you know that this tendency has not always been in him and has now come out so that it may be dealt with and purified as a result of his endeavors? To say: “I have done so much sadhana but have not been transformed”, is also the wrong attitude. Yours is only to seek God and call out to Him unceasingly and not look to the result of what you are doing. The Lady: Sometimes I feel desperate because I don’t seem to be able to progress. Mataji: You get desperate when you have desires and they remain unfulfilled. But when you aspire to God for His own sake how can you be desperate? |